Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1208

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1157 4, sout hwest quarte r of t he nor thwest quarte r, and north west q uarter of the southwest quarter, section 1, township 37 north, range 62 west, sixth principal meridian . S tock- raisi ng h omest ead e ntrie s Buffal o, W oming, numbered James R. Rice . 024570 and 024571, made by James R . Rice on February 21, 1923, sta d sk-raising ho me for the south west q uarter of th e nort heast q uarter and t he sou theast quarter, section 30, and lots 1, 2, and 3, east half of the northwest quarter, southwest quarter of the northeast quarter and the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter, section 31, township 52 north, range 70 west , sixt h prin cipal meridi an . SE C. 2 . That stock-raising homestead entry, Billings Montana Vera M . Watts. 7 Stock-raisin g home . numbered 029013, made by Vera M . Diers (now Vera M. Watts), on stead, validated . Decembe r 5, 1 927, f or the south east q uarter of the north east q uarter and east half of the southeast quarter, section 31, north half of the southwe st qua rter, sectio n 32, townsh ip 7 so uth, r ange 5 8 east , lots 3 and 4, section 5, and lot 1, section 6, township 8 south, range 58 east, Montana principal meridian, be, and the same is hereby validated .

James C. Willox. SE C. 3 . That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby Patent to' issue. authorized to issue a patent to James C . Willox, of LaBonte, Wyo- ming, f or the north half of the north west qu arter, secti on 23, town- ship 29 north, range 73 west, sixth principal meridian .

Lillian Badger. SEC . 4. That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby Pate nt to iss ue. authorized and directed to issue to Lillian Badger, of Hollywood, California, a patent for lot 5 and the southwest quarter of the south- west quarter, section 26, and lots . 1 and 2, section 35, township 15 'Water power condi- south, range 35 ea st, Mo unt Di ablo m eridian , Cali fornia , such paten t t i ons . to co ntain the term s and cond itio ns of sect ion 24 of the Feder al Vol 41, p .10 75 . Water Power Act : Provided, That Lillian Badger make payment for Time for paym ent . the land within ninety days after notice of the approval of this Act at the rate of $1.25 per acre.

Paris M. McPhet- SEC . 5 . That the Commissioner of the General Land Office be, and ridge . he is hereby, authorized to quitclaim to Paris M . McPhetridge the Quitclaim to . south half of the southeast quarter, section 24, township 5 north, range 13 west, San Bernardino meridian, California . SEC . 6 . That homestead entry, Santa Fe, New Mexico, numbered Carolina Salazar . Stock-raising home . 044344, made by Carolina Salazar on February 14, 1923, under the st d entry vgalidated . stock-raising homestead Act of December 29, 1916 (Thirty-ninth Statutes at Large, page 862), embracing the south half of the south half, section 12, and the west half of the east half, section 13, town- ship 7 north, range 16 east, New Mexico meridian, be, and the same is hereby validated . Hom estea d entry- SEC . 7 . That no q uali fied homes tead entr yman who, prio r to No- men in Moffat, Rio vember 1, 1928, made bona fide entry upon lands of the United States counties, coo. R°utt in Moffat, Rio Blanco, and Routt Counties, Colorado, under the pro- visions of the homestead laws of the United States, and who estab- lished residence in good faith upon the lands entered by him, shall be Not subject to con - test for failure to main- subject to contest for failure to maintain residence or make improve- tain residence, during cric ket incur sion . ments upon his land subsequent to the incursion of swarms of crickets Rights re established or grasshoppers upon said land, or in the vicinity ; but such entry- on termination of in- man shall, within ninety days after issuance of notice by the Secre- vaslon . tary of the Interior that the emergency occasioned by such insect invas ion has t erminated , file in the off ice of th e registe r of the local land office an affidavi t that he has ree stablishe d his res idence on the land, with the intention of maintaining the same for a period suffi- Proviso . cient to enable him to make final proof : Provided, That any entry Reinstat ementofcan . here tofore cance led wi thin s aid co unties may, s ubject to in terven ing 'led entries . adverse rights, be reinstated on a proper showing by the entryman that a leave of absence under this Act would have been warranted