Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 7.djvu/545

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TREATY WITH THE KIOWAS, ETC. 1837. 535 and their associated bands or tribes of Indians having freely and willmgly entered into this treaty, and it being the first they have made with the United States, or any of the lcontracting parties, that they shall receive presents immediately after signing, as a donation from the United States; nothing being asked from the said nations or tribes in return, except to remain at peace with thehparties hereto, which their own good and that of their posterity require. nnwrcre 9th. The Kioway, Ka-ta—ka and Ta-wa-ka-ro nations, and Relations with their associated lbaads or tribes of Indians, agree, that their entering Méxiwinto t is treaty s a in no respect interrupt their friendly relations with the Republics of Mexico and Texas, where they all frequently hunt and the Kioway, Ka—ta-ka and Ta—wa-ka-ro nations sometimes visit; and it is distinctly understood that the Government of the United States desire that perfect peace shall exist between the nations or tribes named , in this article, and the said Republics. A·RTICLE 10th. This treaty shall be obligatory on the nations or tribes, Treaty binding parties hereto, from and after the date hereof, and on the United States, Wh°¤ muh6d- from and after its ratification by the Government thereof Done and signed and sealed at Fort Gibson, this twenty-sixth day of May one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven and of the independence of the United States the sixty-second. M. STOKES, Commissr. 1y' Indn. treaties. A. P. CHOUTEAU, Com. Lzdian treaties. Kiaways. John Randam, Ta-ka-ta-couche, the Black Bird, g:`g`nm`y;;ll01a’ Cha-hon·de-ton, the Flying Squirrel, Chiemaa a’ . . T a-ne-congais, the Sea Gull, E ls`c°'€Ic°jmm’ Bon-congais, the Black Cap, U?ii);tsH all-l°’ To-ho-sa, the Top of the Mountain, 3 I ° ar·l°' Sen-s0n-da-cat, the White Bird, Osuges. GN!-¤·h¤¤—k¤» UW Home Frog. Clermont, the Principal Chief, H<*»p5¤¤·¤i-g¤is.=h¤_1Yi.s·ht. Ka-r1.gaar-ra¤ga, me nag crm; }I$*·h*m-hir]c[h° ;"¤l¤° EOSL Ka - hi - guir - wa-chin - pi- chais, the Mad a-con-ta, y oung rot er. Chief, K,,_ta_;m_,_ Chan-gals-mon-non, the Horse Thief} . Wa-cri—cha, the Liberal, He?-t¤¤-*¤· the lm me ·r..i..., tr. Going D..., A-e1-kenda, the One who is Surrendered, Ch . , . , . onta-sa-bars, the Black Dog, (“°fm“`m`t°’ th° “ aiking Be"' Wa-clum-pi-chais, the Mad Warrior, Ta_wg,,]m.,~0$_ Mi-ta·ni-ga, the Crazy Blanket, Kagpaéaglkaro, He who receives the Word PV;;;;;;;'?;; Q;a?;;;1€’ Ta-ce-hache, the One who Speaks to the §“"l;'“"'€“’i‘;;S8:; t£;;vIé";;k€_2r cmu; ”‘ ‘$“‘ "· · Ke-te-cara-con-ki, the White Cow, (13:2011galskh°r;iab;;$eL]${l;2ed D°g’ - f M . “·P°‘° 3 Tu km the Hunter 0 an Joseph Staidegais, the Tall joseph, MU·*€0g“·*· Tais-ha-wa- ra-kim, the Chief Bearer, E Roly Mclntosh, Sa-wa-the, the Dreadful, · glex. Gillespie, Caiiwa-wa-gu, the One Who Gives amuel Miller, orses, Samuel Perry man, U·de-gais-ta.wa·ta-ni-ga, the Crazy Osage. Wrrzvmssrzs 1- Wm. Whistler, Lt. Col. 7th Infy. Com’g. B. L. E. Bonneville. Capt. 7th lfy. Francis Lee, Capt. 7th Inli Jas. R. Stephenson, Capt. 7th [nfl P. S. G. Bell, Capt. lst Dragoons. W. Seawell, Capt. 7th Inf and Secy. to the Comrs. S. W. Moore, 1st L . and Adjt. 7th Inf Th. H. Holmes, 1st Lt. 7th Infy. R. H.