Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1156

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1105 INT ERNAT IONAL BURE AU OF THE UNION FOR THE P ROTEC TION OF INDUS- TRIAL PROPERTY For the share of the United States in the expense of conducting Bndu Industrial Property the International Bureau of the Union for the Protection of Indus- tri al Pro perty, at Be rne, S witzer land, $1,700 . MIXED CLAIMS COMMISSION, UNITED STATES AND G ERM AN Y-A ND TRIPAR- World War claims . TITE CLAIMS COMMISSION, UNITED STATES, AUSTRIA, AND HUNGARY For the expenses of determining the amounts of claims against German Mixed Germany by the Mixed Claims Commission established under the CVo 42,p Commission. agreement concluded between the United States and Germany on August 10, 1022, and subsequent agreement between those Govern- Post, P. 2699. ments, for the determination of the amount to be paid by Germany in satisfaction of the financial obligations of Germany under the treaty concluded between the Governments of the United States and Germany on August 25, 1921, for the expen ses o f de termi ning the amounts of claims against Austria and Hungary by the Tripartite Tripartite sh ims Claims Commission established under the agreement concluded be- trig and Hungary . tween the United States and Austria and Hungary on November 26, ol .4 pp i946,1956 . 1924, for the determination of the amount to be paid by Austria and Hungary in satisfaction of the financial obligations of Austria and Hungary under the treaties concluded between the Governments of the United States and Austria on August 24, 1921, and between the Governments of the United States and Hungary on August 29, 1921, and/or the treaties of Saint Germain-en-Laye and Trianon, respec- tively, including the expenses which under the terms of such agree- ment of August 10, 1922, and the agreement of November 26, 1924, are chargeable in part to the United States ; and the expenses of an agency of the United States to perform all necessary service . connection with the preparation of claims and the presentation there of bef ore sa id mix ed and tripa rtite c ommiss ions, includ ing sa l- aries of an agent and n ecessa ry cou nsel an d othe r assi stants and e m- ployees, rent in the District of Columbia, employment of special couns el, tr anslat ors, a nd oth er tec hnical expert s, b c ontrac t, wit h- Advertising for con . >



tracts waived . out regard to the provisions of any statute relative to employment, and for contract stenographic reporting services without regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U . S. C ., p . 1309, sec . 5), law R .S .,see.3709,p.733. book s an d boo ks of ref erenc e, co nting ent expen ses, trav eling ex- U.S. Code, p.1309. penses, and such other expenses in the United States and elsewhere as the President may deem proper, $132,927 . GENERAL AND SPECIAL CLAIMS COMMISSION, UNITED STATES AND MEXICO For the expenses of the settlement and adjustment of claims by the Mexican Claims Comm issio n, citizens of each country against the other under a convention con- Vol . 43, pp. 1722,1730. eluded September 8, 1923, and of citizens of the United States against Mexico under a convention concluded September 10, 1923, between the United States and Mexico, including the expenses which, under the terms of the two conventions, are chargeable in part to the United States, the expenses of the two commissions, and the expenses of an agency of the United States to perform all necessary services in con- Agency expenses . nection with the preparation of the claims and the presenting thereof before the said commissions, as well as defending the United States in cases presented under the general convention by Mexico, including salaries of an agent and necessary counsel and other assistants and employees and rent in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, law Rent. books and books of reference, printing and binding, contingent tracts dveer Advertising for con- expenses, contract stenographic reporting services, without regard