Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/80

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663 TITLE 5.-—EXECUTIVE DEI’ARTi{ENi Of Congress, Librz11·5·*. Building dud Grounds, Government. Print- { ing O§ice,,zmd the Smithsouimx Institution. :1 § The t€1‘lI1»“U1€ heéd of the department; "- means thee ¤»;£% §»»r mr i; `gwup of OmC€1‘S ixrthe department who ,a1fc~n0t subo;·g §i:¤;¤aL; or E te—sponsib1e{t0 any other ofiicer of the Gcpmtnxexxt. . G The term " board ’,‘ meuusxlxe Personnel Classiticatiou Board d estaxblished by section! 663. A _ if c _ The term "p0siti€>n " inea”n,s“z1’ specific civilian oftice or em- h ployment., whether occupied or $*acant,_ in :1 department Esther xt than me following: Officés 01- cmployments in the Postal Sgrw 8 'ice:_§teachers,- librarians, school attendance officers, and em- I; ployees of.the»é0mi¤un·ity center department under the Board ( of Educatibuoi the District *0f Columbia; éfhcers and members Of the metropolitan poiicegthe tire department of the Dis- C trict of»C01umbié,‘ and the ·U;1ited States park police; vandfthe I;

 commissipqed personnel of the C0usfGuax·d, the Publiclliealth V

Scrvjcé, i1nd the Coast; and Geodetic Survéi (1 ‘ The tcrm·"_emp1V0yee ’* means any p9rs0;1'temp0rarily’0r per- 1 .I1l2h]€!lH§’ in aposition. . f . 4 ~ I; The tern; f"service " means the broadest divisiognim related G cfliceis and empldymentg, ,4 __ _ ‘ ‘ __ ‘ [The term " gt·acle·"=incuns fl subdivision; of a service, iucludg v ing 0¤ e or more positions for which approximately the same _~; basic (]tif{liHC§ltu)1lS_`8Ild_€OH1D€'DS8tiOl1 are prescribed; the dis- . tinlcfioxibétweén gmdeg being based·up0n diiTerenca$Yi;1»the im- yy j pdrtahcé, diiiiculty, responsibility, and value bf the work. t The term " cIass—’* means a group bf positions to be estab- t

 lished `llI1d€1'._’thiS chaptmnsuiiiciently ’simi1ar ixi tespééet to the t

duties and Arg$pbusibi1itiés{·· th€1‘éDf> that the same requirements t as »tp` education, efxperiexxée, k1mwle>dgeq 1;*ml d bi1ity are da- _mzmded -bfiucumbeuts,(tl1e same testspi/Htucss are used to` ,,3 rchbosa qug1Aliiie¢l Aqpp¢»inteés, agi{1`··t I1e .sau1c> schedule of·c0mpcn·` v — saticm ismade t0· 1ippl$? with equity. ’ “ — Q fThe tern;* "‘+c¢9mpen sation ?’ means any salary, ‘wage,‘fge, al- ’

           ·-.i-   S
i1; :1 positi0u._ (Mar, 4,1923, Ic. 265, § _2, 42 Stat. 1·$8_,).V .r..  ..» ~ d

663: Personnel Classiii¢ation Board; members; chnirmgn; g °‘ d¢tzp,ilé· to imard; cooperation of Civil Servkée,_Comn_i¤\$n, ctc.; I mules and re g_ulati_¢ms; gradgs and subdivi ns_ thereéf.-#ClYh¢=>te‘ r is estalgaiishediau cx officiq board, to bé 1:1%:*:1 as the Personnel e Cilussiiicéticpu 13qm1, tq c0nsist}q§· the~ Director ot the Bureau of 1; the Budget or an alternate fl;0iIi§gtl18tJQQ1Ft)3\1,d€8igll8.t€d by the z

 dimct0r;“'a»·‘member of the Civil Serviqc COIX1II1i8Si(iIl>0!°V&l1 ulteézw g

nate from that cbmmiésiqnr designatcd] b3¤ »th'€‘ACQmmiSSiOD,·8lld' 4 jim Chief bf tl%Uuit' éd, Stutes·Bureau of Emcieucy _0r :m ulterg _ ‘1lfl‘{€t°·fl’t)lI1 ¥Zll ‘ rem; designated by_·tl1c`chief at the liureziuj ( The Director of the Burcnubf the Budget or his alternate Shall S `bé*cl1zi1ir·u{m1 dt the b0m·d, ii />~ Q . ,

Subject to. the appriwul or the President, the héuds of the 11

_de·pnrtment ss shall detail to ·the board, at itslmquest, for-tcm- pomry scrYi·ce 1u1deg,_ i£s dircctib11, iofhzegeyrk c;r__ employees pos- I sessgd .<»f special `kI1Q§Vl€dg0, ability, or experience ‘rcquiréd— ii: 1

 the (!1Z1RSiHC8ti·0l1‘H1ld a110—cution 0£positions. ·'IYhQV'Giv{l Sérvice

(foHllDig·§Si0I),· the Bureau of the .Budget, and? 'tha,Bu1¥ez1u‘_:q( r Ei’¥i¤·i_e~uc·y shall render 1110 board such coopemtiqumnud assist- i _s1nc·g» as me lN)€§I'dlH1{l}` rczqhire for `tlm I){}1‘£Qi'H'l£U`i(?€ of itfsdutics t Aumlvr this clxaptcr. 4 ._ __ _; ·· ` p Th•;·` b<»urd_zs1a_é;ll 111:11:0 all ncc·<.>s¢su;·y·r111es -mud" regulations not ,c iuc.>us:istent with the? pxfuvisions of”uptcr‘and provides c sucrlnv m1l»divisi<»xis.0f the gmdos coxitninwd in section 67 of tlnié t

