Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/786

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2462 PEACE TREATY-NETHERLANDS. D:mcEIIBER 18, 1913. December 18, 1911. Treaty betwun the Uniled Stales and lhe Netherlands jor the advance- ment of 1Jeace. Signed aI Washington, December 18 1913; ratifi- cation advised by the Senate,.A'U{lUBt 13, 1914; r;;'i~ by the Presi- dent, March 14, 1917; ratified by the Netherla-;;£s~-JJlI 81. 19~4; ratifications ezchangea aI Washington, March 10, 19S8; proClaimed, March lS, 19S5: By THE PRESIDENT OJ' THE UNITED STATES OJ' AMERICA . .A PROCLAMATION. .. g:: ls~ peace, Neth- WHEREAS a Treaty between the United States of America and Preamble. the Netherlands, looking to the advancement of the cause of ~eneral peace, was concluded and signed by their respective plempoten- tiaries at Washington on the eighteenth day of December, one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, the original of which Treaty, being in the English and Dutch languages, is word for word as follows: Contracting Powers. The President of the United States of America and Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands, being desirous to strengthGn the bonds of &.Inity that bind them together and. also to advance the cause of general peace, have enter into a treaty for that purpose, and to that end' have appointed as their plenipotentiaries: Plenlp' .)tentlaries. The President of the United States, .the Honorable William Jennings Bryan, Secretary of State; and Hel' Maiesty the Queen of the Netherlands, Chevalier W. L . F . C. van Rappard, EnvoY' Ex- traordinary and Minister Pleni- potentiarY of the Netherlands to the United States; Who, after having communi- cated to each other their respec- tive full powers, found to be in proper form, having ~eed upon and concluded the following arti- cles: . ARTICLE I. Disputes to be sub- Th H' h Co . P. mittea to International e:tg ntractlng arties 8~~3 :~~.ves- agree that' a.ll disputes between them, of every nature whatso- ever, to the settlement of which De President der Vereenigde Staten van Amerika en Hare Mai~nmgin der Ned~r­ landen, wenschende de tusschen hen bestaande vriendschaps- banden te versterken en evenzeer den algemeenen vrede te bevor- deren, hebbtln besloten tot dat doel een verdra.g te sluiten, waartoe Zy als hunne Gevol- machtigden hebben benoemd: . De President der Vereenigde Staten: Zyne Excellentie William Jennings Bryan, Secretaris van Staat; en Hare Majesteit de Ko!!ing!n der Nederlanden: Ridder W. L. F. C . van Rappard, Hoogst Der- zelver Buitengewoon Gezant en Gevolmachtigd Minister by de Vereenigde Staten van Amerika; Die, na elkander hunne weder- zydsche volmachten te hebben medegedeeld, welke in goooen en behoorlyken vorm zyn bevonden, omtrent de volgende artikelen zyn overeengekomen. ARTIKEL I. De Hooge Verdragsluitende Partyen komen overeen dat a.lle geschillen van welken aard ook, die tusschen hen mochten ont-