Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 79.djvu/254

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[79 STAT. 214]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1965
[79 STAT. 214]


Non-Federal public bodies. Project administration.

Projects for 1965, exception.

Non-Federal share of costs.

Non-re imburseable costs.

PUBLIC LAW 89-72-JULY 9, 1%5

[79 STAT.

part of the national forest system, as a part of the public lands classified for retention in Federal ownership, or in connection with an authorized Federal program for the conservation and development of fish and wildlife. SEC. 2. (a) If, before authorization of a project, non-Federal public bodies indicate their intent in writing to agree to administer project land and water areas for recreation or fish and wildlife enhancement or for both of these purposes pursuant to the plan for the development of the project approved by the head of the agency having administrative jurisdiction over it and to bear not less than one-half the separable costs of the project allocated to either or both of said purposes, as the case may be, and all the costs of operation, maintenance, and replacement incurred therefor— (1) the benefits of the project to said purpose or purposes shall be taken into account in determining the economic benefits of the project; (2) costs shall be allocated to said purpose or purposes and to other purposes in a manner which will insure that all project purposes share equitably in the advantages of multiple-purpose construction: Provided, That the costs allocated to recreation or fish and wildlife enhancement shall not exceed the lesser of the benefits from those functions or the costs of providing recreation or fish and wildlife enhancement benefits of reasonably equivalent use and location by the least costly alternative means; and (3) not more than one-half the separable costs and all the joint costs of the project allocated to recreation and fish and wildlife enhancement shall be borne by the United States and be nonreimbursable. Projects authorized during the calendar year 1965 may include recreation and fish and wildlife enhancement on the foregoing basis without the required indication of intent. Execution of an agreement as aforesaid shall be a prerequisite to commencement of construction of any project to which this subsection is applicable. (b) The non-Federal share of the separable costs of the project allocated to recreation and fish and wildlife enhancement shall be borne by non-Federal interests, under either or both pf the following methods as may be determined appropriate by the head of the Federal agency having jurisdiction over the project: (1) payment, or provision of lands, interests therein, or facilities for the project; or (2) repayment, with interest at a rate comparable to that for other interestbearing functions of Federal water resource projects, within fifty years of first use of project recreation or fish and wildlife enhancement facilities: Provided, That the source of repayment may be limited to entrance and user fees or charges collected at the project by nonFederal interests if the fee schedule and the portion of fees dedicated to repayment are established on a basis calculated to achieve repayment, as aforesaid and are made subject to review and renegotiation at intervals of not more than five years. SEC. 3. (a) No facilities or project modifications which will furnish recreation or fish and wildlife enhancement benefits shall be provided in the absence of the indication of intent with respect thereto specified in subsection 2(a) of this Act unless (1) such facilities or modifications serve other project purposes and are justified thereby without regard to such incidental recreation or fish and wildlife enhancement benefits as they may have or (2) they are minimum facilities which are required for the public health and safety and are located at access points provided by roads existing at the time of project construction or constructed for the administration and management of the project. Calculation of the recreation and fish and wildlife enhancement benefits