Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/419

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[69 Stat. 377]
[69 Stat. 377]

69 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 177-JULY 26, 1955

1. Seventy-nine degrees thirty-three minutes fifteen seconds six hundred and eighty feet along the land of Kiilae, L. C. Aw. 8521-B to G. D. Hueu and passing over a rock called "Kuwaia", marked K + K at six hundred seventy-three and two-tenths feet to high-water mark; thence along high-water mark, along seacoast for the next three courses, the direct azimuths and distances between points at seacoast being: 2. One hundred and thirty-five degrees fifty-one minutes three thousand nine hundred seventy-six and one-tenth feet; 3. One hundred and fifty-two degrees twenty-five minutes one thousand and seventy-eight feet; 4. Two hundred and forty degrees fifty-five minutes one thousand two hundred four and four-tenths feet; 5. Three hundred and fifty-four degrees nine minutes two hundred twenty-four and one-tenth feet along the remainder of L. C. Aw. 11216: 34 to M. Kekauonohi, along stone wall and old trail; 6. Two hundred and sixty degrees fifty-four minutes one hundred seventy-five and nine-tenths feet across old trail along stone wall to a " + " on rock; 7. One hundred and fifty-eight degrees six minutes seventy-two feet along L. C. Aw. 7296 to Puhi, along stone wall; 8. Two hundred and sixty degrees thirty-six minutes ninety and seven-tenths feet along stone wall; 9. One hundred and ninety-four degrees ten minutes sixty-two and nine-tenths feet along stone wall along L. C. Aw. 7295 and 6979-B: 2 to Keolewa; 10. One hundred and seventy-five degrees fifty-four minutes twenty-six and nine-tenths feet along stone wall; 11. Two hundred and fifteen degrees thirty-seven minutes fortyseven and four-tenths feet along stone wall along remainder of L. C. Aw. 11216: 34 to M. Kekauonohi; 12. One hundred and seventy-two degrees twenty eight minutes forty-eight and one-tenth feet along same; 13. Two hundred and twenty-six degrees twenty-three minutes two hundred twenty-eight and eight-tenths feet along remainder of L. C. Aw. 11216:34 to M. Kekauonohi to the south side of fifty-foot road; 14. Two hundred and sixty-four degrees fifty-one minutes one hundred fifteen and two-tenths feet along the south side of fifty-foot road; 15. Two hundred and fifty-two degrees thirteen minutes two hundred and two-tenths feet along same; 16. Two hundred and eighty-six degrees thirty minutes one hundred seventy and nine-tenths feet along same; 17. Two hundred and thirty-eight degrees twenty-five minutes ninety-two and eight-tenths feet along same; 18. Two hundred and twenty-three degrees one minute one hundred fourteen and four-tenths feet along same; 19. Three hundred and thirty-eight degrees forty-nine minutes thirty seconds four thousand nine hundred eighty and three-tenths feet along the remainder of L. C. Aw. 11216:34 to M. Kekauonohi and L. C. Aw. 7712:1 to M. Kekuanaoa and passing over a one and one-fourth-inch pipe in concrete monument at one thousand four hundred eighty-one and six-tenths feet to the point of beginning. Area, one hundred sixty-six and ninety one-hundredths acres. PARCEL 2

Being portions of L. C Aw. 11216 Apana 34 to M. Kekauonohi, R. P. 7874 (Ahupuaa of Honaunau).