Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 89.djvu/580

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1975

89 STAT. 520

Report and recommendations, submittal to Congress. Definitions.

PUBLIC LAW 94-105—OCT. 7, 1975 resentatives from the Maternal and Child Health Division of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, the Center for Disease Control, the Association of State and Territorial Public Health Nutrition Directors, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the National Academy of Science—National Eesearch Council, the American Dietetic Association, the American Public Health Association, the Public Health Service, and others as the Secretary deems appropriate. The committee shall study the methods available to evaluate successfully and economically, in part or in total, the health benefits of the special supplemental food program. The committee's study shall consider the usefulness of the medical data collected and the methodology used by the Department of Agriculture and the Comptroller General of the United States prior to March 30, 1975. The study shall also include the applicability to an evaluation of the special supplemental food program of other Federal and State health, welfare, and nutrition assessment and surveillance projects currently being conducted. The purpose of the advisory committee shall be to determine and recommend in detail how, using accepted scientific methods, the health benefits of the special supplemental food program may best be evaluated and assessed. The advisory committee shall report its study to the Secretary no later than March 1, 1976. The Secretary shall submit to Congress his recommendations based on such study no later than June 1, 1976. "(g) As used in this section— "(1) 'Pregnant and lactating women' when used in connection with the term 'at nutritional risk' includes women from low-income populations who demonstrate one or more of the following characteristics: known inadequate nutritional patterns, unacceptably high incidence of anemia, high prematurity rates, or inadequate patterns of growth (underweight, obesity, or stunting). Such term (when used in connection with the term 'at nutritional risk') also includes low-income individuals who have a history of high-risk pregnancy as evidenced by abortion, premature birth, or severe anemia. Such lactating women shall include women who are breast feeding an infant from birth up to one year of age and also all women for a period of six months post partum. " (2) 'Infants' when used in connection with the term 'at nutritional risk' means children under 5 years of age who are in low-income populations which have shown a deficient pattern of growth, by minimally acceptable standards, as reflected by an excess number of children in the lower percentiles of height and weight. Such term, when used in connection with 'at nutritional risk', may also include children under 5 years of age who (A) are in the parameter of nutritional anemia, or (B) are from low-income populations where nutritional studies have shown inadequate infant diets. "(3) 'Supplemental foods' shall mean those foods containing nutrients known to be lacking in the diets of populations at nutritional risk and, in particular, those foods and food products containing highquality protein, iron, calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin C. Such term may also include (at the discretion of the Secretary) any commercially formulated preparation specifically designed for women or infants. The contents of the food package shall be made available in such a manner as to provide flexibility, taking into account medical and nutritional objectives and cultural eating patterns. "(4) 'Competent professional authority' includes physicians, nutritionists, registered nurses, dietitians, or State or local medically