Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1142

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1102 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. C11. 155. 1927. and a physicallexamination of all such cows has not been made within one car previous to suc m1 mg o ere or 1m rtation; ` 'vm ¤*·*¤•¤¤ 2) whenisuc vlllllkl o1··c1·eam,·i raw, is not pr ucsd gdm cows éi*i°1hz°:”a¤i°¤?i1»°i1°Pu$°h` Srhich; have passed a— tuhenculin—·test_appclied by aiduly authorized

  • ·• M *¤’·¤·**°·•· hxhhhuxvhiahiathahh of ua uhaha sae., hh of the wuhayy in which

such-¤mi1k.o1· c¤e•m~js.p1·oduoed,="yearr.prsv1ous to the time f0f»jdU`il1II§I |#1.’ showing that 81l§h.90Wl are free from Immun eondltitm tuberculosis? 3 'whenxlimsamtary conditions oidzhe d ' farm ‘"‘*”‘ 1 orplant in w " .suc111mi1k‘¤or·creami• produced; on hxxed do not~score~st»1e•st lift;. points out;of-one»huudred; points according to the metlnodsitoxé scoring as prov1ded;by—the.score»ca¤ds usedzby the Bureau of-;D•iry»Ind11st1—y.·of·;the United States1_.Dep•1·tment of Agrieultnreiat suchmlaity »u•e;s¤0v•d;._.(4) Jag ummm an in,the.c•e• of nwznillkif thenunhber of __ a¤pemcub1c,eentimeter °°°“'“ hundred and *111 theease of rm c¤qam._eeyen

  • hundred and fifty thousaud,,»1na·t11e case of 2pa¤te111.·1aedT1mlk 1f the

" 1 K nunéber §£;h•?I·er1;é;;er;:¤b1c.»cen¤metcr they em ,,·an an, c cream; ve- undredcf usan; wm w1gmgI»·_m: és), whenrthe; ’l’&IB$61‘Q$l1lj6=0f*1l1l¥k..0!'E0lI§¢ll •t·the»time of impcrta· h.1°‘°1.°°°' on exceeds . egreectFabre¤heit~·; -,1-¤.» Y ,1 I _ m.‘?af.’:°;.?1“,?.¤.§1°¤}?.:· S¤°=8=—·'¥*>·‘ —¤f Az=is=¤A1¤1¤r•e¤h¤·11‘<;¤¤¤¤such mspecuens hhitmhehmaumh. to bemsde as-arenecessaxry tomsure that mnlkand cream are so 2*,, °°'“*’“°" "‘“‘· produced amthandled as to oomply·w1th..tbeé>I1I;ovis1o¤a of section 2

 in all cases whenihehnds, t such.m1lk_·a11d/or

ere•m?1s_pmod.uced and handled se as nottoz he unfit for’imp0rtation underclauses1,2,and3ofsect1on2ofth1sAct,hee. issueto persons makin%application therefor permits to ship milk and/or g*¤•*•°III · ImIwWI_ cream into the mted States: Projvided, That in lieu of the inspec- nai gw hc wgapx tions to be made by or under the direction of the Secretary of Agr1· §‘§,§',,, ,·,d%°‘i,,,,,,,. culture he may in his discretion, accept a duly certified statement coal . giggled by at duly accredited oihcial of an iauthorizeddaiartxhmt of any fore1gn_gow§11*nm3;1t aqdgitoia any State of_ the iteld States °¤‘ NU ¤}um¢1P in •?¤° T Wi · , , 811 F01’I¤B:Y¤~,d®!¤¤' 3 of of this Act have been com lied. with; Such certificate °"‘° ‘° "'°‘°'"’°°‘ of the acc , teduogial ofha11fautho1:1zed' dgpgrtémeug ofseéiyicmigii Mmm Y; -·»lr..· `·..·;m  ;' _ lm 0 miltlsultlgtlve p¤¤¤¤1°>£i $h"*‘?¤1l?1\¥¢» °i`··l¤» 45 hereby au%or}izred_,and _directed. to pregribe

 foign, aagvell as rules~aud?regulat1ons;re _lat' theissuance

ef; ,!¤=1¤s te1m1>¤rt m¤lk,<>r1cream intcthe , $v9£ °°¤°°mma ‘ ,1%** S°°*Pl» of A$’i°*’1“l·1`° ie h°1'¤b¥· ¤·¤¢h0t'ized, in his discre· 11m1¤»¤¤¤» in mltn tion, to w_ _v¢§he requ1rement0f—¤ecti0¤ 2 . A 4,of Act to mum sm-11l:¤¤h · dll · I am ·. . . . ’ ‘ when!§I\1111g to·ope1‘at91js.0f QQ , FAQS H1 which milk PWM. and/or 19. U€6¤._Wl}J81} .8§01‘1l;Z&t10D. of _8,l1d{k0l‘ crgam - I I is a..necessary.*1·ooess: 1‘0 ' _ , howevor,1 _a =n0 mi /0r mgdhiumpiugmm iii cream shall be iixiiported whose bacterial 100unt per cubiccentimeter “""°"’c in any event exceeds one m11l1on two hundred thousand; Provided •¤¤¤¤¤ P ¤°· urt , at suc requirements s a not waiv ess t e arm mijmmdmd lwrTh h ` hll b8`·I8d\111l hf ` producing such milk to be is within a radius of fifteen miles ,,{,°§f§,'B.m”,{§*,“¤,{{ of the condensery in which it is to be processed: Provided {farther, ·· ¤¤¤°¤·¤ ¤¤”¤· That it and/or cream imported when therequirementsc section Q, pa:·ag1·aph’4s, have been so waived, 1s’sq1q1I§¤&_,¤r disposed of in hmm to www 1*8 raw caothergge thgntgg condensed k lg 1::; personhthe · ¤-~rer¢.·‘ an - .impo1·ter· 'eetto e, _ A 1 I 1* g 1·i•onment;or‘other pena1typresc1·ibedby`thisAct1 · I I:;•*_;•¤{ g*m¤*•¤¤9I_L· . 'ghe Secretary 0# \1¢0=1S directed to waivethe requirements iatmehgm Klnpi-I¤E¤ of paragraphs 2 and_51of of this Ant in so far as the same ,,,,,.,,¤,,',,?,}",§.’,,,,.2 relate to milkmhenznssmng perm1ts:to_operators of,.o1· to producers ?¤¤¤¤¢¤¤¤¤•¤¤· for deliveryto, creame1·1es~and.condenmng··p1ants.· in the Umted ` States, withintwenty miles of the point of» production of the milk, and whoimport no raw milksxcept for pasteurization or condens-