Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/719

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TITLE 1 {mw to any charge of mtmducing *0: qtempting to introdue ig Mont spirits, ala, beer, wine, ar Intcxicying liqucm intal tl _· ggiiiizm cuantri that the Mts charged were dem under ax séinviiy, in -.Wl'i£i¤g, f1'0m th¤a Ws.: qt any 06m gmk mthariéed tifermmto by the War Department, (B. .2 2 2}-529%; Fab, 21, 1877, c.. G9, {*1, 19 Stat. 244; July 23, 189 Q B 3:24, 2’i’ Stat. $@5 Jah.30, 1w7,{c._1G9, Q 1, w Stat, 506.) .

312. Osage , Céuuty, Oklahoma, part af Indian cmmtry.-——A
 Usage County, Oklalming ,112.11 be deemed to be India

,,,m;:¤—;· within me memzing at the Acts di Congress masking miizzxvful to izxtrpduca mtcxicating liquors ipto [the India ,¢,.gmz·y. (Mar. 2, 1917, c. 146, § 17, 39 Stat. 983,) 323, Cumplaints.; arrests and exgmimticusr-A11 complain is »g· me arrest at any person or pcrscns made for iiolation of tl zim pmxxgmph of section 241 shall be made ig theccunty whe:

,·;· imezase shall have been committed, <;1·‘it· committed Upon 4

xx ijizizi msg; rescrvaticn not included in any county, then'; gi ig; county adjoining such 1*escrvatkm; but in all (eases ém

-amts snail ba made before any Unitéd States court Z cox

m$$i€;;;e: residing iu, such adjoining county, on bétore ·.m

§:<trate or judicial OQCQI authorized by the laws of tl

ssme ia wh1c§ such reservation is located to issue { warraii xw im arrest and examinaticm of c§e¤dex·s by section 591-.· »‘;‘;z1e 13. And gil persons $0 arrested shall, unless discbmrg¤ iz,-wu examimaiien, be bald to answer and stand trim before tl mzarf af tim United Stateshaiving jmfisdictiou of the offem Ne,.§*:z};r 23, 1,892, c. 234, 27 Stat. 261.) , Y " { 214. Posaesémz of intoxicating liquors in Indian ¢0untry.$ iawsessiaui by a person of intoxicating liquors in the Indie wzzmry washers the introduqtion is or was prohibited by trea- M Fezkzml stqtute shall be an niense and punished in accor moe with thépmvisions qt .scction—241. (May 25, 1918, c. E g 1. 40 Sm:. June 30, 1919, c. 4, § 1, 41 Stat. 4.) . 2,15, Possession of intoxicating liqiwr prima fade cvidcm of unlawfinl i11tmductioi1.-eeThc ‘ possession by a person Q; i mx§4_·a1, ing liquors in the country whew the introduction

d by treaty or Fed'm
· a1‘statute shall be pphua fac

<·a·idcu<·<a of xmlawful, introduction, (May 18, 1916, c. 15 §1,39Stat.12-4.) V ·__ A _ 246. Searches and ,¤¢1;u»·e¤,—-,1: my superintendent bt Ihdis m?;: ir$,°1ndi,an agent, or subagent, cx ccmmaxxding ofticer ‘a military post, J h¤Js reason to suspect, or is %i¤£ormed4 tb any white person or Indian is abcutfo introduce 0 , as int: Amid any spiritpcus liquor cx wine into the Ind;1‘§c¤;xx1t, izé violation of law, such superintendent, agent, subagent, emmmzmdéng c@c»c:, may cause the boats, stores, package mggans, slcds, and places of deposit Gi such person to “ gmrchcd; and if pay such liqjuar is, {quad thereih. the sax: twwxiaszr wif}; mg heats, wagons, and sieds used lil} cc w;»*i¤g me same, and also " the goods, pagkages, and `pcltri vi smh pagan, be land ”`d€1iY&red to tha; prim aziiccr, and shall w prmded against by libel in thé prop mart, and torteitad, me-halt tc' tha, imbmxer and the om H half to the at the United · States; and if such person ° a tz·.·:·..·im·,_his iimnw shall be revoked and his bbnd. but il; su It shall moreover be the duty bi pérs<m the service the United States, ox` at any _I p5ia¤, to take and dwtrcy az m·dcu¢_spirit¤ ar , w{¤s {quad` in the Indian country, expe sméh as my the introduced u1€1’€iB by the War D*6D8.Itl33€1 In ai} cases arising uudcrithia and section 241, India R $113111 be c¤£$:1I: 3. { 2140.) Q _ 247.·»—-Velaiclm subject to whether by nvm: other persm,•1,,—-Aummobiiw dr any other vehkms m come axzces asm ia1htr0§uci¤g,, as attmpting t¤ iétroduce, into: cams i¤£¤ Inqidn mmatry, sr when th¤·intrcdu¤t:ib¤ prohibited by ugty or Federal statuta, whether by t avmer memo! or ather hq ta the peima HMI, and forfeiture grcviiiad in thé 1¤c t10¤. (M1 2, 1917, c, 148, { 1, 89 Stat. 970.}) $$270*-26--45 '

