Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 65.djvu/47

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65 STAT.]

PUBLIC LAW 9—MAR. 23, 1951


basis with a parent and its subsidiary corporations which constitute an affiliated group under section 141(d) of the Internal Revenue Code ^u^^g'a; sup.iv, if all of the corporations included in such affiliated group request §i4i(d)." renegotiation on such basis and consent to such regulations as the Board shall prescribe with respect to (1) the determination and elimination of excessive profits of such affiliated group, and (2) the determination of the amount of the excessive profits of such affiliated group allocable, for the purposes of section 3806 of the Internal Revenue Code, to each corporation included in such affiliated group. When- 26u.^s.c. §3806. ever the Board makes a determination with respect to the amount of excessive profits, and such determination is made by order, it shall, at the request of the contractor or subcontractor, as the case may be, prepare and furnish such contractor or subcontractor with a statement of such determination, of the facts used as a basis therefoy, and of its reasons for such determination. Such statement shall not be used in The Tax Court of the United States as proof of the facts or conclusions stated therein. (b) METHOI>S OF ELIMINATING EXCESSIVE PRorrrs.—

(1) IN GENERAL.—Upon the making of an agreement, or the entry of an order, under subsection (a) of this section by the Board, or the entry of an order under section 108 by The Tax Court of the United States, determining excessive profits, the Board shall forthwith authorize and direct the Secretaries or any of them to eliminate such excessive profits— (A) by reductions in the amounts otherwise payable to the contractor under contracts with the Departments, or by other revision of their terms; (B) by withholding from amounts otherwise due to the contractor any amount of such excessive profits; (C) by directing any person having a contract with any agency of the Government, or any subcontractor thereunder, to withhold for the account of the United States from any amounts otherwise due from such person or such subcontractor to a contractor, or subcontractor, having excessive profits to be eliminated, and every such person or subcontractor receiving such direction shall withhold and pay over to the United States the amounts so required to be withheld; (D) by recovery from the contractor or subcontractor, or from any person or subcontractor directed under subparagraph (C) to withhold for the account of the United States, through payment, repayment, credit, or suit any amount of such excessive profits realized by the contractor or subcontractor or directed under subparagraph (C) to be withheld for the account of the United States; or (E) by any combination of these methods, as is deemed desirable. (2) INTEREST.—Interest at the rate of 4 per centum per annum shall accrue and be paid on the amount of such excessive profits from the thirtieth day after the date of the order of the Board or from the date fixed for repayment by the agreement with the contractor or subcontractor to the date of repayment, and on amounts required to be withheld by any person or subcontractor for the account of the United States pursuant to paragraph (1) (C), from the dat« payment is demanded by the Secretaries or any of them to the date of payment. When The Tax Court of the United States, under section 108, redetermines the amount of

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