Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70A.djvu/313

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255 §4538. Unserviceable ammunition: exchange and reclamation (a) The Secretary of the Army may, by contract or otherwise, reclaim deteriorated and unserviceable ammunition and components, not suitable for exchange, by conversion to usable form as complete rounds or serviceable components, and pay all or part of the costs thereof through the exchange of deteriorated and unserviceable components. (b) Subject to applicable regulations under section 486 of title 40, the Secretary may exchange deteriorated and unserviceable ammunition and components thereof for serviceable ammunition or components. § 4539. Horses and mules If practicable, when horses and mules are needed they shall be bought in the open market at Army posts or stations, within maximum prices prescribed by the Secretary of the Armv. No horse may be bought that does not meet the standards prescribed by Army regulations for cavalry or artillery horses, except when bought for remount purposes or as specifically authorized by another provision of law § 4540. Architectural and engineering services (a) Whenever he considers that it is advantageous to the national defense and that existing facilities of the Department of the Army are inadequate, the Secretary of the Army may, by contract or otherwise, employ the architectural or engineering services of any person outside that Department for producing and delivering designs, plans, drawings, and specifications needed for any public works or utilities project of the Department. (b) The fee for any service under this section may not be more than 6 percent of the estimated cost, as determined by the Secretary, of the project to which it applies. (c) Sections 1071-1153 of title 6 do not apply to employment under this section. CHAPTER 435.—ISSUE OF SERVICEABLE MATERIAL TO ARMED FORCES Sec.

4561. 4562. 4563. 4564.

Rations, Clothing. Clothing: replacement when destroyed to prevent contagion. Navy and Marine Corps: camp equipment and transportation; when on shore duty with Army. 4565. Colors, standards, and guidons of demobilized organizations: disposition.

§456L Rations (a) The President may prescribe the components, and the quantities thereof J of the Army ration. He may direct the issue of equivalent articles m place of the prescribed components whenever, m his opinion, economy and the health and comfort of the members of the Army so require. (b) Under the direction of the Secretary of the Army, the branch, office, or officer designated by him shall issue the components of the Army ration.