Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1093

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RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF STATES. DECEMBER 26,1933. Estados Unidos de America: ALEXANDER W. WEDDELL. -J . BUTLER WRIGHT. El Salvador: HECTOR DAVID· CASTRO. - ARTURO R. AVILA. Republica Dominicana: TULlO M. CESTERO. Haiti: J. BARAU.- F. SALGADo. - ED MoND MANGONEs. - A . PRRE . PAUL. Argentina: CARLOS SAAVEDRA LAMAS. - JU A N F. CAFFERATA.- RAM6N S. CASTILLO.-I. RUIZ MORENO. - L. A . PODESTA COSTA.- D. ANTOKOLETZ. Venezuela: LUIS CHURI6N. -J . R . MONTILLA. Uruguay: A. MARE.- JosE PEDRO VARELA. - MATEO MARQUES CASTRO.- DARDO REGULES.-S OFfA ALVAREZ VIGNOLI DE DEMI- CHELI. - TE6FILO PI&EYRO CHAIN. -LUIS A. DE HERRERA.-MARTfN R. ECHEGOYEN.- JOSE G. ANTu&A. -J . C. BLANCO.- PE DRO MANINI Rfos. -RoDOLFO MEZZERA.- OCTAVIO MORAT6.- LUIS MORQUIO. - JOSE SERRATO. Paraguay: JUSTO PASTOR BENfTEZ. -MARfA F. GONZALEZ. Mexico: B. VADILLO.- M. J. SIERRA.-E DUARDO SUAREZ. Panama: J. D . AROSEMENA. - MAGIN PONs. - EDUARDO E. HOL- GUIN. Guatemala: M. ARROYO. Brasil: LUCILLO A. DA CUNHA BUENO. - GILBERTO AMADO. Ecuador: A. AGUIRRE. APARICIO.- H. ALBORNOZ. -A NTONIO PARRA V.-C . PUIG V. -ARTURO SCARONE. Nicaragua: LEONARDO ARGUELLO.- M . CORDERO REYES. - CARLOS CUADRA PASOS. Colombia: ALFONSO L6PEZ. - RAIMUNDO RIVAS. Ohile: MIGUEL CRUCHAGA.-J . RAM6N GUTIERREZ.-F . FI - GUEROA. -F . NIETO DEL Rfo. -B . COHEN. Peru: (con la reserva establecida) ALFREDO SOLF Y ~IuRo. Cuba: ALBERTO GIRAUDY. -H ERl\IINIO PORTELL VILA..-Ing. A . E. NOGUEIRA. AND WHEREAS the said convention, as signed, was duly ratified by the United States of America, and the instrument of ratification of the United States of America embracing the aforesaid reservation made by its delegation at the conference, as follows: 3109 HatiftcatioD. "The delegation of the United States, in voting' yes' on the final U:;~e~:8~.on by vote on this committee recommendation and proposal, makes the same reservation to the eleven articles of the project or proposal that the United States delegation made to the first ten articles during the final vote in the full Commission, which reservation is in words as follows: "The policy and attitude of the United States Government toward every important phase of international relationships in this hemi- sphere could scarcely be made more clear and definite than they have been made by both word and action especially since March 4. I have no disposition therefore to indulge in any repetition or rehearsal