 title and such titles and dcfiuitiqins as it-~11my_d. ccm nec€·s,sm·y  

> ac¢;—m·di1yg tb tlaé kind hud ditiiéutlty off tim `w0x·k§· Its rcgi·1(la4A x t.im1_s shfull provide for ascm.·tai1 ¤i11g hud wording, thé clxnfies c f¤{ ]1<>Siti0l1S.H!l·d the quz1liiicatid"i1s`req11ir¢% of incumbents; and e ir slngjll prc~pm·c and pubiish xm ad®<1uuf¤? stafGm®nt giving '(1)` T Um dz1tius~m u1:mgsqpoxzsilnilihcs inwolvcdv ixi the classes to be. psmh1i¤hc~d .withii‘x ° the s0vcrul___grud_c$, illixsitmted; whére neces-` ( szary by éxamples of typiéal tasks, (2)¢»t,]\B‘lllil}iI1lUDI quulliica- Z

FS, (}FF1CERS, AND E.lIPL£)YEES t · g r ions required for the satisfactory performance of sxzm<it·s rnd tasks, and (3) the titlss given tossid siassss. is I wm`. ng the forQg0ing` duties, the board Shs1ll°f<>llmv as xissrly ss >ruc;ticabls the classification made pursuant to the I`:X;;C\]liY{‘ mcler of October 24, 1921. Ths hssrd may frssz time is time lssiguate additioualclssses within the several grades and mss smbinc, divides, alter,. or abolish €XlSliI1g'€:l3S.$¥3i%a ‘De;>srtnl¤s=:s;t leads shall promptly report the duties and responsibilities sf lsw positmxms to the board.- The board shsllmaks nc·cessm·v ldjustments in compensation for positioss csrryisg malaiszamcs and icr positions requiring only part-time service. Mar. 4, l923,°c. 265, § 3, 42 Stat. 1489.) G64. Allocation. of positions to grades md Exing af rates sf mmpeusation by department heads; review and revision by >0ard.———After consultation with the board, and in :1cc<>rdasss sith t&~UIllfoI`ill .pru<;·é<lure_ prescribedsby it, the head-of cash lepurtxueut shall allocate all positions in his department in tis: )istrict.0f Columbia to their atiiiropriate grades in the mss sensation schedules and shall Hx the rate at arsmpsnsatiun of sch employee thereunder, in accordance with the rules pm- l cribed in section 666 of this title. Suchallocstions shall bersiswsd and may be revised hy the board zmcl shall become iixml apon their approval by. said board., Whenever an existing msition or a position sreated by law after March 4, 1923 shall not fairly Bild;-1'88S0ll&bIy he allocable to one of the grsdcs sf he sevéral seriices Aes1;ribed‘ in the compensation schedules, he board shall' adopt for such position the range of compenss-_ ion prescgribecl for a` grsde, or a class thereof, com_pamhle herewith ss to qualmcatiorrs and duties. i l II1·»d€.t£h·i.lll!1g ths rstewmcsnxpessatioh whisk sm employee hall . receive, that primiiplel ot equal compensation for equal vorkl irrespective of] sex shall be followedf (Mar. 4, 1923, cn !65,. §' 4,__42A Stat. 1489.) . k ' l 665.. Applicatisni of compensation s¢h¤d¤lss.·——The lcompml-

fcfélvflian employees in the

iepartmehts within the District i 0t_ Columbia and shall not npply to émpl¢»yss~s in positions the duties st which` are to per- Form or assist in apprénticé, helper, or Ijournsymsn work in a fecognized trade dr crnttsud skilled and sebgniskilled laborers. éxcept such as are rmdér the direction and ccmtrql ot. the c·us·s odizrn of a public birllding or perform work swhlch. is subordi- ‘ mts, incidental, or preparatory to work at siprotessional. scientific, or technical chamétcr, (Mar. 4,— 1923, c. 265. § 5»— E2 Stat:"1489;_) l . _ = 7.. — _` .§ ‘ 666; Rules governing Baring. of compensation —s1:bcd¤l¢€···———·I¤ leterminiring thstcompensation 2tc be lcstablishcdinitially fcr UM! several smployées the following rules shsll gvverul: 1. In__,c0mpl1t·in§ the existing rconxpensationw ot an emplsyi-M2. my btmus which irnssmpnoyee receives mall he included. 2. If -thé employes is resiving compensation less thsn the minimum mtelot theIgrqde orglsssrthereof in which his duties Tall, the compensation shsll bsligsrcinssdhtc that minimum rate. 3. It the employee is receiving céémpsinsatitm withlh the mnsé lf 88181}* prescribed for the appropriate grsde at one .0f the rates lxscl thsreir1,(u0»chur1ge shall he made in the existing compensazion. · · t X s · — M ’ ' ,4. If the cmployccjsl receiving ccmpsrissriion within tha, rsrwifl if salary;=>rescrllbed for the nppmpriste grads; but not at ;.{•r¤c‘ at ths”`ra_tss fixed thsré , the compensation shall be viucrellsed

0,t11shéxt_high`srra%` · jg . l l l

5.— If the empl9yee of vthe Cirfil War, or hn r NIGQW of well vcfer 1** l ssivipg ctminperisuticm .ix1_%<.;&?>4¢= >f the range of salary prescribed for the appropriate graelc. rss, Kinlpéhsatiou shsll he reducéd to the mts within tlls §!i'&f]0 1sursst'the pressst,csmpen`sati0¤. t _ _ . r i j . W . ’6. All new appolutmcrnts shall be made at tl\Q`llliI1lllllll'll.l‘lllt‘ rt the Appropriate égrscls or. class 'thsronf; (Mar. 4, 1923. <‘· cv. 305, § 6, 42sStut. 1490.) · i