Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 73.djvu/709

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[73 Stat. 671]
PUBLIC LAW 86-000—MMMM. DD, 1959
[73 Stat. 671]

73 S T A T. ]

P U B U C LAW 86-372-SEPT. 23, 1959



SEC. 402. (a) Section 102(a) of the Housing Act of 1949 is amended by striking out in the second sentence the words "as part of the gross project cost" and inserting in lieu thereof "for such purposes". (b) Section 102(c) of such Act is amended by striking out "repayment of" and inserting in lieu thereof "repayment of the principal of and the interest on".

63 ^at_. 4u^


SEC. 403. Section 102(a) of the Housing Act of 1949 is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new sentence: " I n any case where, in connection with its undertaking and carrying out of an urban renewal project, a local public agency is authorized (under the circumstances in which the temporary loan herein provided is requested) to acquire real property in the urban renewal area, the Administrator, in addition to all other authority under this title and notwithstanding any other provisions of this title, regardless of the stage of development of the urban renewal plan and whether before or after the approval thereof, may make a temporary loan or loans to any such local public agency to finance the acquisition of such real property: Provided, That no loan for such purpose shall be made unless (1) the governing body of the locality involved shall have approved by resolution or ordinance the acquisition of real property in the urban renewal area, and (2) either (A) the Administrator shall have determined that such loan is reasonably secured by a first mortgage or other prior lien upon such real property or is otherwise reasonably secured, or (B) the governing body of the locality shall have assumed the responsibility to bear any loss that may arise as the result of such acquisition in the event that the property so acquired is not used for urban renewal purposes because the urban renewal plan for the project is not approved, or is amended to omit any of the acquired property, or is abandoned for any reason: Provided further, That the Administrator may, in his discretion and subject to such conditions as he may impose, permit any structure so acquired to be demolished and removed, and may include in any loan authorized by this section the cost of such demolition and removal if the approval of the local governing body extends to such demolition and removal: And provided further, That the loan contract shall provide that the local public agency shall not dispose of such real property (except in lieu of foreclosure) until the local governing body of the locality involved shall have either approved the urban renewal plan for the project or consented to the disposal of such real property."

42 USC 1452.


SEC. 404. Section 102(e) of the Housing Act of 1949 is amended to read as follows: "(e) The total amount of loan contracts outstanding at any one time under this title shall not exceed the aggregate of the estimated expenditures to be made by local public agencies as part of the gross project cost of the projects assisted by such contracts. To obtain funds for advance and loan disbursements under this title, the Administrator may issue and have outstanding at any one time notes and obligations for purchase by the Secretary of the Treasury in an amount which shall not, unless authorized by the President exceed $1,000,000,000. For the purpose of establishing unpaid obligations as of a given date against the authorization contained in the preceding sentence, the Administrator shall estimate the maximum amount to be required to be borrowed from the Treasury and outstanding at any one time with respect to loan commitments in effect on such date."

^^ "sc 1452.