Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/274

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1880 TREATY, FRIENDSHIP, ETC., -AUSTRIA. JUNE 19, 1928. ~~ of personlll Nationals of either High Con- tracting Party may have full power to dispose of their personal property of every kind wi thin the territories of the other, by testament, donation i or other- wise, and their heirs, egatees and donees, of whatsoever nationality, whether resident or non-resident, shall succeed to such personal property, and may take posses- sion thereof, either by themselves or br others acting for them, and retam or dispose of the same at their pleasure subject to the pay- ment of such duties or cha~es only as the nationals of the HIgh Contracting Party within whose tt>.rritories such property may be or belong shall be liable to pay in like cases. Freedom of worship, ARTICLE V. The nationals of etc. each of the High Contracting Parties in the exercise of the right of freedom of worship, within the territories of the other, as herein- above provided, may, without annoyance or molestation of any kind by reason of their religious belief or otherwise, conduct serv- ices either within their own houses or within any appropriate build- ings which they may be at liberty to erect and maintain in conven- Restriction. ient situations, provided their teachings and practices are not incoll2istent WIth public order or public morals and provided further they confonn to all laws and regulations duly established in these territories; and they rna, also be permitted to bury thelI' dead accordin~ to their religious customs in SUItable and conven- ient places established and main- tained for the purpose, subject to the established mortuary and sanitary laws and regulations of the place of burial. Compu1sory military f 1S'Vice1neventofwar. ARTICLE VI. In the event 0 war between either High Con- tractiI!g Party and a third State, such P8l't1.: may draft for com- pulsory military service nationals of the other ha~ a permanent residence within Its territories and who have formally, according to its law8, declared an intention ~taat~nge~iSriQe iebe6 ba &eiben ~ol}tn bttttagflf1lienenbm ~eile ftub baelf1tigt, iUler ifJt inntr~lb bet ~ebiete be6 anbmn ~eile6 befiublid)e6 be~egUIf1e6 58mniSgen leba Itt le~t. ~illig, burlf1 ~enrung ober aUf anbere 5IDeife au berfi1gen. mie (hben, SBennltdJtni6ne~mer uub ~dJenrung6# empfltnger ~erben foldJe6 be~lid)e6 SBenniSgen un~ bUtfen baran felbft obe! burd) ~tenbertteter $efi~ ergreifen, d be~lten ober nadJ SBelieben batilber betfilgen o~ne mUdfidJt baranf, ~eld)et ~taat6ange~ijrlgfeit fie finb uub ob fie im ~aube ~o~nen oba nid)t. ~ie ~ben nur foldJe ~bgaben oba ~aften au entrldJten, ~ie bie ~taat6ange~ijrlgen bd ~o~en berttagfdJUenenben ~eile6, in beffen ~ebiet biefe6 SBenniigen fid) befinbet ober au bern e6 ge~ijtt, im gleid)en ~ane au aa~len berpflidJtet fiub. !ttifel V. mie ~taat6ange~ijriQen jebe6 ber ~ol}tn bertragfd)Iienenben ~eile butfen bei ber oben borgefe~enen !u6ilbung be6 melf1te6 ber freien me- ligion~ilbung inner~alb ber ~ebiete be6 anberen ~eil~, o~ne ~t6tung ober SBelltftigung irgenb~eldJer !tt, ~egen i~re6 ~lauben~ ober an6 anberen ~uben, en~er in i~ren eigenen ,t;ltufem ober in anbtten geeigneten ~ebltuben, fo~t beren ~bauung unb (h~ltung in paffenber ~age ~nen fret- fte~t, ~otte6bienft ab~lten, borau~ gefe~t, ban ~re ~efJten uub ~brltud)e nidJt mit bet ijffentlidJen Dtbnung ober mit ben guten @5itten unbeteinbar fiub uub borau6gefe~t, ban fie ane in biefen ~ebieten ge~ijrig erlaffenen ~ fe~ uub SBorfdJrlften beod)ad)ten; and) ift d i~nen geftattet, if)te ~oten nad) ~ren religiiifen ~ebtltudJen an geeigneten unb llaffenben, fUr ben .8~ eingerldJteten uub unter~ltenen ~1It~ au begraben, borau~efe~t, ban fie bie geJteuben ~eid)enbeftattung~", borfd)rlften uub gefunb~eit6poliaeilid)en SBerorbnungen be6 SBegfltbni~otte6 be~ bad)ten. !rttfel VI. 3m \jane eine6 ~rlege6 a~ifdJen eintm ber &eiben ~o~en bet- tragflf1liefienben ~eile uub eintm britten @5taate ift biefer ~eiI fJered)tigt, Staat6cmg~ijriQe bet anberen ~eile6, bie if)ten ftltubigen ~o~nfiQ inntrf)alb feiner ~iete ~ uub f6rmlidj nod) bern ~fe~ bet ~anbe6 ~re IfJfidjt erflittt ~tlben, feine @5taat6ange~6rlg.