Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/755

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PAN-AMERICAN POSTAL UNION. NOVEMBER 9, 1926. 2431 Articulo 13 APLICACION DE LA Cf)N- VENCION POstrAL UNI- VERSAL Y DE LA LEGIS- LACION INTERNA 1. Todos los asuntos que se relacionen con el cambio de co- rrespondencia en tre los pruses con- tratantes y que no esten previstos en este Reglamento, se sujetaran a las disposiciones del Regla- mento de 10. Convenci6n Postal Universal de Estocolmo. 2. Igualmente, 10. legislaci6n interior de los mismos pruses se aplicara en todo aquello que no naya sido determinado por ambos reglamentos. Articulo 14 Article 13 APPLICATION OF THE UNI- VERSAL POSTAL CONVEN- TION AND DOMESTIC LEGISLATION • • Mattersnot provided 1. All matters ill connectIOn for, subJect to Universal wit.h the exchange of correspond- iIg~~1 Union stipula- ence among the contracting coun- tries which are not provided for in these Regulations will be subject to the stipulations of the Regulations of the Universal Pos- tal", Co~ven~ion of Stockho~m. Domestic legislation ~. likeWISe, the domestIC leg- ISpplicable. islation of the same countries will be applicable in everything that has not been determined by either set of Regulations. Article H:. CUENTAS Y GASTOS DE LA ACCOUNT AND EXPENSES OF I C I N A INTERNA- OF THE INTERNATIONAL ClONAL DE MONTEVIDEO OFFICE OF MONTEVIDEO 1. La Administraci6n General de Correos, 'relegrafos y Tele- fonos de 10. Republica Oriental del Uruguay, formulara anual- mente 10. cuenta de los gastos a que se refiere el articulo 17 de 10. Convenci6n Principal y, de acuer- do con este, las Administraciones contratantes reintefP'aran las su- mas que haya anticIpado. 2. La Oficina Internacional practicara 10. liquidaci6n de las cuentas relativas a los servicios que se ejecuten entre los pruses contratantes, salvo arreglo en contrario, siguiendo para ello los procedimientos generales esta- blecidos por 10. Convenci6n Postal Universal. Articulo 15 ENTRADA EN VIGOR Y DU- RACION DEL REGLA- MENTO El presente Re~lamento empe- zara a regir el IDlsmo dia que el Convenio a que se refiere, y teridra 10. misma duraci6n que este. 1. The Administration of Posts, m~lli~:i~nr~~al:r'!: Telegraphs and Telephones of the paid for advances. RepUblic of Uruguay will prepare annually the account of the ex- penses referred to by Article 17 Antt, p_ 2416 . of the Principal Convention, and, in conformity with this Article, the contracting Administrations will reimburse the Uruguayan Administration for the sums which it has advanced. 2. The International Office will coTarmstroBot (talk)lement ot lie- effect the settlement of accounts relative to services carried on among the countries unless a contrary arrangement is made, and will follow, in that connection, the general proced- ures established by the Universal Postal Convention. Article 15 E.FFECTIVE DATE AND DU- RATION OF THE REGULA- TIONS The present Regulations will du~.!lTarmstroBot (talk)e time and become effective on the same date as the Convention to which they relate, and will have the same duration.