Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 66.djvu/1288

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National Capital Planning Act of 1952— Page Continued National Capital Regional Planning Council, establishment and composition 783 Regional plan, preparation 784 Public works, six-year program 789 Thoroughfare plan 789 Zoning and subdivision functions 790 National Capital Sesquicentennial Commission, rescission of unobligated balance of funds 411 National Cemeteries, appropriation for maintenance 579 National Collection of Fine Arts, a p p r o priation for 406 National Commission on Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Cooperation, appropriation for expenses 549 National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, appropriation for support by District of C o l u m b i a. 374 National Day of Prayer: Authority to proclaim 64 Proclamation c35 National Defense. See also Air Force, Department of the; Armed Forces; Army, Department of the; Defense, Department of; Navy, Department of the. Armed Forces, penalty for activities interfering with operation of, continuation of emergency powers 57, 96, 137, 296, 333 Defense information, penalty for delivery to foreign government, continuation of emergency powers 67, 96, 137, 296, 333 Emergency fund for the President. See under President of the United States. Inventions used in war and defense activities, royalties, continuation of emergency powers 57, 96, 137, 296, 333 Neutrality Act of 1939, prohibition of financial transactions, inoperability 57,96, 137, 296 333 Photographing, mapping, etc., of milit a r y or defense properties, prohibition, continuation of emergency powers 56, 96, 137, 296, 331 Transfer of personnel and funds for 661 War or defense materials, penalty for destruction or defective manufacture, continuation of emergency powers 57, 96, 137, 296, 333

INDEX National Defense Act, Amendments: Page National Guard, provisions concerning. 506 National G u a r d Bureau, Chief of, appointment 507 Repeals of designated provisions 605 National Defense Facilities Act of 1950, implementation authority 496 National Emergencies, termination, proclamation c31 National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week, President's Committee on, appropriation for 358 National Farm Safety Week, 1952, proclamation c27 National Forest Reservation Commission, appropriation for 342 National Forests. See also Forest Service under Agriculture, Department of. Appropriation for 116, 342, 343, 344 Blue Ridge P a r k w a y, transfer of certain lands to jurisdiction of Agriculture Department 69 O t t a w a National Forest, Mich., exchange of lands for lands in Ontonagon County 616 Rights-of-way easements for electrical lines, poles, etc 95 Timber, sale without advertising, limitation 95 National Gallery of Art: Appropriation for 113, 123, 407, 646 P a y costs, increased, appropriation for_ 113, 123 National Guard: Air— Appropriation for 530 Official mail matter, free transmission. 531 Armed Forces Reserve Act of 1952. See separate title. Army— Appropriation for 522 Official mail m a t t e r, free transmission _ 522 Claims, appropriation for 618 District of Columbia, appropriation for. 120, 387 Enlistment age limit, commissioned officers and w a r r a n t officers 608 Medical and dental oflBcers, specialinducement pay 166 National Defense Act, amendments. See separate title. Retention in active service; organization of units comparable to units retained in Federal service 440 National Heart Institute, appropriation for 114,366 National Housing Act, Amendments 61, 601-606, 727