Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/765

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. Since Your Excellency's note indicated that the Ministry of Agri- culture was agreeable to the proposed supplemental agreement and Pose,p. 203 . had set the date of February 19, 1948 for its signature, Mr. Dillon S. Myer, President of the Institute of Inter-American Affairs, acting in representation of that organization which is a corporate instrumental- ity of the Government of the United States of America, signed the supplemental agreement with His Excellency, Hernan Zamora Elizondo, Secretary of State in Charge of the Ministry of Agriculture and Industries. PM, p.s2. Clause XIX of the supplemental agreement provides that it would become effective as soon as diplomatic notes confirming and accepting it have been exchanged by Your Excellency's Ministry and me. I would therefore be grateful to receive from Your Excellency an indica- tion of the acceptance by the Government of Costa Rica of the supple- mental agreement as signed on February 19. Please accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest and most distinguished consideration. NATHANIEL P. DAVIS His Excellency Sefior don ALVARO BONILLA LARA, Secretary of State Encharged with the Ministry of Foreign Relations, San Jose, Costa Rica. The Costa Rican Secretary of State for Foreign Relations to the American Ambassador REPUBLICA DE COSTA RICA SECRETARIA DE RELACIONES EXTERIORES N'4 -B SAN JosE, 27 defebrero de 1948 SENOR EMBAJADOR: En rcferencia a la atenta nota de Vuestra Excelencia, No 43, del 20 del presente mes, asi como en relaci6n con la nota N° 3537, del 19 del corriente, dirigida a este Despacho por el Sefior Secretario de Estado Encargado del Despacho de Agricultura, tengo el honor de notificar a Vuestra Excelencia que, en cumplimiento de la clausula XIX del Acuerdo Suplementario del Instituto de Asuntos Inter- americanos, este Gobierno se complace en confirmar y aceptar dicho acuerdo, firmado por el Sefior Dillon S. Myer, Presidente del Insti- tuto de Asuntos Interamericanos y el Sefior Licenciado Hernan Zamora Elizondo, Secretario de Estado Encargado del Despacho de Agricultura. 2046