Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 71.djvu/366

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[71 Stat. 330]
[71 Stat. 330]


7 USC 150c.

PUBLIC LAW 85-118-AUG. 2, 1957

[71 S T A T.

in the discretion of the Secretary, no part of this appropriation shall be expended for the control of sweetpotato weevil in any State until such State has provided cooperation necessary to accomplish this purpose, or for barberry eradication until a sum or sums at least equal to such expenditures shall have been made available by States, counties, or local authorities, or by individuals or organizations for the accomplishment of this purpose, or with respect to the golden nematode except as prescribed in section 4 of the Golden Nematode ^:^^.^.

Meat inspection: For carrying out the provisions of laws relating to Federal inspection of meat and meat-food products and the apl)licable provisions of the laws relating to process or renovated butter; $16,826,000. STATE EXPERIMENT STATIONS

Payments to States, Hawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Rico: For payments to agricultural experiment stations to carry into effect the provisions of the Hatch Act, approved March 2, 1887 (7 U.S.C. 362, 363, 365, 368, 377-379), as amended by the Act approved August 11, 1955 7use 36la-36li. (59 g^^t. 671), iiicluding administration by the United States Department of Agriculture, $29,853,708; and payments authorized under section 204(b) of the Agricultural Marketing Act, the Act ap60 Stat. 1089. proved August 14, 1946 (7 U.S.C. 1623), $500,000; in all $30,353,708. Penalty mail: For penalty mail costs of agricultural experiment stations, under section 6 of the Hatch Act of 1887, as amended, $250,000. DISEASES OF ANIMALS AND POULTRY

Eradication activities: For expenses necessary in the arrest and eradication of foot-and-mouth disease, rinderpest, contagious pleuropneumonia, or other contagious or infectious diseases of animals, or European fowl pest and similar diseases in poultry, and for foot-andmouth disease and rinderpest programs undertaken pursuant to the provisions of the Act of February 28, 1947, and the Act of May 29, stftl3^i!^*' ^' " 1^^^' ^^^ amended (7 U.S.C. 391; 21 U.S.C. 111-122), including 21 USC 114c. expenses in accordance with section 2 of said Act of February 28, 1947, the Secretary may transfer from other appropriations or funds available to the bureaus, corporations, or agencies of the Department such sums as he may deem necessary, but not to exceed $1,270,000 for eradication of vesicular exanthema of swine, to be available only in an emergency which threatens the livestock or poultry industry of the country, and any unexpended balances of funds transferred under this head in the next preceding fiscal year shall be merged with such transferred amounts: Provided, That this appropriation shall be subject to applicable provisions contained in the item "Salaries and expenses, Agricultural Research Service". EXTENSION



Payments to States, Hawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Rico: For payments for cooperative agricultural extension work under the Smith-Lever 67 Stat. 83. ^^^t, as amended by the Act of June 26, 1953 (7 U.S.C. 341-348), and 7 USC 347a. 348. ^j^^ ^^.^ ^f August 11, 1955 (69 Stat. 683-4), $49,220,000; and payments and contracts for such work under section 204(b)-205 of the Agricul60 Stat. 1089. fural Marketing Act of 1946 (7 U.S.C. 1623-1624), $1,495,000; in all, $50,715,000: Provided, That funds hereby appropriated pursuant 7 USC 343. ^Q section 3(c) of the Act of June 26, 1953, shall not be paid to any State, Hawaii, Alaska, or Puerto Rico prior to availability of an equal