Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 69.djvu/9

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[69 Stat. ix]
[69 Stat. ix]





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IX Date

Desert land entries. AN ACT To amend the Acts authorizing agricultural entries under the nonmineral land laws of certain mineral lands in order to increase the limitation with respect to desert entries made under such Acts to three hundred and t w e n t y acres Platte County, Wyo., -property transfer. AN ACT Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to transfer certain property of the United States Government (in the Wyoming National Guard C a m p Guernsey target and maneuver area, Platte County, Wyoming) to the State of Wyoming Dept. of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriation Act, 1966. AN ACT Making appropriations for the Department of the Interior and related agencies for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1956, and for other purposes Bridge, Rainy River, Baudette, Minn. AN ACT To revive and reenact the Act authorizing the village of Baudette, State of Minnesota, its public successors or public assigns, to construct, maintain, and operate a toll bridge across the Rainy River, at or near B a u d e t t e, Minnesota, approved December 21, 1950. _ Warvrick and Hampton, Va. AN ACT To authorize the conveyance of certain war housing projects to the city of Warwick, Virginia, and the city of H a m p to n, Virginia Woodward, Okla. AN ACT To authorize the conveyance of a certain t r a c t of land in the State of Oklahoma to the city of Woodward, Oklahoma Commodity Exchange Act, amendment. AN ACT To strengthen the investigation provisions of the Commodity Exchange Act- _ Veterans, dental care. AN ACT To amend Veterans Regulation Numbered 7 (a) to clarify the entitlement of veterans to outpatient dental care Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, amendment. AN ACT To amend the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, so as to authorize loans for farm housing to be guaranteed or insured under the same terms and conditions as apply to residential housing Richland County, S. C. AN ACT To authorize the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs to reconvey to Richland County, South Carolina, a portion of the Veterans' Administration hospital reservation, Columbia, South Carolina Trade Agreements Extension Act of 1956. AN ACT To extend the authority of the President to enter into trade agreements under section 350 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, and for other purposes Lighthouse Service. AN ACT To lower the age requirements with respect to optional retirement of persons serving in the Coast Guard who served in the former Lighthouse Service Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, amendments. AN ACT To amend the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944 to extend the authority of the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs to make direct loans, and to authorize the Administrator to make additional types of direct loans thereunder, and for other purposes Coast and Geodetic Survey. AN ACT To increase the efficiency of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, and for other purposes Postal Service. AN ACT To amend section 16 of the Act entitled "An Act to adjust the salaries of postmasters, supervisors, and employees, in the field service of the Post Office Department ", approved October 24, 1951 (65 Stat. 632; 39 U.S.C. 876c) Copper. AN ACT To continue until the close of June 30, 1958, the suspension of certain import taxes on copper Veterans Administration, automobiles for certain disabled veterans. AN ACT To extend the time for filing application by certain disabled veterans for payment on the purchase price of an a u to mobile or other conveyance, and for other purposes Richmond, Calif. AN ACT To amend the Act of September 30, 1950 (64 Stat. 1096), to provide for the conveyance of certain real property to the city of Richmond, California Federal Employees Salary Increase Act of 1956. AN ACT To adjust the rates of basic compensation of certain officers and employees of the Federal Governn^ent, and for other purposesU. S. Code, title 18, amendments. AN ACT To amend title 18 of the United States Code, relating to the nr ailing and transportation of obscene m a t t e r


June 16, 1955


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June 28, 1955


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