Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/718

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2394 CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS or municipal, as may be appointed for purposes similar to the pur- poses of this resolution, and to take such steps as may be necessary to seeure the coordination and correlation of plans prepared by State commissions or by bodies created under appointment by the governors of the respective States and by representative civic bodies; and to do all such other things as mar be necessary to carry into full effect the intents and purposes of this resolution. cleTarmstroBot (talk)ts°t~~ SEC. 3. That the Commission, after selecting a chairm~ and 8 thorlzed vice chairman from among their members may employ a secretary and such other assistants as may be needed for clerical work con- to"7~eral expense nected with the duties of the Commission: Provided, That said Com- for. mission can so arrange that no part of the payor expense of said secretary and other assistants, if any, shall be paid by the United St.Rtes. TraVeling, etc., ex· SEC. 4 . The commissioners shall receive no oompensation for their penses allowed. services, but shall be paid their actual and necessary traveling, hotel, and other expenses inQurred in the discharge of their duties, and the same shall be paid out of the contingent funds of the House and Senate. AZ>~:~t!lTarmstroBot (talk) SEC. 5. That the said Commission be, and the same is hereby, to plans. authorized to call upon the Commission of Fine Arts, in Washington, for their assistance and advice in connection with any plan or plans that may be submitted or considered, and the said Commission of Fine Arts is directed to render such assistance and advice as its other duties may_permit and as may be within its power. RePOrt to Concreas. SEC. 6 . That the CommisslOn shall on or before the 15th day of Po.t , p. 231M!. December, 1928, make a report to the Congress, in order that enabling DI legislation may be enacted• • lon~to nOfOo mmis. SEC. 7 . That the Commission hereby created shall expire within Immedl two years after the expiration of the celebration. at!i~~lve • SEC. 8. That this concurrent resolution .shall take effect immedi- ately. Passed, May 28,1928. May 29, 11128. [S. Con. Res., No. 22.] ADJOtTRN¥ENT. Adjournment or Con- Resolved by the Senate (the House 0-1 Representatives concurri~) That gress. May 29, 1928. • f rJ !J. the PresJ.dent 0 the Senate and the Speaker of the House 0 ltepre- sentatives be authorized to close the first session of the SeventIeth Congress by adjourning their respective Houses on the 29th day of May, 1928, at 5.30 o'clock post meridian. Passed, May 29, 1928.