Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/748

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2424 PAN-AMERICAN POSTAL UNION. NOVEMBER 9, 1926. Executive tiODa. Agreement. Regula· REGLAMENTO DE EJECU- CION DE LA CONVENCION PRINCIPAL PANAMERICANA CELEBRADA ENTRE AR- GENTINA, BOLIVIA)., BRA- ZIL, COLOMBIA, uOSTA RICA, CUBA, CHILE, DO- MINICANA, ECUADOR, EL SALVADOR, ESPANA, ES- TADOS UNIDOS DE AME- RICA, GUATEMALA, HON- DURAS, MEXICO~ PANA- MA, PARAGUAY, rERU Y URUGUAY. Los infrascritos, en nombre de sus respectivas Administraciones, han convenido en las si~entes reglas para asegurar III. elecuci6n del precedente Convenio: Articulo 1 REGULATIONS OF EXECU- TION OF THE PAN-AMERICAN PRINeI- PAL CONVENTION CONCLUDED BETWEEN ARGENTINA, BOLIVIA, BRAZIL, COL0MBIA, COSTA RICA,CUBA,CHILE, THE DOMINICAN REPUB- LIC, ECUADOR, EL SAL- VADOR, SPAIN, THE UNI- TED STATESOF AMERICA, GUATEMALA, HONDURAS, MEXICO, PANAMA, PARA- GUAY, PERU AND URU- GUAY. The undersigned, in the name of their respective Administra- tions, have agreed on the follow- ing rules to assure the execution of the foregoing Convention: Article 1 CAMBIO DE DESPACHOS EXCHANGEOFDISPATCHES Use of closed open mails. and 1: Las Administraciones de los paises contratantes, podr{m ex- pedirse redprocamente, por me- diaci6n de una 0 varias de elias, tanto despachos cerrados como correspondencia al descubierto, en las condiciones citadas por el Convenio y Reglamento de Es- tocolmo. Forwarding mails. 2. Cada Administraci6n inter- mediaria estara obligada a cursar esta correspondencia por los me- dios mb rapidos de que disponga para el envfo de 180 suya pro:pia, rea.1izimdo el transporte gratwta- mente, cuando se trate de servi- cios que dependan de su Adminis- traci6n, 0 percibiendo de 180 de origen los mismos derechos que este obligada a pagar, cuando, para el trans:porte ulterior, se requieran serVlcios de Adminis- traciones extrai', a las cuales deba satisfacer los derechos co- rrespondientes. 1. The Admmistrations of the contracting countries may send to one another reciprocally, thru the intermediary of one or several of them, both closed dispatches and correspondence in open mail, on the conditions fixed by the Convention and Regulations of Stockholm. 2. Each intermediary Adminis- tration will be obliged to forward this correspondence by the most rapid means which it has at its dispose.} for the c..ispatch of its own, effecting the transportation gratuitously when it is 1\ question of services which are subordinate to its Administration, or collect- in~ from the Administration of orIgin the same charges which it is obliged to pay when, for tbe subsequent transmisgion, the cor- respondence requires the services of foreign Administrations to which the corresponding charges must be paid.