Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/1579

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INDEX. 2991 Salt River _I Project, Ariz., P•¤- San Francisco, CaIif.—C0ntinu6d. Piv- appropriation for examination of, and appropriation for airplane mail service, accounts, .... - ............... 480 New York and ............ 158, 1049 Sauer, F. G-, ~ for passport bureau ............ 331, 1179 rcleasu of, as ¤urc¢y— on bond. ....... --- 1480 for dispatch agent ............. 332, 1181 Salvador, _ V » deficiency appropriation for we appropriation for minister to ...... 331, 1180 mail service, New York - 863, 884 convention and other Central for tide·gaugc station at Presidi0..-- 1252 American Republics, for estab- disposal authorized of Mission Rook liphing International Commis· Naval Reservation at ..._.,... - 700 HOD! of Inquiry ............... 2070 improvement of, harbor authorized-, - 1014 Samoa, American, _ preliminary examination, etc., to be deficiency approgziation for repairing _ made of south entrance channel, humcane mages ............ 177 for removing obstructions ...... 1020 _ Sampson, Deborah (widow), i sale authorized of new aubtreastuy pension increased ................... 1911 building in .................,, 1384 Sampson, Flvira M. (widow), Son Joaquin River, Calif., pension increased ........ . .......... 1920 improvement of, authorized .......... 1014 Sams, Mary M. (widow), · San J uon County, Wada., V pension increased ..................... 1725 pant of land on Lopes Island to, for Samgon, Ala., public park uses, etc ........... 298 bridge authorised across Pea River, lots on abandoned military ·reserv¤·- » ucar- ........................ 218 tion on Shaw Island, granted bo, Samuel, Mary L. (widow), · for park .....,.....c. 1090 pension increased ................... 1915 San Juan Indian nds, Ariz., San Antonin, Tec., p appropriation for water s¤£Pb’ for In- portion of Fort Sam Houston Military — _ diane on, in Navajo rvation; Reservation conveyed to, for reizayment ......_.......... 462, 943 ” street purposes ....... - ....... 244 San J nan adian Selwol, N . Mez., San Bernardino National Forest, Calif, _ appropriation for, opazating, etc., Hog- deiicienoy appr¢?riation for admuus· o ; bank project under. 466, 946 tration 0 ; State, etc., contri- San Juan, Porto ico, _ bution- ...... . ............... 851 deficiency aglpropriation for preserving, creation of '[abquitn National Game eetc., storicalfortiiicatiuiis at-, 878 ' Reserve within, authorized .... , 889 conveyance of landiin military reser- proclamation enlargng area of- ....... 2586 3 - vation, to Association Siervao de · transferring go ion of Cleveland · Maria, for hospital extension,- 1178 ‘ National crest, t0-- .......... 2585 enlargement of enstoms warehousexat, San Carlos Agency Afiz., ` . _ authorized- ........-. ,...,.,,-- . 298 appropriation ‘ior _ support, etc., of limit of price; from customsrcveixnes. 298 _ - - Indians at-; .-..--......... 47!, 953 proclamation transferring reserved San Carlos Reservation, Alriz? f » — ‘ _— §dsfini the people of Porto 2621 appro non nr pumping p an s or _ 0 0I Wi! S ...... . Pii;·:?.t.ion_; ngayment ....... - 404, 944 _ A changing highwayw i.- .· ......... 2634 San Carbs ' rrigatzooi rojcct, Ariz., . San Juan Rwcr, » · 4 appropriation for constructing Cool- deficiency §?roJ>riation for one-half ‘ ` msg Dam across Canyon of the - ._ 9 cost ri ge across, nearB100m- G' ’River -.....-... · ..-.... 4 63, 944 · Held, N. Mex. ..-----------..- .174 not available for relocating rail- reimbursed from funds of Navajo road right of way -............ 463 ~ _ Indians--1---, -.........-...- 174 dei·1ciency,approp1·iation for Coolidge 4 "San Luear/’ Steamship, e Dam, construction -....-... ,-- 856 X owners of, and of cargo, maybring suit employment of consul ‘ engineers on for collision amages, in dis- plans; etc.,icf _ Dam of, 212 trict court .-.-. - -....-..-..-- 1615 compensa ion, etc., imi ..-.--.. - 212 San Pablo Bay, Cub]-, » . 9 San Diwo Calif., ‘ . plans for im rovmq. modified --.------ 1014 appropriation for maintenance, naval San Pedro, Cagf., . _ training station. ...--.... -1 597, 1279 public buildin? anthoriaahon for ...... 632 for naval base, pier extension .--. 608, 1291 n sum reserved or cost of public building deficiency 8PP;gPI'18t10¤` for naval sta- at .... - -.... ,.Y-» .............. 873 tion, m ne railway reconstruc- San X avicr Indian Reservation, Ariz., tion..- -, .......-.-...........- 1258 appropriation for operating, etc., pump- additional building authorized at naval · ing plants on; repayment --.. 464, 944 hospital., ,---. - .-,-..-.-.---. 670 deficiency appropriajzion for operating, construction authorized of designated etc.3Fum plants on ....... . 1257 Opublic works at navalairstation- · 1341 Sanborn, Qur me gaming), sale abandoned Army barracks, PBHBIOD mc T ..... , ............ 1740 · autbo1‘ized.‘---» ............... 205 Sanborn,_;Ellq E. (widow), _ 'San Felipe Indiana, N. Ma., ' pension increased ................... . .1939 reconnaissance directed of lands of, ' Sanborn, A. (widow)., 4 . susceptible of irrigation,. etc .... 1098 pension mcreaséd ..... 7 ............. 1571 San Francisco, Calif., , Sand Creek Irrigation Przcct, Oreg., appropriation for mint at ......... 149, 1040 appropriation for main nance, etc., on for repairs, marine hospitaL ........ 150 ` Klamath Indian Reservation- 466, 946 43892°—27——1»·r 3+-98