Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1404

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2816 INDEX. International Boundary Dine, Canadian, ?¤¥°· International Institute of Agriculture- Pune. treaty with Great Britain defining .... - 2102 Continued. International Bureau for Protection of appropriation for member of com- Industrial Property, mittee _.,.________________ 337, 1187 9·PP1‘0P¤'1¤*¤i0¤ f¤1‘ (11101*1 ----------- 339, 1189 for translating pnblications .... - - 337, 1187 International Bu;-mu for Pubziwgion of deficiency appropriation for expenses Customs Tarifs, _of delegates .... T - T ..... ,. ..... 864 appropriation for share of expenses_- 336, 1185 International J oint Commission, Canadian International Bureau for Repression of Bogrdagv Waters, f African Slave Trade, appropna ion or expenses o ...... 338, 1188 denciency appropriation for __,_____,_ 188 I nternational_M oil, Postal Service, _ znemomz som of renown cnn ¤vv¤<·v¤¤¤<·¤ fgr i¤<1¤¤¤¤·*r for i¤¤¤¤r of Arbitration, 6 . _°*` mss ° 1*11**. ········· **1 $9* *050 nppmngntinn for nnnnnl nnnt,_.ib§,é7 H86 de cxeiings appropriation for indemm- 191 . mn '`'`````````'` . ' I nternational-II a- - oi the `vrtiid - - - - - _ - - - I nternatioIr}¢:& Ogureau of the Telegraphic gpgrnpriatinn gn, Snag.? °f:£pe,;1SeS"_} 1191 appropriation for expenses ......... 338, 1187 e °1°I:;,*;,€?,*;&r°pr1a mn or S as ° 867 ’~¢¢m¤¢i¤,;1,<;{,S,jj;r¢¤~ of Weivhe and copiabuapp iuiiaéimisi éipiiasés ii appropriation for contribution ..... 335, 1184 1,,, 8ma,i0?,h6h2;x,;(?3:r;‘»¥8]}i;E_g*;'uC(:,%,;,;{8; 38* deficiency appropriation f or: - - T .... 7 - 188 8,:0,,,, I"¢"""“"°"“g C“’“l°V"° of ’S“°"”·fi° D"' appropriation for share of expenses .... 1190 em V", . deficiency appropriation for share of approprnition for expenses, preparat1c§n6 1080 expenses _____________________ 865 0__________________•_____ • • • International Commission on Annual I - - Tables °·f C°"8‘“"’t°¤ °t"·¤ . . appropriation for annual quota , 338 1187 appropriation for annual oontnbuti§i§7 1187 1,,, e,,,,a,,0,, al. Pm, 0,, Commission, ‘ "T ’ International Commissions of Inquiry, ’ appropgggon for annual c°ntnb§_·;6 1186 convention with Central American Re- Immmional ',f,; 'ii;,`é;;,,;g,;,2o,, ’ I , ,. puking f°*` $j*e¤b1§&>h{*,;8: M ···· 3 2070 appropriation for siigarepof expenses- 338, 1187 " ema '°1{'{';a8u,‘?;'m' ° ° ev 3 an deiiciency appropriation for; former ap- appropriation for contribution ..... _ 356, 1206 . plslpgaigons Bgmhblc ”’'' 865 ’··*·=*~<·=*·;gw* Cgnrmcc of Ammon ’";°,§;‘;‘§;?$$si.;‘i,§‘;“”¤0‘£2“’L°z‘:· to my 4 lates txt _ • , ---··-- » appropriation for expenses gartieipat- I"’"’“'“°'!°l.R“°“';}‘ C°“"°d• . . ing in, at Habana, du a _______ 1186 appropriation for annual cpntributnon ’*··m”n·*’ » °;=*"~’"#*·¤3, on Tim in it .}§;i3;‘§ tittiiié .t3§2€;; 3"*°· 323 paymenililgtmsiniilliv. Wight for Sew. 17 5 for géggggégto N ow Dop¤rt¤€¤Y¤,_i¤g¤3 ,2,6 ices ......................... 5 ------·---·---- ¤ ' International Congress of Soil Science, I nternational_Road Congresses, foreigudgovemments invited to send 2 approtpnriation for qggtalnete---; ...... " ele ate; to _,_________,______ 35 accep nee o mem rs 1p m, ere ..... I nternational%)ental Congress, Seventh, International Sanitary Bureau, Pan Amer- deticiency appropriation _for expenses- - 865 iean, foreign governments invited to appoint appropriation for quota, etc .....---.. 1187 delegates to, eta .__,-_____,___ 394 deficiency appropriation for annual I amountlaiithiarized for expenses ...-. 394 share 0 expenses ............. 865 nternationa xc anges [ng napgonag 5 1 Q appropriation for szrpensos -..---- , 315, 1079 egpenses auiiigriigd igiwgzigkems to International Exposition, Seville, Spain, meeting 01*,111 paris ___________ 913 °Ppr°P:i&ti°%f°r °xp°nS°° °f p°rti°lp°` 1191 International Seed Testing Congress, . mnt ° °* *11*: ·*·*‘‘*‘ 1*1 ‘‘‘* appropriation for share of expenses- 510, 986 deficiency appropriation for preliminary , im, I , expenses of participation ....... 866 I"“""¥“’°(‘“l.‘St“"s° nfmuwn . 340 International Halibut Fisheries Commis- “·PP*`°P*'*°·t*°** f°*` *****1** °°**t*"b‘*t*°*‘-- 1196 sion . . . . appropriation for share of expenses- 340, 1190 I”*°"”“‘““°l Tmde E¤'·¤'¤*¤m» N°“’ O1" International Hydrographic Bureau, l“(”# . . . . . 2571 appropriation for annual oontribu- P1`°°1*m¤·t1°P 1¤V11i1¤8 PQ·1'1*1°}P?·1>1°¤ 111- uon ______________________ 339, 1189 sum authorized ·for maintaining, etc., International H ydrographic Conference, at N°W O*'1°“·**s• Le -—-— j -·-— _ —-- *095 appropriation for expenses of attending International Trade Mark Registration Navy Department delegates to Bureau, ,,.._________,___,,_,_--.- 593, 1276 appropriation for share of expenses of, International Institute of Agriculture, at Habana ................ 339, 1 189 appropriation for quota, etc ....-.. 337, 1187 Ingerned pcywm, cm, · for eodntronsl quota for dopondon-_ appropriation for expenses or, under 6168 -----~---------··-- --· 33h 1187 Navy Department ........, 593, 1276