Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/345

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_ SIXTY-NINTH_CONGRESS.. Snss.:II. 158. {1927. 1777

 The,·name_of,James L. McElroy late of Captain<G._.¤V.;Ar1·ing- ’¤*¤•• L·M°m'°¥·

';en}s* Frontier gattltdliona Tpr?0 Volunteeéls, Indian w rs,.an pay .a· nsiono e ra o _ perrmont . Cggie namhe o§IMay;°l;l:§£l§€Wme, gvidow of ervezrlgahgxihse, late of i€r°E€Qi%'i·liy°§°’i“$$i‘}a. _ mb . glm¢¤_ at y an wars and my Enpension at the rate of $20 per month in;lieu of that she now reeeiv . V , g . . is name oélese R. Latham, lateof Companies E and B, Second .i)£i’€`i.ausm.

Alabamalnfantry, war, with Spam, andpay him a pen-

jsien at the rateofa $17 per month. » I . ,`aa · _ ,_ . ,.

Tll6€§8;1l16 of J.- Phillips, late of Troop H, Third Regi- “““°""·”"“""

ment United. States Cavalry, Regular-Btabhshment, and pay him a nsion at the rate of $12 per month. V . i ~ — _ lllhe name of James Bush, late of Company E, First Regiment J*“”°° M‘ B‘“h‘ Tegag Infantry, hwar w1th Spain, and pay h1m_a pension at the rate f 1 per mont . . . 9 The name of Alfred Blevins, late of Captain Jonathan Keeney’s §??$‘4f’°§1§’$’f?` Company C, Second Regiment Oregon Mounted Volunteers, Indian warsiland pay»him.a pension at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of that eis nowireceivin . · - . A. Thename of James Devlin, late of Company D, Fourth Regiment J'”“°s D°vl"" United States Infantry, Indian wars, and pay him a pension at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of that he is now reeeiving. Pmim The name of Floyd Colwell, late of One hundred and fourth rxéyd cdnweu. Company,“United States Coast Artillery Corps, Regular Establish- ment, and pay him a pension at the rate of $12 per month. www H sucmu . The name of William H. Sticksell, late-of Company K, First ` ' mentggio Infantry,hwar with Spain, and pay him a pension at e rate o 12 r mont . . . The namgaf Eugene, B. Russell, late of the United States Navy, EW B` RuSS°u` Regular gstablishment, and pay him a pension at the rate of $12 por out ‘- A ens on in . ‘ Tl]; name of James Truka, now known as James H. Counely, late laameh ·1·zi° i¤s of Troop M, Second Regiment United States Cavalry, Indian wars, ‘l“"’°S H‘°°”“°}"‘ {Ind pay him a pension at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of that in . . .I;£l1;1 tf;1I%urenoeI gendixen late of Coxgpalnlyi C, Elegenth £§¤ul‘:i1ceB¤¤di¤¤¤· _ iment ni , tates n antry , ar _ `s ent an pay him a pendon at the rate of $12 per month. Pensions mmm, S6The;11ai{n8e of {$811% Hegpgvidowcof glolgn Herr, late ofdTroopl I, lm Hm. vent nit tates av ian wars, an pay er a pension at the rate of $20 per month in lieu of that she is now ,rece1vmg., _ _ · nm . _ t _ The name of Francis S. Torback, late of Troop I, Fifth Regiment F cm S T° back United, States Cavalry, Indian wars, and pay him a pension at the ` rate of $30 per month in lieu of that he is now reeeivmg. Daisy w_ Lymm The name of Daisy W. Lyman, widow of Morris B..Lym•m, late of ,C0mpangmB, Seventh Regiment United States Infantry, Regular Esta lis ent, and pay heradpension at the rate of $20 per month Add,,,0,,,,, M mh tvgetherwvith $2 per month a ditional for each child of the soldier m¤¤¤r ¤¤¤d- lmder years of age in lieu of that she is now receiving. 8,,,,,,8 F_ Hiam The of Selema F. Hiatt,-dependent mother of Charles Z. $2%*3il% °f- T€.‘Z.°.i* ?’ €’§$1°°p..R..?§£i“fh.}T£i€2d.fS§3$“ £‘2'.ZL'?i; in lieu 0f,t e is receiving. . ~ . I ,,,ms,m_ The name of Harry G; Ross, late of First Company, Umted States Hwy G- Res- Q0asttA1l;tillery (gogps, RegularhEstablishment, and pay hima pen- .¤¤<>¤¤.t_qrat o ,12. rmont ·- • . . - - ,, A The name oil ,G. Patton, late of _Hospital Corps, United mmm G` Pam ` St:tesf.—;{2my, Regulaif Establishment, and pay h1m~a pension at the F¤ 6 0 per mont . ‘ 43892°—27—r·r 3*21