Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 2.djvu/282

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1888 TREATY, FRIENDSHIP, ETC.,-AUSTRIA. JUNE 19, 1928. appointed by an accepted supe- rior consular officer with th('\ ap- probation of his Government, or by any other competent officer of that Government, such docu- ments as according to the laws of the respective countries shall be requisite for the exercise by the appointee of the consular func- tion. On the exhibition of an exequatur, or other document issued in lieu thereof to such sub- ordinate, such consular officer roall be permitted to enter upon his duties and to enjoy the rights, privileges and immunities gI 'nted by this T:-eaty. Consuls eu-npl. ARTICLE XIV. Consular offi. from arrest, etc. cers, nationals of the state by which they are appointed, shall be exempt from arrest e~cept when charged with the commission of offenses locally designated as crime~ other than misdemeanors and subjecting the individual ~ty thereof to punishment. Such officers shall be exempt from military billetings, and from serv- ice of any military or naval, ad- ministrative or police character whatsoevel". cr~er~f~. of, in In criminal cases the attend- ance at the trial by a consular officer as a witness may be de- manded by the prosecution or defense. The demand shall be made with all possible regard for the consular dignity and the duties of the office; and there shall be compliance on the part of the consular officer. . Subject to j~ic- Consular officers shall be sub- tIonofcourtsillCIvil. t toth . .dit· fth cases. lec e luns CIon 0 e courts in the state which receives them in civil cases, subject to the proviso, huwever, that when the officer is a national of the state which appoints him and is en- gaged in no private occupation for gain, his testimony shall be taken orally or in writin~ at his residence or office and With due regard for his convenience. Thl3 officer should, however, volun- tarilv give his testimony at the triafwhenever it is possible to do so without serious interference with his official duties. dnem augelttffenen ~iS~ren Ronfulttt. beamten mit ®ene~migung fdner 9le.. gierung obet bon irgenbeinem anberen befugten SBeamten biefer 9legierung ernannt ift, forr fie biefenigen Utfunben au!fterren, bie nad) bm ®efe~ be! betreffenben ~anbe~ aut ~u~itbung b~ ~onfulnrbienfte~ but~ ben <mtannten etforberlid) finb. mad) ~orlegung dne~ ~fequatut~ ober-menn e~ fid) um dnen nad)geotbneten SBeamten ~anbelt-nad) 5{3orlegung einet ftatt beffen au~ge. fterrten anberen Utfunbe, barf biefer $l'onfularbeamte fdnen i>ienft antreien unb bie burd) biefen mertrag gemit~rten 9led,te, mergitnftigungen unb >Sefrei:s ungen geniefien. ~rtifel XIV. ~onfularbeamte, bie @itaat!ange~iSrige b~ fie ernennenben ®taat~ finb, biltfen nid)t in ~aft genommen roerben, aUfier menn fie fo{d)er metfe~Iungen befd)ulbigt finb, meld)e ba~ ~anb~gefe~ aI~ merbted)en ~Ut Unterfd)eibung bon merge~en unb itbertretungen beaeid)net unb burd) meld)e fid) bie ber ~at fd)uIbige ~erfon ftrafbat mad)t. @io{d)e >Seamten fiub bon miIititrifd)et ~inquartierung unb bun iebem .t>eete~" ober ~{otten", met:s maltung~:s ober ~oliaeibienft ieglid)et ~rt befteit. Sn @ittaffad)en fann ba~ (hfd)einen eine~ ~onfularbeamten aUt mer~anb" {ung al~ .8euge bon ber WnfIalJe ober 513ertdbigung bedangt merben. i)a~ 513er{angen forr mit iebet etbenfIid)en 9lttdfid)t auf bie fonfu{arlfd)e 5IDitrbe unb bie ~flid)ten b~ i)ienft~ gefterrt merben unb ber ~onfularbeamte forr bet modabung ~olge {eiften. Sn .8iniIfad)en unterfte~en ~on" fultttbeamte ber ®erid)t~barfeit be~ @itaat~, in bem fie augelttffen finb, iebod) mit bet IDlafigabe, bafi, menn bet SBeamte ein @)taat~ange~iSriget b~ ibn ernennenben @itaat~ ift unb feine ~rmerb!ttttigfeit llribater ~rt au~i1bt, fein .8eugni~ mitnbIid) obet fd)rlftIid) in feiner 5IDo~nung obet in feinem ~mt~.. aimmet unter gebi1~renbet >Seritdfid).. ngung fdnet 5IDitnfJje eing~oIt merben forr. met SBeamte forrte iebod), fomeit e~ fiJi itgenb mit fetnen amtlid)en ~flid)ten in ~inf{ana bringen {itnt, freimirrig in bem ®edd)t~l)etfa~ren .8eugenfd}aft ablegen.