Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/458

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS . I. Cas. 321, 322 . 1928 .

407 " The appropriation provided for in this section shall be appor- m Ratio of apportion . tioned among the several States and Territories under just and equitable procedure to be prescribed by the Secretary of War and in direct ratio to the number of enlisted men in active service in the National Guard existing in such States and Territories at the date of apportionment of said appropriation, and to the District of Colum- Proviso. bia, under such regulations as the President may prescribe : Pro- Expenses specified . vided, That the sum so apportioned among the several States, Terri- tories, and the District of Columbia shall be available under such rules as may b e prescribed by the Secret ary of War for the actual and necessary expenses incurred by officers and enlisted men of the Regular Army when traveling on duty in connection with the Atte ndan ce of Arm y National Guard ; for actual and necessary expenses incurred by officers at conventions officers of the Regular Army, and Reserve Officers holding commis_ of National Guard As- sociation and Adju- sions in the National Guard on active duty in the Militia Bureau tents General Associa- or the War D epartment Gen eral Staff, w hile traveling in attending tion, added. the annual conventions of the National Guard Association of the United States and The Adjutants General Association ; for the trans- portation of supplies furnished to the National Guard for the per- manent equipment thereof ; f or office ren t and necessa ry office expenses of officers of the Regular Army on duty with the National Guard ; for the expenses of the Militia Bureau, including clerical services ; for expenses of enlisted men of the Regular Army on duty Qnartersandsnbsist- Y

ence to Army enlisted with the National Guard, including an allowance for quarters and men. subsistence provided in s ection 11 of the Pay Readju stment Act of Vol.42,p.630. June 10, 1922, medicine, and medical attendance ; and such expenses fu nd l y from general shall constitute a charge against the whole sum annually appropri- ated for the support of the National Guard, and shall be paid there- from and not from the allotment duly apportioned to any particular Promoting rifle prae ° State, Territory, or the District of Columbia ; for the promotion tice, field instruction, of rif le prac tice, includi ng the acquis ition, constru ction, mainte nance, etc . and equipment of shooting galleries, and suitable target ranges


the hiring o f horses and draft animals for use of mo unted troops, batteries, and wagons for forage for the same ; and for such other incidental expenses in connection with lawfully authorized encamp- ments, maneuvers, and field instruction as the Secretary of War may deem necess ary, a nd fo r such other expen ses p ertain ing to the National Gua rd as are how or may herea fter be author ized by law ." Approved, April 6, 1928 . Apr il6,1928. CHAP. 322 .-An Act To amend section 110, National Defense Act, so as to [S .2537.] provide bet ter adm inis tra tive pro ced ure in t he disb urse men ts f or pay of N ati onal [Public, No . 240.] Guard officers and enlisted men . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the second N ay' n o~~rd . and paragraph of section 110, National Defense Act, as amended, be, and enlisted men . the same is hereby, amended to read as follows "All amounts appropriated for the purpose of this and the last mntsrtbyy Army mFi- recedin s ection shall be di sburs ed and accou nted for b the nance Department, for ll



the various units . officers and agents of the Finance Department of the Army, and am o hea 2, p. 1036, effective as soon as practicable after July 1, 1928, all disbursements under the foregoing provisions of this section shall be made for such three-months periods for the various units of the National Guard as shall be prescribed in regulations issued by the Secretary of War and on pay rolls prepared and authenticated in the manner pre- scribed in said regulations : Provided, That for the period necessary Provisos . to put into operation the payment plan herein provided for, the of oa porary pro Secretary of War is authorized to fix initial pay periods of less