Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1621

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . 1I. CIi. 705. 1929 . Industrial work, etc . INDUSTRIAL ASSISTANCE AND ADVANCEMENT Timber preservation, etc.

For the purposes of preservingg living and growing b timber on Indian reservations and allotments other than the Menominee Indian Reservation in Wisconsin, and to educate Indians in the proper care mengscultural eaperi- of for ests ; for the cond ucting of exp eriments on In dian school o r agency farms designed to test the possibilities of soil and climate in the cultivation of trees, grains, vegetables, cotton, and fruits, and Farmers and stock for the employment of practical farmers and stockmen, including - men .

$50,000 for the employment of agricultural college graduates scien- Agricultural college tifical ly trai ned and quali fied to direct the a gricult ural ac tiviti es of graduates .

the Indians, in addition to the agency and school farmers now employed ; for necessary traveling expenses of such farmers and stockmen and for furnishing necessary equipment and supplies for them ; and for superintending and directing farming and Administering f or e st stock raising among Indians, $435,000 : P rovid ed, That this ap- landsfromtimbersales, propriation sh all be availa ble for the ex penses of adm inistration .to.

of Indian forest lands from which timber is sold to the extent only that proceeds from the sales of timber from such lands rarest fire prevail- a tion.

re insufficient for that purpose : Provided further, That not to excee d $100 ,000 o f the amoun t here in app ropri ated m ay be used Amo unt fo r soil, etc ., experiments, for the prevention of forest fires on Indian reservations : Provided further, That not to exceed $20,000 of the amount herein appro- p riated may b e used to c onduct exper iment s on I ndian school or agency farms t o test the po ssibili ties of soil and cli mate in the c ulti- vation of trees, cotton, grain, vegetables, and fruits, and for produc- Obtaining employ- ing and maintaining a supply of suitable plants or seed for issue to ment for Indians . Indians : Provided further, That not to exceed $10,000 of the amount herein appropriated may be used for obtaining remunerative employ- men t for Indians and when nec essary for pay ment of trans portation and other expenses to their place of employment, such expenditures ray limitations not a pplicable . t o be refunded when practicable : Provided also, That the amounts paid to matrons, foresters, farmers, physicians, nurses, and other hospital employees, and stockmen provided for in this Act shall not Vol. 37, p. 521.

be included within the limitations on salaries and compensation of U. S. Code, p. 692. employees contained in the Act of August 24, 1912 (U . S . C ., p . 692, sec. 58) . Timber sale, etc ., ex- pen ses

For expenses incidental to the sale of timber, and for the expenses . V of administration of Indian forest lands from which such timber is Reimbursement. sold to the extent that the proceeds of such sales are sufficient for ol.41,a. 41.7zo. that purpose, $210,000, reimbursable to the United States as provided U Klamat . S. Ch Reserva- in the Act of February 14, 1920 (U. S. C., p. 720, sec. 413). tion, Greg .

For continuation of forest insect control work on the Klamath o Forest insect control Indian Reservation in Oregon, $25,0 00, payable from funds on deposit in the Treasury to the credit of the Klamath Indians . pressing fires on reser- Emergencies for sup- To meet possible emergencies, not exceeding $50,000 of the appro- vations «

priations made by this Act for timber operations in the Indian Service is hereby made available for the suppression of forest fires on Indian reservations, together with the unexpended balance of the appropriation made for this purpose for the fiscal year 1928 from the funds held by the United States in trust for the respective tribes of Indians interested : Provided, That any diversions of appropria- tions made hereunder shall be reported to Congress in the annual Budget . For transfer to the Geological Survey for expenditures to be made in inspecting mines and examining mineral deposits on Indian lands and in supervising mining operations on restricted, tribal, and allotted Indian lands leased under the provisions of the Acts of February 28, 1891 (26 Stat., p . 795), May 27, 1908 (35 Stat., p . 312), March 3, 1909 (U. S. C., p. 717, sec. 39 6), and other Acts authoriz- From tribal funds . Proviso. Repo rt to Congre ss . Geological Survey . Supervising mining operations oleased lands, etc ., by- Vol .

. 26, p . 795; Vol. 35 pp. 312, 444, 783 . ~U. S. Code, p. 717.