Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1556

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3210 INDEX. wsen Volcanic National Park, Calif. - Paae. Continued. prominent mountain in, to be perma- nently named in honor of John E. Raker, deceased Member of Con~~____________________ 371 La3urll! El~en B. (widow), penSlOn Increased_ _ ___ ______ __ ___ ___ 2192 Latka"!, Cf!rrill (widow), penSlOn Increase(L _____ _____________ 2214 Latham, Mary B. (widow), pension____________________________ 2005 Lathero:», 1nnie I. (widow), penSIon Increa.sed___________________ 2102 Lathrop, Comtance D., naval gratuity pay to, for death of husband_____________________ 1858 Lathrop, Edward S., reimbursement to, for travel, etc., ex- Lathrop, TarmstroBot (talk)esE.-(d;~ghi;),- - -- - - -- - -- - 1721 pension__ ________ ___ ____ ________ ___ 1804 Lathro1!, ~a,.garet W. (widow), penSlOn Increased___________________ 2214 Latin A merica, appropriation for expenses promoting commerce with _____________ 86,1117 Latta, Mary (widow), pension increased_ _ __ __ __ __ __ ____ ___ 1882 Latta, ~e~a (widow), penSlOn Increa.sed_ _ ____ _____ ___ ___ __ 1753 Latvia, treaty of friendship, commerce, and consular ri~hts with___________ 2641 Latvia, and Lithuama, Estonia, appropriation for minister to _______ 65, 1096 Lauck, Isabella (widow), pension increased ________ . __ _ __ ____ _ 2142 Lauder! Fr~donia A. (widow), penSlOn Increased_ _ __ ______ ___ ___ __ _ 2059 Lauder~ac~, Ida K. (widow), penSlOn Increased_ ___ __________ ____ _ 1924 Lauderdale County, Ala., bridge authorized across Elk River, between Limestone County and_ 109 Laughlin, Irwin B., reappointed a Regent of Smithsonian Institution__ ______ ___________ 1146 Lauth, .Jen!1'ie E. (widow), penSlOn Increased___________________ 1884 Lautze1!h~er, SUMn A. (widow), penSlOn Increased___________________ 2134 Laux, ¥arpareth E. (widow), pensIOn Increased___________________ 2074 Lavely, Francia Warren (son), pension____________________________ 1976 Law, S.ara~ M. (widow), pensIOn Increased_ ___ ___ ___ ____ ____ _ 2218 Lawhead, Mary A. (widow), penmon____________________________ 1778 LawhllC!d, ¥ary A. J. (widow), pensIOn Increased_ _ __ ____ ______ _____ 2216 LawhlJC!d, ¥ary E. (widow), penSlOn Increased_ _ __ _______________ 2096 Lawho~n, ¥artha A. (widow), penSlOn InCreased_ _ ____ ______ __ _____ 2293 Lawler, Elizabeth (widow), pension____________________________ 1776 Lawler! El~ (widow), penSlOn Increased_ _ __ ______ ____ ____ _ 1914 Lawler, Frank (son), pension__ ___ ______________ ___ ___ ___ 1819 Lawless, Annie C. (widow), penmon____________________________ 1840 Lawn Seed (see Grasses). Paae. Lawrence and Randolph Counties, Ark., may bridge Spring River, at Black Rock________________________ 1093 at Imboden_ __________ ________ __ _ 1093 Lawrence, Catherin6 L. (daughter), pension____________________________ 2292 Lawrence, Harriett A. (widow), pension____________________________ 1795 Lawrence, Ida B. (widow), pension____________________________ 1807 Lawrence, Kans., appropriation for public building_ _ 179, 1042 for Haskell Institute Indian School at ________________________ 217,1578- deficiency appropriation for Haskell Institute Indian School at_____ _ 901, Lawrence, Lida J. (widow), 1610,1640 pension increased __________________ _ Lawrence, Lodema (widow), pension ___________________________ _ Lawre~ce, !dargaret J. (widow), penSlOn Incre&.iied __________________ _ Lawrence Street NE., D. C., appropriation for paving, etc., Twelfth to Fourteenth Streets; from gss- oline tax fund _______________ _ for paving, etc., Tenth to Twelfth Streets; from gasoline tax fund_ for paving, etc., Fourteenth to Seven- teenth Streets; from gasoline tax fund ____________________ _ for paving, etc.bTwenty-second Street to South akota Avenue; from ga!,oline tax fund ____________ _ Lawrenceburg, [nd., bridge authorized across Miami River, between Columbia Park and ___ _ Laws of the District of Columbia, deficiency appropriation for employ- ment by Committee on Revision of the Laws, House of Represen- ta~iv~s, codifying, etc.; reappro- La!. son, ):~~I~Le-d(~d~~):----------- pension ___________________________ _ Lawson, John L., pension ___________________________ _ Lawso~, M.ary J. (widow), pensIOn Increased __________________ _ Lawton, Eliza Mackintosh Clinch Ander- son, executors of estate of, permitted to erect flagstaff, etc., at Fort Sumter as memorial to General Robert 2284 1822 1904 653 1271 1271 1271 394 3. 1929 2007 1864 Anderson _ __________ _________ 499 flagstaff substituted for a statue_ ___ 499 Lawton" Eljzabeth (widow), penSlOn Increased_ _ __ _______________ 2076 Lawton, Okla., payment to designated persons for losses caused by fire of 1917 at.__ _ ___ 2328 terms of court at____________________ 151S Lawton" Rl!sella A. (widow), penSlOn Incre8.' led_ _ _________________ 1735- Lawwill, Margaret (widow), pension increased_ _ __ __ ____ __ __ _____ 2179 Lawyer., A1aline A. (widow), penSlOn Increased__ _ _ __________ __ ___ 2109 Lazaro, Ladislas, late a Representative in Congres., deficiency· appropriation for pay to widow oL____ __ ___________ __ _ 8