Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70A.djvu/503

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445 § 7213. Relief of contractors and their employees from losses by enemy action The Secretary of the Navy may use funds appropriated for the construction of public works for the temporary relief of contractors and their employees from losses resulting directly from enemy action. §7214.

Apprehension of deserters and prisoners; operation of shore patrols (a) The Secretary of the Navy may make such expenditures out of available appropriations as he considers necessary to— (1) apprehend and deliver deserters, stragglers, and prisoners; and (2) operate shore patrols. (b) The Secretary, to the extent he considers proper, may delegate the authority conferred by this section to any person in the Department of the Navy, with or without the authority to make successive redelegations. § 7215. Naval prisons, prison farms, and prisoners (a) The Secretary of the Navy may provide for— (1) the maintenance and operation of naval prisons and prison farms; and (2) the subsistence, welfare, recreation, and education of naval prisoners. (b) The Secretary, to the extent he considers proper, may delegate the authority conferred by this section to any person in the Department of the Navy, with or without the authority to make successive redelegations. § 7216. Collection, preservation, and display of captured flags The Secretary of the Navy shall collect all flags, standards, and colors taken by the Navy or the Marine Corps from enemies of the United States. These flags, standards, and colors shall be delivered to the President. Under his direction they shall be preserved and displayed in any public place he considers proper. § 7217. Annual report to Congress: appropriations The Secretary of the Navy shall send annually to Congress a report of the appropriations for the Department of the Navy for the preceding fiscal year showing as to each head— (1) the amount appropriated; (2) the amount spent; (3) the amount remaining unspent at the end of the fiscal year; and (4) estimate of probable demands. §7218.

Recognition for accomplishments, special service, and good conduct (a) The Secretary of the Navy may— (1) award medals, trophies, badges, and cash prizes to members of the naval service or to groups of such members for excellence in accomplishments related to the naval service;