ns.-1y1> °§ 264 re _· 24%. Pewers of agent md éeputim te seepress ‘ liqimr 1e tra§c.·——-—Thee powers `cerrierredy by section 246 upee Imlizm ¤.·- agents and eebegents, and eemmendieg e@eere et milite ry err poets/ere, hereby conferred upon the special egent of the S. Indian Bureau for the suppression ez the llqeer tI’3@£ emerlg 2, .’ Indians and in theflndian eexmtryl and duly authorized deputies z working under his supervision. (Mer. 1, 1997, c. 2% 34 Jl Stat. *1017.) i _ r ` m 249. Oécers, soldiers, or employees efe Army femiehieg it liquer to Indians.--4Ne part of secties; 241 er of section :246 ebelt m be e bar to t,he~·presec11tiez1 et any e@cer, eeldier, eerie: er eterekeeper, attaché, er employee of the Army et the United Stetee ts who shell barter, donate, er mmiehin any rrlaeteeerer le liquors, beer, er any tutexieatieg mverege wheteeerer te may re Iudiany t (July 4, 1884, .c. 189, § 1, H Stat. 94.) ‘ ur 250. Powers of chief special e§¢er arré deeeties te seppreee in liquor trs@c.-——-The pewers conferred by sectiee ei Titre 35 zh _ upon mershals and their deputies are eoeferred trpee me chief 11- special emeer for the eupfaressiem of the liqeer tra§c emeeg of Ixidiens end duofauthe—rize€1' eH°icers working under his eagerne vision whose appeintmeznte are made er &§ljIR€€`{ by the Cemmie l ts stoner qt Iudimjl’A§airs er the Secretery of the Ieterier. (Ang. of ‘ 24;*1912; c. 388, §`1, 37 Stat. 519i) ` ed l 251; Setting tip distillery.-·4·Every perseu who shelf; wirlrie he the Indie; country, set up er continue any ~ctl;st.iHery fer reemze

e. gecturiiag ardent spirits, shell lm/liable te a ·» e¤ of $1,90%

_ 'aqd the superintendent of lmiien efeirs, Iedieteegeet, er reb- Zg- zlgeiltgwithin the limits of whose égeecy any distillery of eréeet m . spirits is set up or c0ntinued,`_ehe11 forthwith deetrey ee:} break} ty up thesame. (R. S.} 2141,) t M » . =d·· 252, Application of provisions as te search seizure aw $6, setting up distillery.-¤·The previéees et eectiees 246 erm `§:5—1 shall also, apply to beer and other intexieetieg Hqeere eereee . ce in section 241. (May 18; 1916, c, 125, §” 1;% Stet. E4.} n- F 253. Wines fer sacramentel M. ;» —-It shell net be eeis e lawful td introduce and use wines solely for mcremeetal {rureie poses, under church euthorittlyrat any piece within the Iediee !5,m° countrk or any Ilndierx reservation; including the Peebie Reeer·· vatiens in New Mexit:0. (Aug. 24,; 1912, c. 3%, it I, 37 exeter 111 519.) * l - · . Oi TRADERST WITH INDIANS .


ro-_ , 261. Power tb appoint traders with Indians.-—’£‘lae Cemreie-· ry sioneref Indian Affaire shell here the sele power eee mztherity or to ¤pp0ir1t=treAers to the Indian tribw md te make earch relies rs, and regulations es he mefdeem just em} preeer the be kixid end quantity et goods end the priceeat whieh eee}; gmee ne, shell be sold to the Indians. (Aug. 15, 1878, e. 2%, § 5; 19 Stet. .11* I · _ . l K - 1 _ _ ee 262. Perseus pemittted te Emile with Ieéiam.-·-·A¤y pereee t er desiring ltd trade with the Indiana ee any Indian reeerretiee er ehell, ugml eeteblishir:xg tile feet, to the eetiefeetierrief the Gemer tuiselener of Indian AEeire,; that is e, preper person te ee-» be gage in such trade, be permittedfte cle so under meh ruiee end t lt. regulations ee the Commissioner of Indizmjlffelre my prescribe uf for thepmtectlexz of sem I¤£H&~l'1$r· {Mer, 3, IMI, c. 832, § 1, nv Q 31 Stat. 1066i Mer. 3, 1983,& c. M lg S10; 32 Stat, mile.) A rptf 263; Prehihitien of trade by Pr®de¤t;——J——-*1The Presicleet le at. eutherized; wlrenever in lets epirxiee the public interest mer us rqnuire exe same, te prohibit the introduction of goods, or ef edy pertriceler article, lute the eemxtry belonging te ee; er. Ihélierr trim, cmd te direct ell liceeeee te trade with such sy- tribe to be rereked, and eel! epplieetiens thereter te be resi- jtected. Ne trader to em.; other tribe shell, ee lung eee euchr is prohibition rney continue, trade with any »Iueliee.e et er fer he the tribe against which such prehibitien ie imued. (R. :4. § re, 2132,) ‘ · l r E ‘ er. t 264. wit tgt license; white perseee ee ckerke.-·-.~my , person other than an Incllzm of the full blew! who elmll