Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 72 Part 1.djvu/350

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[72 Stat. 308]
PUBLIC LAW 85-000—MMMM. DD, 1958
[72 Stat. 308]


PUBLIC LAW 85-500-JULY 3, 1958

[72 S T A T.


The project for flood control and improvement of the lower Mis45 Stat. 534. sissippi Eiver adopted by the Act approved May 15, 1928, as amended 704^ use 702a-m, ^^ suDsequent Acts, is hereby modified and expanded to include the following items and the authorization for said project is increased accordingly: (a) Modification of the White River Backwater project, Arkansas, suDstantially in accordance with the recommendation of the Chief of Engineers in Senate Document Numbered 26, Eighty-fifth Congress, at an estimated cost, over that now authorized, of $2,380,000 for construction and $57,000 annually for maintenance: Provided, That the Secretary of the Interior shall grant to the White River Drainage District of Phillips and Desha Counties, Arkansas, such permits, rights-of-wajr'^, and easements over lands of the United States m the White River Migratory Refuge, as the Chief of Engineers may determine to be required for the construction, operation, and maintenance of this project. (b) Modification and extension of plan of improvement in the Boeuf and Tensas Rivers and Bayou Macon Basin, Arkansas, substantially in accordance with the recommendations of the Chief of Engineers in House Document Numbered 108, Eighty-fifth Congress, at an estim ated cost of $1,212,000. (c) In addition to the previous authorization, the sum of $28,200,000 for prosecution of the plan of improvement for the control of Old and Atchafalaya Rivers and a navigation lock approved in the Act of 68 Stat. 1258. September 3, 1954. (d) In addition to previous authorizations, the sum of $35,674,000 for prosecution of the plan of improvement in the Saint Francis River 64 Stat. 172. Basiu approved in the Act of May 17, 1950. (e) The project for flood protection of Wolf River and tributaries, Tennessee, substantially in accordance with the recommendations of the Chief of Engineers in House Document Numbered 76, Eightyfifth Congress, at an estimated cost of $1,932,000. (f) The project for Greenville Harbor, Mississippi, substantially in accordance with the recommendations of the Mississippi River Commission, dated April 26, 1957, at an estimated Federal cost of $1,799,500 for dredging twelve feet deep plus three feet overdepth, and onehalf of the seventeen feet additional depth: Provided, That the cost for dredging the remaining one-half of the additional seventeen feet depth, estimated to cost $383,500, shall be returned to the Federal Government with interest at 3 per centum in forty equal annual paysurvey. meuts: Provided further, That the Secretary of the Army is authorized and directed to conduct a survey of Greenville Harbor, Mississippi, for purposes of navigation in accordance with section 206 of this title, with particular reference to the requirements of local cooperation. The project for flood protection and related purposes on Bayou Chevreuil, Louisiana, is hereby authorized substantially in accordance with the recommendations of the Chief of Engineers in House Document Numbered 347, Eighty-fourth Congress, at an estimated cost of $547,000: Provided, That work already performed by local interests (m this project, in accordance with the recommended plan as determined by the Chief of Engineers, may be credited to the cash contribution required of local interests. TRINITY RIVER B A S I N, TEXAS

Notwithstanding clause (b) of paragraph 5 of the report of the Chief of Engineers dated May 28, 1954, with respect to the project for