Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/180

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75Ta CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CH . 180- MAY 14, 1937 No part of any money appropriated by this or any other Act shall be used during the fiscal year 1938 for the purchase of any standard typewriting machines, except bookkeeping and billing machines, at a price in excess of the following for models with carriages which will accommodate paper of the following widths, to wit : Ten inches (correspondence models), $70 ; twelve inches, $75 ; fourteen inches, $77 .50 ; sixteen inches, $82 .50 ; eighteen inches, $87 .50 ; twenty inches, $94 ; twenty-two inches, $95 ; twenty-four inches, $97 .50 ; twenty-six inches, $103 .50 ; twenty-eight inches, $104 ; thirty inches, $105 ; thirty- t wo inc hes , $ 107 .5 0 ; or, for standa rd typewriting ma chines distinc- tively quiet in operation, the maximum prices shall be as follows for models with carriages which will accommodate paper of the follow- ing widths, to wit : Ten inches, $80 ; twelve inches, $85 ; fourteen inches, $90 ; eighteen inches, $95 : Provided, That standard typewrit- ing machines disti nctively quiet in operation purchas ed during such fiscal year by any such department, establishment, or municipal government shall o nly be purchased on the written ord er of the head thereof . With the approval of the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, there may be transferred sums (not exceeding a total of $250,000) to the appropriations, "Salaries, Office of Treasurer of United States, 1938", "Contingent expenses, Treasury Department, 1938", "Printing and binding, Treasury Department, 1938", and "Stationery, Treasury Department, 1938", from funds available for the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, Home Owners' Loan Corporation, Farm Credit Administration, Tennessee Valley Authority, Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation, Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Federal land banks and other banks and corporations under the supervision of the Farm Credit Administration, Railroad Retirement Board, Soil Conservation Service, including Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment, Social Security Board, and Federal Housing Administra- tion, to cover the expenses incurred on account of such respective activities in clearing of checks, servicing of bonds, handling of collections, and rendering of accounts therefor . MISCELL ANEOUS ITE MS, TREASURY DEPARTMENT AMERICA N PRINTING HOUSE FOR THE BLIND To enable the American Printing House for the Blind more ade- quately to provide books and apparatus for the education of the blind in accordance with the provisions of the Act approved February 8, 1927 (U. S. C., title 20, sec. 101), $65,000. This title may be cited as the Treasury Department Appropriation Act, 1938 . TITLE I I-POST O FFICE D EPARTMEN T The followi ng sums are a ppropri ated in confor mity wi th the Act of July 2, 1836 (U. S. C., title 5, sec. 380, title 39, sec . 786), for the Post Office Depart ment fo r the f iscal y ear end ing Jun e 30, 1938, namely PO ST OtCE DEP ART MENT , WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA OFFI CE OF THE PO STM AST ER GEN ERA L Salaries : For the Postmaster General and other personal services in the office of the Postmaster General in the District of Columbia, $228,344 . 155 Prices of standard typewriting me- chines ; exceptions . Proviso . Quiet machines . Check clearance, etc., expenses . Miscellaneous items . American Printing House for the Blind, expenses . 44 Stat. 1060. 20U.S.0.§101. Citati on of ti tle . Title If-Post Of- flee Department . Appr opri atio n for fiscal year 1938 . 5 Stat. 80. IU.S.0.§380;39 U.S.C.§786. Dep artm ent ex- pe nses . Postmaster Gener- al's office . Po stm ast er Gen- eral, and office per so nne l.