Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/356

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313 Survey is authorized to contract with civilian aerial photographic concerns for the furnishing of such photographs ; Appropriations herein made shall be available for payment of a eetnsfef erring employees he costs of packing, crating, and transportation (including dray- changing stations . age) of personal effects of employees up on permanent change of station, under regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior ; Total, Unit ed States Geolog ical Survey, $2,7 89,800 . NATIONAL PA RK SERVICE

National Park Serv- ice . For the Director of the National Park Service and other personal Director, and offi ce personnel . services in the District of Columbia, including accounting services AccoAccounting servic e3 .incheckingandverifyingtheaccountsandrecoofthevarious v operators, licensees, and permittees conducting utilities and other enterprises within the national parks and monuments, and including Examinationsbyspe- the services of spec ialists and expe rts for investig ations and exam- cialists . inations of lands to determine their suitability for national park and national monument purposes : Provide d, That such specialists Em Pro ' ployment wit h- and experts may be emp loy ed for temporary service at ra tes to be out reference to Classi- fix ed by the Secreta ry of the Interi or to correspond to those estab- ice aA ct .and Ci vil ser v- lished by the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, and without 45 Vol . 742, p. 488. Vol. ref erence to the Civ il Service Act o f January 16, 18 83, $117,000 .

Volt,p p. 3. 22 403 . For every exp enditure requisit e for and incide nt to the author ized Administrative ex- work of the office of the Director of the National Park Service not penses . her ein provided for, including trave ling expenses, t elegrams, photo- gr aphic su pplies, p rints, a nd motio n-pictur e films, and nece ssary ~g Attendance at meet- expenses of at ten da nce at meetings concerned wi th the w ork of the Na tio nal P ark Service when authorized by the Secretary of the Interior, $25,000 : Provide d, T hat nece ssary ex penses of field Appropriations avail . employees in attendance at su ch mee tin gs, wh en authorized by the able . Secretary, shall be paid from the various park and monument appropriations . Aca dia Natio nal Park , Maine : For administration, protection, Acadia, Me. and maintenance, including $3,000 for George B . Dorr as superin- Vol. 45, p. 1083 . ten dent, $3,000 for temporary cleric al services for investigation of titles and preparation of abstracts thereof of lands donated to the United Sta tes for inclusion in the Acadia National Park, and not exceeding $1,500 for the maintenance, operation, and repair of mot or-driven passeng er-carrying vehi cles for the use of the superin- ten dent and employee s in connection with general par k work, $48,600 ; fo r the co nstructio n of phy sical im provemen ts, $11,3 00, incl uding not exceeding $7,850 for the constru ction of buildin gs, of which not exceeding $1,650 shall be available for one ranger cabin and $4,400 for two comfort stations ; in all, $59,900 : Provided, That the unex- B ~nCe for storage pended balance of the appropriation of $3,000 for the construction building available. of an equipment storage building contained in the Interior Depart- Vol .45,p . 1597. ment Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1930 shall remain avail- able until June 30, 1931 . Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah : For administration, protec- Bryce Canyon,Utah . tion, and maintenance, including not exceeding $1,000 for the pur- c hase, maintenanc e, operation, an d repair of motor -driven passenge r- carrying vehicles for the use of the superintendent and employees i n connec tion wit h general park work, $9,000 ; for construction of physical improvements $4,700, of which $ 3 .600 shall be availab le for a warehouse and $1,100 for a barn ; in all, $13,700 . Cra ter La ke Na tional Park, Oreg on : Fo r a dmin istr ati on, prot ec- Crater Lake, Oreg . ti on, and maintenan ce, incl uding no t exceed ing $800 for the main- t enance, operatio n, and re pair of motor-dr iven pass enger-ca rrying vehicles for the use of the superintendent and employees in connec-