Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/638

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§ 16 I d TITLE 21.--—FO4 oae to the health of the people of the United States, or ta of a `kind forbidden entry into, or forbidden to be sold or K0- strieted in sale inane cmmtry in which lt is made. or from which it ie exported, or is  » pfalxly labeled in any respect, the said article shall be refused admission, and- the Secretary ot the ’1‘reasm·y— shall refuse, delivery to the eon4 eianee and eehall caum the destmction of any. goods refused defivery which shall not be exported by, the within three months from the date of notice of such refusal under sueh `regalatioes as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe.) The Secretary of the Treasury may, however, deliver to the coasigneelsuch éoods pending examination and decision in the matter oaf execution of .a penal bond for the amount of the full invoice value of such goods, together with the duty thereon, and on ·retusarto retard such goods for any cause to the custody of the Secretary of the Treasury, when demanded, for the purpose . of excluding them from the country, or for any other; purpose, A said consiguee shall forfeit the lull amount of the bond. All charges fo; storage, tcartage, and labor on goigs which are refus admission. or deliveryshall be paid by eowner or cohsignee, and in default of such pay- ment shall eonstitute a lien against any future importation made by such owueror consignee. (June 30, 1906, c. 3915, :§ 11, 34 §tat. 772.) · Y ` _ I _— · *"“ 15; Introduction into, or sale;. in, States or Territory ‘or District of Colua1H•— of dairy or food prodhotse falsely labeled or hraddede-—No person or persons, rompany or o corporation, shall introduce into · any State or Territory of the United States or the District of Columbia from any other State or Territory of the United States or the District of’Columb1a,” or sell in the District of Columbia or in any-Territory any dairy or food products which shall he falsely labeled or branded as to the State or Territory in vrhich they are made, produced, or grovrn, or cause or proetrre the ·· same to he done by others; J (July.1,'1902, c; 1357, ,5 1, 32 Stat. 632.) · W U 17. Samegpenaltyi jurisdietion- offprosecutions.-—-It any per? son or persons violate the provisions of seetion of this title, eltzher in person or Ythroixgh another, he sha1l" guilt.y of a misdeiaeanor and__shalrbe_ punished by a Jine of not less than $59t} nor more than $2,000. _ The jorisdiction I for the prosecution et ea.ld»mis,demeai1or shall be. within the district `of the United States court in which it iaconimitted. · (July 1, 1902, c. 1357, ,5 2,32 Stat: 632.) U _‘ L _ ,18. 'Suspeasioa of U importation of adulterated. articles.- Whenever the President is satisded that there Tis reason to believe that any importation is being made, or is about tobe made, into the United States, from Qauyjorelgu cotmtry, of anyiarticle used for human Iood or drinkthat is adnlterated to an extent dangerous to the health or welfare of the people of the United States, or any of them, he may issue his proclai mation suspending the importationof such articles from shch country for auch period of time as he may think necessary to prevent auchqmmrtatioa; and during such period it shall be unlawful tojmport into 'the United States from the countrlw designated in the proclamation of the. President `any of the articles the importation of whieh is so suspended. (Ang. 30, 18*%, e. 839, S 4, 26 Stat;415.) L; Q 19. Report to Congrew of expenditures in enforcing food and drug I ws.-——··Any sum used for compensation of or payment of expenaes`tBany o$eer orother person employed by any State, county, or mualeipal government, for the purposes "ot, earrylng the provisions'o1' aecitions`1 to 15, inclusive, of this title into e¤ect, shall be reported to Congress in detail, on the Brat Moinday ot December ot meh year. (May E, ww, c. 192, 35.h Stat. ·* 20. Applm in interstate commerce: standard ;gndea.—·-The standard grades for apples when packed in barrels which shall `be shipped or delivered for shipment to interstate or foreign

