Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1843

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xcii INDEX. PerUral HightIJ(JII Act-Continued. planting of lhade trees to be included in project lpeoiJioationB_ _________ 683 Federal funda may be increaaed by mDeage of roads in national for- en.,etc ______ r ______________ 683 allowance of Federal funda on highways in emaJl municipalities_________ 683 no allowance for bri~ in municipal- ities of population over 30,000_ _ 684 not ~plicable io interatate bridges ccmneotinc with amall municipal- ity ill adJoinin« State__________ 684 inconaiatent laWI repealed____________ 684 FedMal HorHcultural Board, Department 0/ ACIricultwe, deficiency appropriation for eradicating pink bollworm of cotton, in Ari- lIODa, etc_____________ " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 13 for eradicating Parlatoria date leale_ 14 foreatablfBhing, etc., noncotton zones_ 895 for general expeDBel_______________ 933 for salaries and exp6DBe1________ 1617,1621 functions of, transferred to Plant Quar- antine and Control Admin,iatra- tion_________________________ 565 Chief of, ex officio, &8 chairman of Ad- vieory Board, etc_____________ 565 FedMal IRdmtrialI""titution/or Women, appropriation for maintenance, etc __ 82,1113 deficiency appropriation for construc- tion work; reappro'friation ____ _ acceptance authorbed 0 funda for a 22 chapel on premlaee of_______ .. __ 1509 chapel to be maintained at Govern- ment eXJ)CDae_________________ 1509 preliminary Iketches, working draw- ings, etc.., to be procured_______ 1509 by office or Superiiaing Architect; reimbursement from donated funda________________________ 1509 right of way. granted ac1"08l, to Alder- liOn, W. Va., for publio high- way________________________ _ FedMal Land Bana, 53 establiBhment of, in each Federal land bank, by Federal Farm Loan ~ __________________ ~____ 1558 branches authorized_______________ 1558 dealgnation for, in Alaska and Porto FUco___________________ 1558 loans authorized not exceeding 125,000; interest rate__________ 1558 term limit for loana by, in Porto Rico or Alaska_______________ 1558 uempt from Income tax_____________ 814 FedMal Oil ComenKltion Board, deficiency appropriation for expenses; reappropnation____________ 887,1626 FedMal Point LitihthouttJ RUIlf'Htion, conveyance o(l..authorized to Wilming- ton,N. ,-, .,aaamemorial to com- memorate Battle of Fort Fisher_ 1066 Federal Power Commiaion, appropriation for ex~ of______ 579, 1236 transfer of civilian employees to rolla ol; no ~ reductIOns___ 579 for printing and binding for _____ 579,1236 deficienl01:09, 25 September 2010 (UTC)TarmstroBot (talk)_o_~_ TarmstroBot (talk)_TarmstroBot (talk) 01:09, 25 September 2010 (UTC) 1676 may iBaue permits for power develop- ment on Salt River, within Fort Apache and White Mountain LidIaD Reservations, Ariz______ 1344 . FtdtJral Power Commiuion-Continued. Pap. no permit to be iuued by, for develop- ment of water power on Potomao River from Rock Creek to above the Great Falla, until further ac- repo::~be~--&ndN~ti;'n~ 1012 Capitol Park an1Pt";nnlng Com- million, sa to utlUzation of the are&_________________________ 1012 permits, lioe~ etc., not to be iuued ~~1 upon Colorado River and mDutaries, except the Gila, in ~:-frao~ _TarmstroBot (talk)__TarmstroBot (talk) 01:09, 25 September 2010 (UTC) _TarmstroBot (talk) a46 allowed, if prior thereto, the Boulder Canyon Project Act becomes. effective_ _ ___ _______ ___ ______ 1"6 to report on compensation to Apache Indiana, for power plant at Coolidge Dam, Ariz___________ 211 Federal Priaon. Camp', establiahment, etc., of, authorized by Attorney General_____________ 1318 selection of, by Attorney General and Secretaries of Agriculture and Interior__________________ 1318 convicts may be transferred to, for road and trait building_____________ 1318 good conduct commutation appli- cable________________________ 1318 additional deduction for actual em- ployDlent____________________ 1318 criminal laWI affecting prisoners made applicable to thoee transferred to___________________________ 1318 payment of earnings of inmates_______ 1318 expenses ofl payable from appropria- tion lor IUpport of United States prisoners______ _ _ __ ___ ____ ____ 1318 FedMal Radio Commi&rion (see olio Radio Act of 1927), appropriation for Commiaaionera___ 579,1236 iorotherexpenaes______________ 579,1236 for printing and binding ________ 579,1236 deficiency appropriation for aalaries and expeDleB_____________________ 5 for Commissioners; amount immedi- atelyavailable________________ 887 for general expenses_______________ 887 contracts for reporting___________ 887 for stenographic aervice, 1927 and 1928________________________ 1626 authority of, continued until Maroh 16, 1929; aalary continued_________ 373 term of present, to expire February 23, 1929; of SUCceBSOrs_ ____ ____ ___ 373 powers vested in, continued until December 31, 1929____________ 1559 period~~fTarmstroBot (talk)_~_~:TarmstroBot (talk) 01:09, 25 September 2010 (UTC)_l~~ 1559 term of each member to expire Feb- ruary 23, 1930; terms of ap- pointees thereafter____________ 1559 appointment of general counsel, legal aBliatanta, etc_________________ 1559 FedMal Re~rler, appropnation for purchase of continu- ation of____________________ 81, 1112 Federal Reaerve Act.! Amendments, • discount by Reserve bank of com- mercial paper for Dlember banks secured by nonperishable staples_ 975 prompt collection and payment re- quired.______________________ 975