Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 77A.djvu/207

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SCHEDULE 4. - CHEMICALS AND RELATED PRODUCTS Part 3. - Drugs and Related Products

193 Rates of Duty

'+37.30 '+37.32

Antibiotics: Natural and not artificially mixed Other

3% ad val. 10.5i^ ad val.

lOiiJ ad val. 23% ad val.

'+37.36 '+37.38 '+37.'+0

Barbituric acid and its compounds: Barbituric acid Diethylbarbituric acid and its compounds Other

255^ ad val. 81.50 per lb. 10.5% ad val.

25;^ ad val. S2.5O per l b. 25S^ ad val.


Chloral hydrate

1'+^ ad val.

3556 ad val.

Free 109^ ad val.

Free 20% ad val.


Enzymes and ferments: Rennet Yeast (except dried brewers' yeast) Brewers' yeast, dried, ficin, and papain, all the foregoing, if crude Other.

Free 10.5^ ad val.

25% ad val.


Ethylhydrooupreine and its compounds

200 per oz.

200 per oz.

'+37.51 '+37.52

Gluconic acid and its compounds: Acid Other

1 2. 5 ^ ad val. 10% ad val.

23% ad val. 2556 ad val.


Glycerophosphoric acid and its compounds

17.5% ad val.

3556 ad val.


Haarlem oil

7.5% ad val.

2556 ad val.

10.55^ ad val.

25% ad val.

3% ad val. 10.5% ad val.

10S6 ad val. 2556 ad val.

'+37.'+6 '+37.'+? '+37.'+8

Hormones: '+37.56 '+37.58 '+37.60

Synthetic Natural: Not artificially mixed Other



35* per l b.

500 per l b.


Meso-inositol hexanicotinate, whether or not regarded as a vitamin

10.556 ad val.

25% ad val.


Santonin and its salts



'+37.68 '+37.69

Tannic acid containing by weight 30% or more of tannic acid: Conforming to the specifications for tannic acid contained in the National Formulary, XI Other

9? per l b. 5.50 per l b.

180 per l b. 110 per l b.


Terpin hydrate

28;^ ad val.

35% ad val.



1256 ad val.

35% ad val.


Tinctures of opium such as laudanum and other liquid preparations of opium


Viruses, therapeutic serums, vaccines, toxins, antitoxins, and analogous biological products; human blood and fractions thereof; human skin and bone grafts, and other anatomical parts of the human body prepared for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes

'+37.82 '+37.8'+ ^+37.86

Vitamins: Synthetic Natural: Not artificially mixed Other

25% ad val. 3% ad val. 8.5% ad val.

10% ad val. 25% ad val.