Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/340

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1772 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II.» Cue. 145-148. 1927. out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriatbd,’to Albert G. Tuxhorn, the sum of $2,500, in full for damages suffered by reason of beiialg negligently shot and permanently in]ured while ghstilident at tlf‘ itizeifslggillitary Training Camp at Camp Custer, `c igan on ugust 1 . Approvbd, February f4, 1927. F lruary 14, 1927. ' A A

 ¤¤AP.'140.—An Act For the relief of the estate of William C. Perry, late

’ ' ' of Cross Creek Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania. Wimem 0- Pm-, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the "“"‘“°”"°°‘““’ " Uaaea sam of emma in amgme memzszee, That the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized an directed to pag, out of an%7m0ney in the Treasury not otherwise approplriated, to e estate of illiam C. Perry, late of Cross Creek Towns ip, Washington County, Penn- sylvania, the sum of $7,966.43. · Such sum is the amoimt of award numbered 598, dated February 6, 1919, made to William C. Perri by the War Department Board of Appraisers for eleven thousan one himdred and seve11ty—four pounds of wool commandeered from him by Army Requisition Numbered 790. Mr. Perry was not satistied with the rice fixed and throughout his life refused to accept the award. 'lghe award remains unpaid and all agencies provided y the War Department for determining and paying claims of this character have ceased to exist. Approved, February 14, 1927. mmm .

 CHAP. 147.-An Act For the relief of Captain C. R. Insley.

_ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Argjgun C`R`I;m°y' United States of Amerika in. 6'ongrese assembled, That the Secretary °°‘ of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed zdpay, git of ang §onIeIys1in tlie Treasulgy not otherygse aflgopria , to tain ey inance apartment nite tates y such amount as he may have refunded to, the United States ori account of loss of public funds amountingsto $535.54, for which he is responsible, and which represents chec lost in the mails on or about August. 18, 1924, under circumstances which rendered it im- possible to secure duplicates, and that he be relieved from further responsibility therefor. Approved, February 14, 1927.

     Act For the relief of the Kelly Springield Motor Truck

' PWY ° muh- , B tt enacted b the Senate and House of°Repreaentati»vea of the Mgméiéfgggmdipelx Uniled States of in Congress assembled, That the Secretary ”1E:ym•¤:to.!¤¢¤¤D· of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to ’”°°‘ pay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to the Kelly Springfield Motor Truck Company of Cali ornia, J. L. Stone, president, the sum of $434.45, asfull compensation for supplies furnished to the camp quartermaster at Camp Kearney, May 17, 1918, and receipted for May 20, 1918, being a delivery under emer- gency request. , Approved, February 14, 1927.