Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1792

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cxx INDEX. Ludington, Mich., appropriation for pub- Page lic building aL____________________ 899 Ludlow, Louis L., deficiency appropria- tion for contested election expenBflS_ _ 1066 Lumber: I>utyon___________________________ 629 On free lisL ____ ____ __ __ ___________ 683 Provisions for countervailing duties on_ 683 Lumber River, bridge authorized across, at Fair Bluff, N. C______________ _ 805 Lumberton, Miss., appropriation for pub- lic building at_____________________ 351 Lumberton, N. C ., appropriation for pub- lic building aL____________________ 899 Lummi Diking Project, Wash., appropria- tion for construction, etc_ __________ 1129 Lummi School, Wash., employees' quar- ters______________________________ 294 Lunacy, Writs of, appropriation for ex- penses of executing_______________ _ Lupines, duty on_____________________ _ Lupulin, duty on _____________________ _ Luxemburg, appropriation for envoy ex- 1402 637 638 traordinary, etc., to _____________ 175, 1310 Lynchburg, Va.: I>eficiency appropriation for public buildingat __________________ 351,1073 Post office, etc., limit of cost increased for additional land_____________ _ Terms of court aL _________________ _ Lynn, Mass.: 119 56 Appropriation for public building aL ___ 1595 Improvement of, harbor authorized; local contributions required_______ 918 Lyons, N. Y ., appropriation for public buildingat_______________________ 899 M McAllen, Tex., appropriation for public building aL _____________________ 1596 McBees Ferry, Tenn., bridge authorized across Holston River, at___________ 52 McCloskey, Augustus, deficiency appro- priation for contested election ex- penses___________________________ 860 McCone County, Mont., bridge author- ized across Missouri River, by______ 858 McDonough, Patrick A., recommending distinguished flying cross to ________ 530 McGregor, Iowa, bridge authorized across Mississippi River, at_ _____ ___ ___ __ 1041 McGregor, T. H ., Commissioner for Texas, Rio Grande compact________ 768 McInerney, John J., homestead entry by, validated________________________ 256 McKee, H. L., time extended for bridging Lake Sabine, by __________________ 804 McKeesport, Pa., appropriation for public buildingat_______________________ 1596 McKinley Technical High School, D. C ., Page c.ppropriation for improvement of, grounds __ ._ ___ ___ _ ___ _____________ 971 McMillan Park, D. C., appropriation for maintenance, etc., oL_____________ 987 McMinnviUe, Tenn., appropriation tor public building at __________ .. ____ __ 352 MeNeil Island, Wash.: Appropriation for- Penitentiary, construction, etc__ 1327, 1573 Maintenance ______ . . ____________ 108, 192 I>eficiency appropriation for peniten- tiary, medical and hospital servi('es_ 881 Macaroni, duty on_________________ ~ _ _ 634 Mace: I>utyon___________________________ 638 On free list_________________________ 681 Macfarland Junior IDgh School, D. C., appropriation for building construc- tion, in accordance with plans of- 970, 1395 Machen, Bruce, etc., may bridge Mis- sissippi River at Savanna, IlL _____ 79, 542 Machine Tools: I>efined____________________________ 626 I>utyon___________________________ 625 Maehinery: Admission of, under bond, for exporta- tion___________________________ 690 I>utyon ___________________ ~------- 625 Belting, etc______________________ 643 On free lisL _____________________ 675,676 Mackay Creek, N. C., improvement of, authorized_______________________ 923 Mackenzie Memorial Hospital, Tientsin. China, deficiency appropriation, pay- ment to__________________________ 114 Mackerel, duty on____________________ 633 Mackinac Indians, Mich., appropriation for support, etc., oL ___________ 301,1138 Mackinac Island, Mich., preliminary ex- amination of harbor at, to be made_ _ 942 Macomb County, Mich•• designated town- ships in. authorized to connect with water main between Mount Clemens and Selfridge Field, Mich__________ 1454 Macon, Ga., appropriation for public building aL______________________ 1595 Madden Dam. Alhajuela, Panama. appro- priation for construction across Chag- res River, etc_____________________ 467 Madden, William: I>eficiency appropriation for compen- sation ___________________ 93,861,1553 Employment continued______________ 1553 Madison, Ark., bridge authorized across Saint Francis River, at____________ 1513 Madison, Ga., appropriation for public building at_ ______________________ 1596 Madison, Wis., Forest Products Labora- tory at, authorized________________ 168