Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1868

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INDEX. • cxvii Health Depar1mlflt, D. C .-C Ontinued. defiCienI12901:13, 25 September 2010 (UTC)TarmstroBot (talk)_TarmstroBot (talk) 01:13, 25 September 2010 (UTC) TarmstroBot (talk) 01:13, 25 September 2010 (UTC) 1693 H8IJlUa Ofliar, D. C., directed. to transfer JDal'!'i- .e reoords in hie omee to Diatriel Supreme Cknut_~ ___________________ ~_ 1285 H /lanf191 in Lo.nd Rntriu, . appropriation far expeDsea, etc ____ 202, 1564 Hecht, J. L ., ~t .' may bridge Mississippi River, at Bet- - tendorf, Iowa________________ 759 time extended for bridldng Miasissippi River, at Betteniiorf, Iowa, by__ 1512 Helma, Ark., bridge a~thorbed ac1"Oll8 Misaisai,Ppi . River, at____________________ 762 time extended for bridging Mississippi Rive~at--------------------- 1529 Helma, Mrml., . a\>propriation for assay office aL __ 176,1041 H elun", Armv, appropriation for procuring, from Mines . Bureau ___________________ 338, 1361 Helium GOII, appropriation for operation of plants for' Army and Navy production of _______________________ 103,1133 for invest~ting resources arui con- servatIOn oL ______________ 103, 11~4 for acquirin~ plants, sites, etc., for production oL ____________ 104,1134 Helium, Navy, . appropriation for procuri~g, from Mines Bureau ___________________ 63~ 1 465 Hellenic Republic (see Greece) Hemlock Street NW., D. C., appropriation for p'ving, etc.] . Thir- teenth to Fourteenth i::!treetsj from g8l!Oline tax fund_ _______ 1270 Hemp, appropriation for investigating, for pulp manufacture ______________ 554,1205 Henderllon Bridge Company, time extended for bridging Kanawha River by, at Henderson, W. Va_______________________ 314, 1525 Hender8on, Ky., bridge authorized acroBB Ohio River, at_ 485 Henderllon I filet, Watlh., trestle, etc., in, legalized· __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ 1430 Henderson-Ohio Ril'er Bridge Company, may bridge Ohio River, at Henderson, ]{y-------------------------- use of tolls, designated ____________ _ otherfunds for retiring bonds, etc__ iBBue of bonds, etc _______________ _ 485 485 485 486 on redemption of bonds, etc., bridge to become property of Ken- tucky_______________________ 486 to be a free bridge on conveyance by Bridge Company to the State___ ~__ __ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ __ 486 Henderllon, W. Va., time extended for bridging Kanawha River, to Point Pleasant from. 314,1525 Hendrix, B. L., etc., may bridge Ohio River, at Mound Cuy, 111_____________________ 316 time extended for bridging Ohio River, Mound City, Ill., by__________ 1529 Henry A. Greene Memorial Association, authorized to erect memorial building, at Fort Lewis, Wash_ ___ ______ 1154 HW71 Barrad:a, P. R., . p .... construction authorized of· buildings, . etc., on~..i ________,_ .. .: ____ '____ • 1301 Henr71 Count7l, T6!"n'l .. ' bridge authoriJJea &Cro1llJ·· Teaneasee RiV8r,'in Stiew&tt CouDtyand__ 418 Hermann Bridge Company. . may bridge Missouri River, .t Her- mann, :r.Io-,------~----------- .149 Hermann, MO'I • • bridge ~ut~ aclOBB Missouri Rlver~,at------ _, -,. . -- ------ ---- i49 Hernando TobGcco Com:pany, sale of Brooksville Plant Introduction , Qarden to, authorized_________ 427 Hero, Geqrge A.,ond A~'S. Hackett, time ex~nded. (or· bridging Mississippi River, between New Orleans and Gretna, La.• by____________ 193,1229 Hertford and Gates Countiu N. C.~ bridge authorized across Chowan River, in________'______ ·_ _ _ _ _ _____ ___ 1434 Hertford County, N. C., . . bridge authonzed &CroBB Meherrin River; . .in__________ .-------_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ 1451 Hertfort) Pl~ NW., D. C., appropriation for paving, etc., Oak to Ogden Streets; fl"i>m gasoline tax fund______-_____ ·__________ ' 653 Heyburn, Idaho, ' bridge acroBB Snake River, at, legaliSed_ 286 Hickey, J. F., etc., " may bridge Puglit'SOund; Wash., at the Narrows_____________________ 1403 Hickman, Ky., . bridge authori'*Cd aiclOBB MiBBissippi River,at__ ~ _____ ~ ___ ________ _ 321 time extended for bridging MisaiBBippi River,at ____________________ 1532 Higdon, B. L ., may bridge Perdido Bay, at Bear Point, Ala___________ ~_____________ 385 High Tem~aturu, appropnation for investigating methods . of measurement and control of__ "_' ___ " __ __ __ ___ _ .:: _____ 93,1123 Highgate Spring., Vt., ' appropriation for public buil<Ung_ _ _ _ _ 1042 deficiency appropriation for public building at ___ ~_,~ ____ ___ __ __ _ _ 921 Highway Bridge, D. C ., . appropriation for;operating expense~__ 65'1 for 'reconstructing floor system; un- mediately avanable _______ ~___ 657 deficiency appropriation for flooring, etc_________ --_______________ 16ag for maintenance, 1929_____________ 1692 Highway C0ft.8tr~ion (866 Public Roads Bureau). . Highways Conference, Second Pan Amer- ican, deficiency appropriation for expenses of partiCipating in, at Rio de Ja- neiro________~ ___•_____________.__ 912 amount authorized for participating in_ 403 Highways pepartment, D~ C., appropnatlOD for'salaries, etc______ 647,1264 for housing shops of, at Bryant Street station_ _ _ _ _ _________________ 1264 -deficiency appropriation for salaries, 1929________________________ 1692 Highways, Federal (see Federal Highway Act) •.