Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 77A.djvu/485

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TARIFF SCHEDULES OF THE UNITED STATES 471 References to Tariff Schedules FONTS— baptismal, for religious institutions holy-water, miniature, of rubber or plastics FOOD—

g r i n d e r s, mixers, s l l c e r s, and choppers, non-industrial— not powered by e l e c t r i c i t y with s e l f - c o n t a i n e d e l e c t r i c motors preparing and manufacturing machinery, industrial FOOTBALL EQUIPMENT FOOTWEAR infants' knit lacings

snows hoes with s k a t e s permanently a t t a c h e d FORCINGS, of i r o n or s t e e l FQRKS— hand to o l s kitchen or tableware tuning of


FORMALDEHYDE, including s o l u t i o n s resins— benzenold non-benzenoid FCKMATE(S)— nickel sodium other ( c l a s s i f i a b l e according to c a t i o n c o n s t i t u e n t under " s a l t s of organic acids" and under "esters of acids and monohydrlc alcohols") FCRMIC ACID FORMINC M A C H I N E S — plastics, rubber FOSSILS FOUNTAIN PENS FOXES (see also ANIMAI^) FRACTURE APPLIANCES FRAMES—

References to Tariff Schedules

850.70 772.97

61i9.57 683-32 666.20-25 73U.70-72 700.05-85 Sch 3 Pt 6 F 385-75-90

13h-96 73ii-90-92 608.25; 608.27 61|8.61-63 650.31-U9 726.10 206.U5-1J7

U27.U8 ll05-25 )4.1i5-50 lj26.62 li26.98

FUEL— coal, culm, slack, lignite, coke, and compositions thereof motor Sch h Pt. oils, distillate and residual, derived from petroleum or shale wood


521-31 10 Hdnte 2(b) li75-25

I475-O5-IO 200.03-06 521.51-51+ U85-20 U05-25 Sch 6 Pt 1 Hdnte 2(b) 791.17-19 186.20 186.55-60

articles, nspf hatters' removed from the skin, nspf skins— carroted raw or dressed

186.20 123.00-12 li.80 791-05-15 1+27-52

wearing a p p a r e l, nspf FURFURAL FURNACES— burners, for liquid fuel, for pulverized solid fuel, or for gas electric, industrial and laboratory non-electric— central-heating, household, hotel, restaurant, or office types industrial and laboratory

661-25 683-95 653.1+5-50 661.30

FURNISHINGS — ll26.06-)427.28 U28.30-72 U25.76 678.35 790.20 760.05 IOO.6O-63 709.57

door, of base metal 652.90-92 luggage, i n c o r p o r a t i n g locks 6U6.90 metal, for non-mechanical saws 6U9-27 photograph, p i c t u r e, and s i m i l a r — of base metal 652.70-72 of wood 206.60 for photographic s l i d e s 722.82 window, of base metal 652.90-92 FREIGHT CARS 690.15 FRENCH HORNS Sch 7 Pt 3A Hdnte 2 (a); 725-20-22 FRIEZES, of ceramic t i l e 532.lil FRINGES, textile 357-70 FROG MEAT (see MEATS) FROSTINGS, g l a s s 5140-15 FRUIT(S)— a r t i f i c i a l, and articles made therefrom 7h8.20-21 edible— candled, c r y s t a l l i z e d, or g l a c e ' l51i.05-90 flours, peels, pastes, pulps, j e l l i e s, jams, marmalades, and b u t t e r s 152.00-153.32 f r e s h, prepared or preserved II16.10-150.50 f l a v o r s, essences, e s t e r s, and o i l s (except d i s t i l l e d or e s s e n t i a l) 1;50.10-50 juices 165-15-70 nursery stock 125-liO-50

of rubber or plastics of textile materials FURNITURE— designed for sewing machines fittings and mountings, of base metal glides of base metal handles and knobs, of rubber or plastics hospital, medical, surgical, veterinary, dental, or barber nspf Sch 7 FUSEL OIL FUSES— blasting, mining, etc discs, mica electrical FUSTIC, dyeing and tanning preparations

GALOSHES GAMBLER, dyeing and tanning p r e p a r a t i o n s GAMES and s p o r t i n g goods GARBANZC6 (see VEGETABLES) GARLIC (see VEGETABLES) GARMENTS, body-supporting GARTERS AND GARTER BELTS

672.25 61+7-00-10 6U6.1+5-1+7 772-80 727-02-Oli Pt liA Hdnte 1 727-10-55 1+27.92 755-50 516-73 685-90 1+70.10-15

GALLATES (classifiable according to cation constituent under "salts of organic a c i d s ") — GALLIC ACID GALLIUM (see also M E T A L S) — metal

GALL NUTS, dyeing and tanning p r e p a r a t i o n s GALLOONS, textile

772.35 Sch 3 Pt- 5

1+26.08-1+27.28 1+25-78

632.21+ 1+70.30 Sch 3 Pt 1 B Hdnte 1 + 357-70 Sch 7 Pt lA Hdnte 1 1+70. ao 731+-05-735-20 376.21+-28 376.OI+-20