Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 48 Part 1.djvu/1415

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xcviii President or the United States-Contd. Silver-Continued. Certificates, issue of, against unob- ligated silver bullion, etc., in Treasury ____________________ _ Issue of, to tenderer of silver for coinage ___________________ _ Terms and conditions of coinage, seigniorage charges, etc., may prescribe, when silver foreign produced ___________________ _ Silver Purchase Act of 1934, powers oC Stabilization Fund- Annual audit and report to ________ _ Control of, vested in Secretary of Treasury with approval of ____ _ Termination or extension of by proclamation, authorized______ _ Swimming tank for use of, acceptance of sums raised for constructiol1 __ _ Tennessee Valley Authority Aet of 1933- AppointmentlJ, etc _______________ _ Remova�s _____________________ _ Completion of Dam Numbered 2, etc., if deemed advisable by __ _ Financial statement, etc., to be filed with___________________ ._ __ _ _ _ Lease of nitrate plant No. 2 and Waco Quarry by ____________ _ Recommendations to Congress for appropriation legislation ______ _ Transfer of property by __________ _ Term of office, commencement- _____ _ Thomas Amendment, orders, etc., issued under authority of, approved ___ _ Trade agr~ements with foreign coun- tries, authority to enter ______ . . __ Trading with Enemy Act, approyal by Congress of orders, etc., issued under Sec. 5 (b) of. _____ . __ .___ Transportation improvement, Federal Coordinator to transmit recom- mendations to _________________ _ Unemployment relief- Authority to establish Cidlian Con- servation Corps ______________ _ Discretionary extension of provisions of Act to lands owned by coun- ties, etc _____________________ _ Housing and maintenance of per- sonnel under regulations oL __ _ Allocation of funds for investigations by Forest Products Laboratory_ Contracts for utilization of State ad- ministrative agencies ______ . __ _ Sums available for expenditure under direction of _________________ _ Appropriation for ______________ _ Terminatioll of authority hereunder_ INDEX. Page. 342 342 343 1178 341 342 342 22 59 63 67 67 62 69 63 879 343 943 216 22 22 22 23 23 23 275 23I President of the United States-Contd. Page. United States Territorial Expansion Commission, appointments_ _ _ ___ 968 Veterans- Administrator of Veterans' Affairs, approval of regulations issued by__________________________ 10 Boxer Rebellion and Philippine In- surrection, date of beginning and ending to be fixed by __________ \5. Burial expenses, allowance under regulations by _______ ________ _ 11 Claims, establishment of Board to re\'iew ___________ ____ __ 30\1 Review of, under laws granting care, etc _________ . . ___ . _____ 11 Disability, degrees of, war service, to be fixed by_______________ Y Pensions, regulations governing pay- ment of. _____________________ 8 Regulations, effective period____ ____ 12 Transmission of copy to Congress_ 12 Pribilof Islands, Alaska: Appropriation for- Natives, food, etc., for_____________ 561 Supplies, etc., for shipment to_ _____ 560 Printing Act of 1895: Amendmcllts- Documents, Congressional allotment of ___________________________ 1017 I.'ranking pridlege________________ 1018 Printing and Binding: Appropriation fo~·- Agricultural Adjustment AcL ______ 38 Agriculture, Departmcnt oL_______ 469 Alaska Railroad _ _ _ _______________ 392 American Battle MOlluments Com- mission _________________ . . _ ___ 285 Board of Mcdiation ______ . ___ ___ 286,511 Board of Tax Appcals ___________ 286,511 Chief of Engineers, War Depart- menL ___ .. _____________________ 616 Civil Service Commission ________ 287,512 Claims, Court oL _________________ 540 Commcrce, Department of _________ 546 Customs and Patent Appcals, Court of___________________________ 540 Customs C:Jurt, United States_ _____ 540 District of Columbia __ __________ 226, 851 Education, Office of _______________ 304 Employees' Compensation Commis- ~on _______________________ 28~512 Engineer Corps, War Department_ _ 639 Executive Omce ________________ 284, 501} Federal Board for Vocational Educa- tion _________________________ 28n Federal Employment Stabilization Board_______________________ 541 Fedcral Power COulluission _______ 291,513 Federal Radio CUUllllissioll_ ______ 291, 513