Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 1.djvu/1501

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[88 STAT. C95]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. C95]



SS Independence, sale to foreign regis- 'P&e^ United States Travel Service, appropria- ^^se try 288 tion for 218, 1197 Transportation of flammable or combusUniversity of the District of Columbia, tible liquid, prohibition 2163 establishment 1424 U.S. warships, nuclear incidents involvUpholstery Regulators, Needles, and Pins, ing, payment of claims and judgsuspension of duty 2108 ments 1611 Upper Colorado River Storage Project, Waste material, net tonnage 1694 appropriation for 786 Veterans. See also Veterans AdministraUrban Mass Transportation Act of 1964: tion. Amendments— Death compensation, increase 183 Biennial authorization request, elimDisabled— ination 1970 Automobiles and adaptive equipment Bus purchases by certain public benefits, extension of eligibility; transit systems, Federal assistmaximum purchase assistance, ance, prohibition 737 increase 1736 Capital grants, alternate use of 1573 Compensation, increase 181 Formula grant program 1567 Long-range programs, increased Employment within the Federal Government 1593 grants and contract authority 1566 Housing grants, maximum amount.. 1867 School bus operations, prohibition 1572 Appropriation for effecting provisions. 776, 777 Special driver training courses 1736 Urban Mass Transportation AdministraDisabled Veterans' and Servicemen's tion, appropriation for 776, 1780 Automobile and Adaptive Equipment Amendments of 1974 1736 USIA Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 1975, State Department 1439 Educational assistance— Utah: Allowance increase 1579, 1958 Colorado River, segment designated for Loan program 1589 possible inclusion in the national Time extension 176 wild and scenic rivers system 2094 Educational programs, ten-year delimitUtah County, conveyance of mineral ing period 292 interests in 54 Employment assistance and preference.. 1592 Vernal Unit, Central Utah project and Farm housing assistance, eligibility for Emery County project, drainage preference 694 construction 1495 Flight training, increased assistance 1958 Ute Tribe of Indians, Utah, report on Legally disabled persons, payment of development program by Department benefits to 183 of the Interior, elimination 1969 Maximum home loan guarantee, increase 1864 Mobile home loans 1864-1866 On-job training allowance 1580, 1959 Veal, temporary quantitative limitation on Remployment rights 1594 importation into the United States "Summary of Veterans Legislation Refrom Canada, proclamation 2540 ported, Ninety-third Congress", Vermont: printing on additional copies 2402 Bristol Cliffs Wilderness, designation... 2097 Veterans Housing Act of 1974 1863 Lye Brook Wilderness, designation 2097 Veterans' Insurance Act of 1974 165 Vessels: Vietnam era veterans, farm housing Boilers and pressure vessels, safety assistance, eligibility for preferstandards 423 ence 694 Deep water ports, navigational safety; Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment oil discharge, liability. __ 2137, 2141-2145 Assistance Act of 1974 1578 Exchange for conversion and operation Vietnam Veterans Day, proclamation... 2451 in unsubsidized service between Vocational rehabilitation— west coast and Guam, contract Cost of instruction payments to inamendment 232 stitutions of higher education— 604 Fishing, certain inspection and loadline Subsistance allowance, increase.. 1578, 1958 requirements, exemption 1182, 1183 Widows and children, dependency and indemnity compensation, increase. 182 Foreign repairs and equipment on U.S. Wives and widows, educational assistvessels, duty exemption 420 ance, eligibility period extension... 292 Government or charitable cargo in Veterans Administration. See also Vetdomestic offshore trade, regulation erans. of rates 1463 Adaptive equipment and adapted conHazardous materials, transportation veyances for disabled persons, reregulations, exemption of certain search and development 1737 vessels 2158 Appropriation for 76, Merchant Marine Act, 1936— 199, 226, 275, 1103, 1772, 2107 Amendment, National Defense ReArthritis Coordinating Committee, serve Fleet, vessel exchange 1965 member .. 2221 Appropriation for effecting proChief Medical Director, adaptive equipvisions 1199 ment and adapted conveyances for Miss Keku, documentation for use in disabled persons, research and deAmerican fisheries 2369 velopment 1736 Nuclear powered naval vessels, conDependency and indemnity compensastruction 408 tion claims, study and report 183 NOTE: Part 1 contains pages H362; Part 2 contains pages 1363-2545.