Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/869

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v ·S1xTY-NIMH comxmss, sus. 1,- icexzsi. ,1026; » 829

  • {Y-»$ec¢-i¤¤e6®¤f such-Act is-emeecied-to read 4s—f¤11pwsi-»- _(,Y<·*·*¤·5·:1?·e·+$=···=<*·
 Sw- 602- (¤) N`<> payment-under-se9txon_601;shu11 be mp-do me ¤·¤¤¤!g¤_;idgg'~·

widow it .mm¤rmed,.be.£em;mok1egg¤ppk¢etim pr.1f»pt. the '} “°°°’_ l ' tune »0f.K¤h9cdB%$h-?0?5¢hB xeterm svnsshmuxg Al l . frem-hglmiby e ~- x·9a$eu‘yef-her nyggncwzkkfulr ect; r . . at- at-the.—tqp¤Asof the ,d¢irt·h:0£ ti! N0¢gi’§¤»»9P>I·'P>8l`15' HIQE Mid;b6£°4YQ Jlliile sry.2,;1Q28. who widow?-¤h•l1.;b9 presumed-to hmesbeen cdependexm at.t1g•·;txme-»of; the death;;o£- the.»nter.·an mpen; ueshowing ref; the

 J- a;`l~>Q· wl .2¤’·:21:§ ,1ix*-* .»i%‘·>i"J""" gy TQJ3   Child under 18 or

. .=?‘i(.b) 60], Shelhbe-mtdd $0 .0 child 1f (1); ww? or pnyuémy under)-18¤yegns-of nge at .(h££$1l16l0f the death>J•f%·t-kv; *""°"‘b°°““""°"‘ (¤2)i ntrany kmeidherclfhtgdud hbfmei -}enu£r2,»-1928,»,1ncepsble go! _) selfwupgort-by r:eseonrcf»mentq1%on·phyme•1¤ {entre li me - i ‘·Lmmk_m°tmm - #(*3} · -0 payment eect1e·n·¢601¤¤hall$be madeto 1 mbther or emma. father- unless t*le;»'ende¤t·»&t-wi)? 1ix11m0fethT deivth ¤0£·the Ntetdn-er at ¤¤.Y;time;therhnfter»ends’ onenlaanmys $$1928; ·-If ctithetime oi thedeeth o£¤tlm—veteran¤or Sntzauywtimye thereafter end {befoip J anu 2, 1928,-the mother is unmarried or over 60 Yeanzofe ago, or tl:-f,a.ther isever,60 deem ot- age,/such br Efither, respec- tive1p,ml1a.1Ibe_pbes¤me<lytoi>• d¤ependent;’?~· · < L; - i ~ Sno. 8. Section 605 of such Act is amended to read·.ns·f01l»0ws;— · = ,dY°1"°·"·‘°°·°“‘°°'*` »“tSnc. 605. A-(g.) ,As n001tl•s`%rr•cticable.a.£te1= the/receipt ofnzvsxlid °*w*§{é p]ic•.tion» the Secretary nfs amor thezS¤eretary of the Navy,-as to mm. icge case may=be;zsI1alL~traqsmit to the the appliedtiennnd §Y,:,?°‘§g,}_E“‘??°”°‘ ecertiiicste setti.Efcrth-—·+’i or-· Ya:·-’ ·t A *¤· ·>· .; — ,- 5 · .“ 1) 'Phateiv depplicatiourhu been_`received¢; ` u if ,,,$,Y“°°"” °' °""°' " -2) Theneme andnddness of the applicant;-`==#» ‘ - -·-e =¥= ~ = ". 3) Thet the individual iupou whom the epplicantl bases his claimto eymentownsuvetemht;. — »· · . V - » ¤=>I·= .· “(4) Tigre name of such veteragnmnd thednte end—·plwe of his birthygn ·· if; v -_ . iiiliigilxi ··:i ··’/ ·, - §»-Q. - "(5)-The umountbf (ih8·8dj!1StBd—S81iVi®'C?8di$»0f`ChB vetemn; U B ma aimed “(b) Upon receipt of such cerdiicate theDirecton}shi.ll<fpr0<2eed nppancgnt Oifnmiprifi to extend to the applicant the»be¤efitsYpr0v>id6d'i¤rtd1is the °°'“°°“°· Director Ends that the app1iednt·is·the;af;ii•;1peudemWs entitled-thereto.*? D mm M d Sno. 9. Section 667 ~of·such Actieaim ed by striking out " hud ’? gnu? °°° °"°” ` acme end of- mbdivrision[éb)g,"by¤etriking€~out the period ueepehe °dY°*·*3·¤·**°··¤·¤d· end of subdivision -(e)-.4 -inserting:-a:·sqmico1cu endwthe word . “end ’-Q anduby adding after QIlbd1V1S10lI_j`(¤‘)’*B new subdivision to read as follows: . M ·Y.>2 5+ · · www to mum "(d) The te{·m`;Iwi<§ow’ linciudes widov3er&"b; dd , p - _ d wp_¤w.;cu Sno. 10. Tit e o suc ct is amen e y e ing at t een V§fB_ _°,“,,·m" d_ thereof a new section to read es_f0llows: _ drawn: oe acc, to JI; Sno, Tfdth; veteaan wlule in t%eh;$ervice_f_q,nd we;E‘?g,¤,¢¤ egg 1 1 1',un ii ana he v .g¤?-1!`Q`” . ¤‘ ,1o .- thigrseetion takes efect, cdrtihed-to the Director,` eh §i_eI;,um`of I 1, $60 shall he paid in s iump the glependeltts 0f·suelmve¤er•n in _ thesame marxnef as-i§;p1rovidediin:eect1ons;001sandl602 o£thfn—Act.¥’ ° dc Sao. 11.»This Acts notinvsfidatev -pa.yumi1ts mndeeerinpgg "

 Wr0rldr·W¥•;i·» if}¢d1p¢¤8•|5i¤pt= ¤ Acad H hmm,

before the enactment ref this Act; Peymeuts-under;-·gw•rd$ hereto- ¤·»p·¤¢·;i: establishes fore-or hereafter- made-shall Vbe£ mndete tho; depe¤deni? °’“°""”°‘ thereto regwdlessof change in -sb•¢H8`,gun}eSs,is,xi0igh¤gv?d A e¤4b1·ishw·td»-the·•¤tisfactie¤¤- nf;;hhei).Du·ector: & lxrnnmtywfqpmfe erence under meh eAct as mended bryrthis z-Actrw Uno-m;the· estubv lishment of such preference the remaining installments Sh•H:h¢ paid to such de ndent, but in no case shall th_e;tot€.l,;i·1iv*men:ig\nnder Title VI ofsjuch Act (except section 608) exceed he j ` service credit of the veteran.