Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1121

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. Cn. 104. 1927. 1081 in Washington, District of Columbia, and elsewhere, $90,000, of which not to exceed $7,000. shall be available for rinting the report A$g;,j’{f_;', “’”‘°’*°°‘ of the American Historical Association: Provided: That the expend- §r¤¤¤¤. t md, iture of this sum shall not be restricted to a pro rata amount in son? pm ”° “` an period of the fiscal year. V . i · ljlereafter section 3709 of the Revised. Statutes of the United §{‘“g°j’,‘},Q$h§$°0;,f'§;_ States shall not be construed to apply to any purchase or service 733- rendered for the bureaus under the Smithsonian Institution when the aggregate amount involved does not exceed the sum of $50. TARIFF COMMISSION Tm °°“"m""“‘°"· For salaries and expenses of the United States Tariff Commis- ,,£,”,§g‘,,’?°” ““° °" sion. including purchase and exchange of labor-saving devices, the purchase of professional and scienti c books,. law books, books of reference, gloves and other protective eguipment for hotostat and other machine operators, pgyment in a vance for subscriptions to newspapersand periodica , and contract stenographic re orting services, as ma be necemary, as authorized under Title VI§Ipof the V°l‘3°’”‘7°°‘ Act entitled "An Act to increase the revenue, and for other pur- poses," approved September 8, 1916, and under sections 315, 316, V°l‘°2’°°‘°"'°"‘ 317, and 318 of the Act entitled "An Act to provide revenue, to regulate commerce with foreign coimtries to encourage the indus- tries of the United States, and for other purposes," approved September 21 1922, $673,500, of which amount not to exceed $551,780 may be expended for personal services in the District of ,,E,,°T'l°°' m °h° Di" Columbia and not to exceed $2,000 for expenses, except membership fees, of attendance at meetings concerned with subjects under inves- Prwiso. tigation b the commission: Provided, That no part of this appro- °°"”'°°°M°“‘ riation sliall be umd to pay the salary of aniymmember of the Umted States Tariff Commission who shall herea r participate in any_ proceedings under said sections 315, 316, 317, and 318 of said Act, approved September 21, 1922, wherein he orany member of his family has any special, direct, and pecuniary interest. or in which he has acted as attorney or special representative. · Pmm wd ,,,,,d_ For all printing and binding for the Tariff Commission, $8,500. 1¤s- UNITED STATES GEOGRAPHIC BOARD G°°m°m° B°"d' _ For salaries and expenses of the United States Geo aphic Board, S°1m°°°°d°xp°°°°°' including personal services in the District of Coliinigia, in accord- ance with the Classilication Act of 1923, and for stationery and Pm,. oihce sup lies, $3,645: Provided, That the certificates by the Civil Chairmlm cream. Service (Eunmission issued June 29, 1926, and September 18, 1926, ,,.,'{.`{§,'§§§'0{’°§‘gd,]?,iC authorizingxcontinuance inthe, service and transferringthe resent °¤*°°°¤¤¤¤°d· Chairman of the United States Geographic Board from the lgepart- ment of Agriculturewith the same grade and salary, to the appro- priation for salaries and expG¤S¢S United States Geographic Board, are hereby confirmed and validated, and the ap ropriation made by A1ue,p.B45. this Act and that made bythe Act approved fuly 3, 1926 gong; fourth Statutes at Large, page 841), are mule available · r~ Bmw- gayment of the salary o the present Chairman of the United States eographic Board for the fiscal years 1927 and 1928. zwgimw. println:. For stationery and printing and binding, $300. °° mm` UNITED srarss smrrruc Boann ‘““""‘“"’°“"’· For seven commissioners at $12 000 each r annum $84 000. C°mmm°°°”' For all other expenditures authorized by? the Act lip rbved Sep- iiiliislsiilrixizisxisswibi. tember 7, 1916, as amended, and by the Act approved JP une 5, 1920, "5»’§;,°§,?;,,lmcmd,d_