Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1768

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INDEX~ xvii Armu--Continued. p .... appropriation for expenaee of citiaena' training camps, uniforma, trans- portation, etc., for attending_ 350,1372 medical and hOllpit&l treat- ment_____________ . _ __ _ _ _ _ 3 61,1373 burial expenllell ______________ 851, 1373 limitation on DWXlber of trainees__ 351 age limitation; no other funda to be uaed_______ ~ ___ __ ___ _;._ 861, 1373 uniforms, etc., from Army surplus ltock____________________ • 851, 1373 priC18 ourrent at time of. faIue__ 851, 1373 l8Iue not to impair reserves held for twofieldarmiel_____ .. _.;. aliI, 1373 for National Board for Promotion·of RUle Practice, for nationa1 matehell___________________ 851, 1373 maintenance, etc., Small Arma FirIng SChooL ____________ 851,1373 pa~~0;::TarmstroBot (talk)':rbeetc~1 from tWa fun1. ____ ~ __ L_______ 352 equipment, supplies, ete__________ 352 expenses, olNatlonal Guard, etc., participating in matches_______ 352 subsistence of teAma_____________ 352 travel expeDIN, etc., l'ifte teAma_ __ 352 amounts reappropriated lrom dea- ignated fundl________________ 352 travel allowance for teams by automobile or train____________ 352 advance payment for return traveL 352 for quartermaster supplies, etc., for rifle ranges, etc.,' oiVllian In- struction___________ ~ ______ 352,1373 transportation of l'ifte teams, etc_______________________ 353,1373 lor annual rifle contest.s, .tr(lphy, medals, etc________________ 353, 1374 for arms, etc., for civilian taqet practice___________________ 353 1374 no- 'bay to any officer1 . etc:, using t6ue-mea!!Uling deVlce. on work of employee; cash bo~lUs :re- strlcted ___________________ 353,1374 for penaiona ____________ ~ _ __ _ _ _ 226, 1688 for paying property damages, etc'l dUe to aIrp~!le accfdent a~ Langin Field, W. Va.__________ 1434 deficienoy appropriation for jleJ)8iODl___ 19) 41,46,1617,1621,1642,1671 lorG,~el"9,-935:93'i:i6i~:iii2;i672, 1::4 for d&mages claima_______________ 36,926 for Colonel Ely and Muter Sergeant Falkenthal for personal loBaee_ _ 35 lor subsistence________ 35, 42,·49, 935, 1619 for survey ol ammunition storage of Navyand____________________ 35 for construction, etc., buildings, utili- ties etc. at ~; pvt from ~t oonatructlon fund _____ .. __ 35 for Fort Jal, N. y_~______________ 35 for Fort Riley, Kans., officers' quar- ters_________________________ 36 for Fort Douglas, Utah____________ 36 for Walter Bead hospital, additional facilities ____________________ ·36,927 for Fort Mills, Corregldor, P. 1 ._ _ _ _ 36 for Ordnance Department, removing proiectiles from Lake Denmark to Pioatinny ArsenaL_________ 36 for rehabilitation of Picatinny Ar- senal, N. J __ _ .:._____ ______ ____ 36 Arm~Continued.


deficiency appropriation for 8%peD8e8, distribution of oaptmed' war trophies, etc______ .;.;."'- ______ _ 36 for reimbursing Philippine GoYamt- ment_____________ ..i. _ .. . ~; .~ __ . ,;_ 37 lor national cemeteries_ _____ ~, 43, 60, 936 for headstones for If&voa of .amen- for =TarmstroBot (talk) 00:57, 25 September 2010 (UTC)=-T~b,Of 37 Un&nOWD Soldier_____________ 07 for increaae of com~tioD-------- 421 "- 49, 935, 938, UU9, ..~~672, 1674 for pay, etc., War with BP.8ain.. -..;-+I....: .:· 42, "- 49, 03a,~ l~P, 10,42, 1674 for mileage__________ ~_:~-- .. - ~,~ 5, 161Q for clothing and equi~_ .. ~. __ .-_ - __ , 42} 49,938, 161D;14~,1TarmstroBot (talk) 1674 fortranspo~l~n93i-i6iQ-i622;i672 16~4 for headstones for soldierl grav~ 43, 1620 for horses __________________ . - - _ 43, 1619 for h08pitals ____________ ~~_· 4a,935, 1619 for Signal8ervlee _____ 43,161.,1672,1674 for air service, produotion__ .:~_:.._~__ 43 for medical department___ 063, 4.9, 936, 1619 for Chemical WarfareBerrice. 48,43, 49, 936 for fortiftcatioDl _________ ..>.: .. __ .i . ____ 43, U, 49,936, 1'811, 1672, 1674 for Field Artillery- __ _ :. •. _1Mt6, 1619, 1674 for Ordnance DepartmentL ... __ .:. :._ ~__ 43, . 49,93~~.1619, 1(22, 1672 for.Reaerve omcers' Training Co'~B_ 431 .. 49, ~ 938, 1620,.1674 for proving grounds ___________ - .. __ 43,49 for Organised Rese~9~i620;+·i6-. 1:;2 for National Guard ______________ ~, 45, 4~, 929, 936,938, 1619, 1622, 1672, 1614 for Qu&rtermaater COrps __________ " - 49, 926,929,935,938, 1619, IG22, 1672, 1674 for aviation Navy tranafer to, Annt _ . 45 for post exc~-.-----.. - ..: - __ .: . __ . 49 for mileage, o1Bcera A'pd. OoDtract SUrgeoDl__ - n. t b ~ n ; ----- 49.L.935, 938 for dispos!tlon of.etc., of O~- oers ___________ ~~ .. -- :. -.: . ~9. 938, 1672 for registration, etc., '~t&r,:~- for j:aii~~ai t;aintn~-l,i00:57, 25 September 2010 (UTC)7, 161g for Army War coneae__· __ ~.::.~:._'____ 49 for longevity pay_ . . :._~~ __ ~'__ __ _ ;,'~~__ 491 . 935; 93'T; 1'619,' 1622; 1M!, 1674 for. barracks and quartel1l .. -- .- ____ ; -. : _ 49, T"Ji J. 08~;;1Q'19, 1622 for incidental expen!I8B.-.,;:!~!.:~ __ ~_~ '49,1619 for row, walks, w~t.~.:.·~-_-- . 49 for Camp Brau....N•. (l., 8ue!~·___ ~~__ 49 for Scott Field, m., .TarmstroBot (talk)_:..~_:..____ 49 for water ana ~ 'l1l1I ·tnilltary poets ___________ .:..~: ~T2:.! ~.:: _"':" __ _ for replacingl'elNlar 8unPllela ______ _ for ~, World W-...: ~~U8fM for ~c!io&!:-=~bi~;.==: for military ~. :btln8tt'ftlitfon ____ _ for Schofield BarraoIta ~.WltlL __ ~_" for Forti Humphrey.!r Vil_ ~ _ _ ~ ____ ;._ 49 49 925 926 926 926 926 926 for Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind__ :. _ for Ban Antonio, Tez;, fiying .chool, etc~ _________________ .. ~_~_.___ _ 926 for Selfri~ge Field, Mic~i haspi1a1_ _ 927 for Fort Wadsworth, N. Y., 1l0llltrueoo' tion______________ .. _:._______ _ 927 for Selfridge Field, MiCh.;' land for right of way___________________ 927