Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/493

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Reorganization of Norwegian adminis- trative and judicial services. Norwegians with Allied Expeditionary Force. Jurisdiction over civilans. Members of Allied forces, etc. Merchant seamen. Arrests by Nor wegian polie. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [60 STAT. 4. During the first phase the Norwegian Government will assist the Commander in Chief by reorganizing or re-establishing the Norwegian administrative and judicial services through whose collaboration the Commander in Chief can discharge his supreme responsibility. For this purpose the Norwegian Government will act through its repre- sentatives on the spot, who, for practical reasons, will be included in the Norwegian military mission referred to in sub paragraph 3a above. 5. The appointment of the Norwegian administrative and judicial services will be effected by the competent Norwegian authorities in accordance with Norwegian law. If during the first phase (see para- graph 1 above) conditions should necessitate appointments in the Norwegian administrative or judicial services, the competent repre- sentative of the Norwegian Government will, upon the request of the Commander in Chief and after consultation with him, then appoint the requisite officials. 6. Members of the Norwegian armed forces serving in Norwegian units with the Allied Expeditionary Force in Norwegian territory shall come under the exclusive jurisdiction of Norwegian courts. Other Norwegians, who, at the time of entering Norway as members of the Allied Expeditionary Force, are serving in conditions which render them subject to Allied naval, military or air force law, will not be regarded as members of the Norwegian armed forces for this purpose. 7. In the exercise of jurisdiction over civilians, the Norwegian Government will make the necessary arrangements for insuring the speedy trial in the vicinity by Norwegian courts of such civilians as are alleged to have committed offenses against the persons, prop- erty, or security of the Allied forces, without prejudice however to the power of the Commander in Chief, if military necessity requires, to bring to trial before a military court any person alleged to have com- mitted an offense of this nature. 8. Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 15, Allied service courts and authorities will have exclusive jurisdiction over all members of the Allied forces respectively and over all persons of non-Norwegian nationality not belonging to such forces who are em- ployed by or who accompany those forces and are subject to Allied naval, military or air force law. The question of jurisdiction over such merchant seamen as are not subject to Allied service law will require special consideration and should form the subject of a separate agreement. 9. Persons thus subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Allied serv- ice courts and authorities may, however, be arrested by the Norwegian police for offenses against Norwegian law, and detained until they can be handed over for disposal to the appropriate Allied service au- thority. A certificate signed by an Allied officer of field rank or its equivalent, that the person to whom it refers belongs to one of the classes mentioned in paragraph 8, shall be conclusive. The procedure for handing over such persons is a matter for local arrangement.