Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 80 Part 1.djvu/1353

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[80 STAT. 1317]
PUBLIC LAW 89-000—MMMM. DD, 1966
[80 STAT. 1317]



PUBLIC LAW 89-769-NOV. 6, 1966


authorize Federal assistance to States and local governments in major disasters, and for other purposes'", approved September 30, 1950, as amended (42 U.S.C. 1855-1855^). The interest rate on any loan refinanced under this subsection may be reduced to a rate not less than (i) a rate determined by the Secretary of the Treasury taking into consideration the current average market yield on outstanding marketable obligations of the United States with remaining periods to maturity comparable to the average maturity of such loan, adjusted to the nearest one-eighth of 1 per centum, less (ii) not to exceed 2 per centum per annum, and the term thereof may be extended for such period as will provide a maturity of not to exceed forty years; except that the Administrator may authorize a suspension in the payment of principal and interest charges on, and an additional extension in (he maturity of, any such loan for a period not to exceed five years if he determines that such action is necessary to avoid severe financial hardship." FEDERAL H O U S I N G ADMINISTRATION — I N S U R E D DISASTER


SEC. 4. (a) Section 221 of the National Housing Act is amended by striking out "family displaced from an urban renewal area or as a result of governmental action", "families displaced from urban renewal areas or as a result of governmental action", and "families displaced by urban renewal or other governmental action" each place they appear in subsections (a), (d)(2), (d)(3) (iii), (d)(6), and (f), and inserting in lieu thereof, as appropriate, "displaced family" or "displaced families". (b) Section 221(f) of such Act is further amended by adding the following sentence at the end thereof: "As used in this section the terms 'displaced family' and 'displaced families' shall mean a family or families displaced from an urban renewal area, or as a result of governmental action, or as a result of a major disaster as determined by the ]-*resident pursuant to the Act entitled 'An Act to authorize Federal assistance to States and local governments in major disasters, and for other purposes', approved September 30, 1950, as amended (42 U.S.C. 1855-1855g)." DISASTER

64 Stat. 1109.



SEC. 5. The Secretary of Defense is authorized to utilize or to make available to other agencies the facilities of the civil defense communications system established and maintained pursuant to section 201(c) of the Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950, as amended (50 U.S.C. App. 2281(c)), for the purpose of providing needed warning to governmental authorities and the civilian population in areas endangered by imminent natural disasters. ASSISTANCE TO UNINCORPORATED


SEC. 6. (a) The Act entitled "An Act to authorize Federal assistance to States and local governments in major disasters, and for other purposes", approved September 30, 1950, as amended (42 U.S.C. 1855), is amended by inserting before the semicolon at the end of section 2(e) a comma and the following: "and includes any rural community or unincorporated town or village for which an application for assistance is made by a State or local government or governmental agency".

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