Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/195

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TWENTY··NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ch. 48. 1847. 169 Cin?. XLYIII. —-./Zn dat making Appropriations for the Naval Sernlcefor the Marcy, 3, i347_ Year ending the tlurtteth June, one thousand argh! hundred and forty-ezght. —-———-—#— Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives af the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, appropriated for the naval service, for the year ending on the thirtieth June, one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight. For pay of commission, warrant, and petty officers and seamen, PW of °**l°•?” including the engineer corps of the navy, three` million two hundred :l',;ldi;;a;`s3,’né;, and ninety-two thousand eight hundred and six dollars. corps. ° For pay of thirteen additional assistant-surgeons, whose appoint- Assist.u.nt-surment is hereby authorized, twelve thousand three hundred and fifty $°°“‘ dollars. That the Secretary of the Navy be, and he is hereby,authorized to beYY*‘°'°9l";;§‘° appoint a pyroteclmist for the service of the navy, at an annual salary h;, sglggln _ of Eileen hundred dollars, which sum is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, as full compensation for the services of said pyrotechnist. For provisions for commission, warrant, and petty officers and sea- Pf¤'i¤l°¤¤- men, including engineers and marines attached to vessels for sea service, nine hundred and seventy-six thousand six hundred and sixty-six dollars and eighty-one cents. And there shall be allowed, instead of the sum now allowed by law, _ Allowance in three cents per day in lieu of the spirit rations in the navy, to be paid lgogr °l‘° ‘l’"‘° monthly to such persons as may elect to receive the same, who shall gms, ch. 121, actually draw their rations in kind. i5-, For an additional clerk for Bureau of Provision and Clothing, one ,;ddg;‘;:;;°l°g}$ thousand dollars. p,,,,,;,;,,,, ud For surgeons’ necessaries, and appliances for the sick and hurt of Clothing. ’ the naval service, including the marine corps, including three thou- ce§;’§:§?:rn:f; sand dollars for pay of the superintendent, who shall be either a cap- and marine corps. tain, commander, or lieutenant in the navy, forty thousand two bun- Y°¤*» P- 266- dred dollars. For the increase, repair, armament, and equipment of the navy, lncrease, ro. and wear and tear of vessels in commission, including coal for steam- P", ‘°°· ers and purchase of hemp, two million five hundred thousand dollars. For ordnance and ordnance stores, including incidental expenses, ord¤¤¤<>¢ ¤¤d three hundred and seventy-one thousand three hundred and ninety °°°"s‘ dollars. - For nautical books, maps, charts, and instruments, binding and _ B¤<>l¤» ¢h=¤¤, repairing the same, and all the expenses of the hydrographical office, mm°m°ms' ‘°°‘ twenty~five thousand nine hundred and forty dollars. For contingent expenses that may accrue for the following pur- Comingenter poses, viz.: Freight and transportation; printing and stationery; ad- l’°““" vertising in newspapers: books, maps, models, and drawings; purchase and repair of hre-engines and machinery; repair of steam-engines, and attendance on the same in yards; purchase and maintenance of horses and oxen, and driving teams; carts, timber wheels, and workmen’s tools of every description, and repairing the same; postage of letters on public business; coal and other fuel, and oil and candles, for navy yards and shore stations; cleaning and clearing up yards; incidental labor not chargeable to any other appropriation; labor attending the delivery of public stores and supplies on foreign stations; wharfage, dockage, storage, and rent; travelling expenses ol` officers, funeral expenses, commissions, hire of agents ; clerk hire, store rent, office rent, stationery, and fuel to nary agents and naval storekeepers; flags, awnings, and packing boxes ; fixtures for officers’ quarters; premiums, and incidental expenses of recruiting; apprehend- Von. IX. Pun. --5.*9.