Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1281

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T238 Provisos . Death of offender . Rat es limi ted . Robbing postal em- ployees . Securing information . First Ass istant Post- master General . Postmasters, etc . Assi sta nt po stma s- te rs. Clerks, etc ., first and second class offices. Contractstation clerks . Sepa rat ing mall s . Unusual conditions . Clerks, third class offices . Miscellaneous, first and second class offices . Village deli very . Detroit Riverservice . Car fare and bicycles . City del ivery , ca r- riers . Special delivery fees . Rural Delivery Serv- ice. Trav el, etc . Second Assistant Postmaster General . Star routes, except For inland transportation by star rou tes (excepting service in Alaska' Alaska), including temporary service to newly established oflIces, and not to exceed $200,000 for Government-operated star-route service, $15,400,000. For inland transportation by star routes in Alaska, $165,000 . For inland transportation by steamboat or other power-boat routes, including ship, steamboat, and way letters, $1,450,000 . Star routes, Alaska . Steamboat, etc ., routes . SE VEN TY -FI RST CONGRESS . SEss . III . 'CH . 277 . 1931 . Provided, That rewards may be paid, in the discretion of the Post- master General, when an offender of the class mentioned was killed in the act of committing the crime or in resisting lawful arrest Provided further, That no part of this sum shall be used to pay any rewards at rates in excess of those specified in Post Office Depart- ment Order 7708, dated July 1, 1922, except that not more than $2,000 may be paid, in the discretion of the Postmaster General, for the arrest and conviction of any person on the charge of robbing a postmaster or any employee of a post office of money or property of the United States : Provided further, That of the amount herein appropriated not to exceed $20,000 may be expended, in the discre- tion of the Postmaster General, for the purpose of securing informa- tion concerning violations of the postal laws and for services and information looking toward the apprehension of criminals . OFFICE OF THE FIRST ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL For compensation to postmasters and for allowances for rent, light, fuel, and equipment to postmasters of the fourth class, $53,000,000 . For compensation to assistant postmasters at first and second clas s post office s, $7,3 00,000 . For compensation to clerks and employees at first and second class post offices, including auxiliary clerk hire at summer and winter pos t of fice s, pr inte rs, mecha nics , sk illed lab orer s, wa tchm en, mes- sengers, laborers, and substitutes, $190,000,000 . For compensation to clerks in charge of contract stations, $2100,000 . For separating mails at third and fourth class post offices, $500,000 . For unusual conditions at post offices, $100,000 . For allowances to third-class post offices to cover the cost of clerical services, $8,800,000 . For miscellaneous items necessary and incidental to the operation and protection of post offices of the first and second classes, and the business conducted in connection therewith, not provided for in other appropriations, $2,500,000 . For village delivery serv ice in towns and villages having post offices of the second or third class, and in communities adjacent to cit ies h aving city deliv ery, $1,50 0,000 . For Detroit River postal service, $16,900 . For car fare and bicycle allowance, including special-delivery car fare, $1,400,000 . Fo r pay of le tter carri ers, C ity D elive ry Se rvice, $130 ,000, 000 . For fees to special-delivery messengers, $10,000,000 . For pay of rural carriers, auxiliary carriers, substitutes for rural carriers on annual and sick leave, clerks in charge of rural stations, and tolls and ferriage, Rural Delivery Service, and for the incidental expenses thereof, $107,550,000. For travel and miscellaneous expenses in the Postal Service, office of the First Assistant Postmaster General, $1,000 . OFFI CE OF THE SEC OND ASS ISTA NT POS TMAS TER GEN ERA L