DD AND DRUGS . 624; commmce, or which shall be sold or offered for sale vzritbin the District of Colmnbin or the. Territories =ot the United Stotw A shnil is Iolléwuz Applw of variety, wh1ch_nre'we11- ggmwn specimens, hang! picked, ot good color for the variety, rnormal shape, pmcmmlly tires from insect and fungone izijmgy_ bruises, and other defeizts, except as are necemrily enusotl in the operation 0: paciing, or apples of one variety which are . not more than 10 per centnm below the foregoing specihentiom · ehnll .be·"'” Standnrd grader minimmn size two end one-hel? in3:he¤,” if the minimum 'eize of the nmleg is two end 0ne—ho1r` inches in transverse dinmeterg “Standard grade minimum size two and 0ne—f6m·th ‘1ixches," if the minimnm size of the apples is- two ind -0ne·!o¤rth inches in » transverse diameter; or “ Standurh grime minimum two inchesf if the minimum · size of the apples, is two inches in transverse dinmeter., (Aug, 3,1912.¢..278.—§2,37§t&¢.1%0·) ` _ °21;»Sap0;` bnnéng gada on barrels.;-The barrels in which apples nre packed in uceordnnce with the .provisions_ L pfsections 20 to l23_of this title may be branded, in accordance 1 ·with_the provisions io! section 20 éfthis title. (Aug. 3, 1512,; ` c..273,`§ 3,13’I·St¤t. 251.)__ _' - _ ` 22. Same; barrel; .¤isbrsnd•d.—Barre1s_ pocket? with apples ehall be deesmcd to fbe .m1sbranc1ed within the meaning ot - t se0tion20ofthis title- ‘ · K " First. If the barrel bears any statement, déoign, or device · inciicoting that the applwcontaiued therein are “Standard ° t grade and; thenmples when packed do not conform` to the re· `

 quixteinenté prescribed by" seétion 20. . ~ _

·_ ’*Se¢0nd; It theibarrel behre_anyQstatement,·d@1@;·or device t indicating that fthe apples contained. tmrein ore ‘_‘ Stgndnrd 1" .g1’¤d$rfi1id» the barrel fails to bear also s stetemmt ot_ the n;1me=0f the variety, the name oi the locolity where and the " name of the packer of the person by whose authority the npples were pocked· and other barrel marked. " (Ang; 3, ,1912, ·c. 273,} 5, 37"Stat. 251,) ‘* ° - I ’ _

23;"Same; penalti for vi0la.tion1s.·~Any`peroon, Arm or corporation; br amociation who shall. knowingly pack or   to

be pdclged apples .111 bnrrds or who shalt knowingly sell or .0Eer for solo osuch_b¤_rre1s in riolntion of the provisions of ·

sections·‘20, Q, apd 22 of this title shell be liable to an penmty

of $1 `ognd costs for each lsnch batrrelweu soldier 0Eered for sale. t0‘bé recovered at the éuitof the United States in any éourt ot the United ‘ Statw having jurisdiction. {Ang. 3, 1912, , é; 273,} 6, 37 Stat;251.)· · .‘‘` , Y ‘ ( Y 1 . · 24. Inspection of American food producto for export} certmgate isitmd itimn {Elfman! aft Qaétuak cost.-—-In ooxmegtion with. investigating the character ·o£"the` chemical. and physical `testé which are applied to- American food products in foreign countries, and for i11$D<=€ti¤8 the same before shipment when desired by the shippers or owners of these products intended for countries w11ero·_chem1<:n1 and physical tests Ere required · loefore the said products are allowed to be sold therein, bn: no ° certificate 0t_resu1ts of any. snob inspection snail issue unless the owner 01*1118 agent shall Bret my to the Sgcretargoof Agriouiture, ot A price to be determined-and established by the Secretary, the nctnel cost of the inspection, the money ree ived to be deposited in the "£‘ren.s¤ry· ot United States osinieé ce11s.neo¤.s·`rec€`1pts. (Mar; 4, 1915,0. 144, 38 Stat; 1102; FelL_____ 10, mm te, 200, 43 s:;e 1 ·- 25. Oleomarzntinaxbntteriue M imita _ butter or cheese transported inte ti State snbject to 1ts.p01ic porreret-—-A11 articles known no toleomorzarine, !mttor1ne,·1mitat—i0n, prooesk renorated, or sdniterntedj butter, or imitation cheese, or any sntmtnnée in the semblnnoe of bntter or chem not the noun} product ot the dairy gm! not made excimively ot pure and nnndnltorated milk or cream, transported —into.1ooir State or Territory cr the District of Columbia, and therein for nm, consumption, sale, or storage therein, sha11,' nponl the 1 · U