Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/21

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LIST OF THE PUBLIC ACTS OF CONGRESS. xxi Shi pine. An act to provide for recording the conveynnces of vessels and for other purposes. P fuly 29, 1850,eh. 27 . .. . . . ... .. 440 Courts in An act in amend an set entitled “An Act for the better organization of the District Court of the United States within the State of Louisiana," approved the third of March, eighteen hundred and forty-nine. July 29, 1650, oh. 28.. . .. . . . 441 Collection Distric! in Rhode Island. An act to amend an act entitled “An Act to reguhte the collection of duties on imports and tonnage," approved March second,seventeen hundred uudninetyqxine. July 29,l850,ch.29 ... . .. . ... .. 442 Absence of Judges. An sct to provide for holding the courts of the United States in cue of the sickness or ot$··¤r disability of the judges of the District Courts. July 29, 1850, ch. 30.. 442 Courts in Ohio. An set to regulate the terms of the Circuit and District Courts of the United StatesfortheDistrict0f Ohio. July 29, 1850,ch. 31. ... . . . 443 Navy Pensions. An sc!. making appropriations for the payment of navy pensions for the year ending the thirtieth of June, one thousand eig t hundred and lilly-one, Aug. 17, 1850, ch. 39.. . . . ... . . .. . . ». 444 Pmrlnms. An act making s propriatious for the payment of revolutionary and other pensions of the United States Ex the year ending the thirtietb of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one. Aug. 17, 1850, ch. 40 .. . ... . . . . 444 Seventh Cm.s·u:. An sct supplementary to the act entitled "An Act providinglfor the taking of the seventh and subsequent censuses of the United States, an to fix e number of the members nf the House of Representatives, and to provide for their future apportionment among the several States. Aug. 30, 1850, ch. 43 . . . . . 445 Collection Dish-id in North Carolina. An not to amend the act entitled "An Act to amend, in the cans therein mentioned, the ‘ Act, to regulate the duties on imports and tonnage} " Aug. 30, 1850, ch. 44 . . .. . . .. . 445 Donation of Land in Arkaruas. An act in relation to donations of land to certain persons in the State of Arkansas. Aug. 30, IBQ, ch. 47. . 446 Boundary of Texas. Territory of New Merino. An act proposing to the State of Texas the establishment nf her northern and western boundaries, the relin uishment. by the uid State of all territory claimed by her exterior to mid boundaries, and of all her c aims upon the United States, and to esta lish a territnxial government for New Mexico. SepL 9, 1850, ch. 49. .. . . . . .. . . . 446 Jalaformh admitted into the Union. An act for the admission of the State of California into the Union. Sept. 9, 1850, ch. 50 ... . .. ... . .. 452 fmitory of Utah. An act to establish a territorial government for Utah. Sept. 9, 1850, ch. 51. 453 Volare}.: Public. An act to authorize notsries public to take and certify oaths, atlirmntions, and acknowledgments in certain cases. Sept. 16, 1850, ch. 52 458 Port of New Orleans. An act to extend the port of New Orleans. Sept. 16, 1850, ch. 53. 458 Military .H¢:ade1ny. Salaries. An set making Tpprnpriaticns for the support of the Military Academy for the year ending the thirtieth 0 une, one thousand eig t hundred and 6f\y·one. Sept. i6, }850, ch. 54 .. - ... . 459 Printing of Annual Report on Commerce and Jibsigazion. An act to provide for the printing of the annual report upon commerce and navigation. Sept. 16, 1850, ch. 55 . . 459 Post-Ojce dpproprrhhbn BH!. An act makin appropriations for the service of the Post-Office Department., duringsghe fiscal yesr endirig June thirtieth, eighteen hundred md Elly-cue. Sept. IG, 1850, ch. ... . ... . . ... .. . 460 Fugitive: from Labor, Reclamation if An act to amend, and supplementary to, the act entitled "An Act respectipp fugitive: from justice, and persons escaping from the service of their masters," sppriv Fe usry twell\.b,¤ne thousand seven hundred and ninety-three. Sept. 16, 1850,o .60 .. . .. . . 462 Donation of Land to a Railroad. An act grantin the right of way, and mak'n 1 nt of land to the States of Illinois, Mississippi, andgAlabax€ia, in aid of the corlstguctgh of a. milf road from Chicago to Mobile. Sept. 20, 1850, ch. Gl .. . 456 Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Co. An set giving the assent of the United States to an act. of the General Assembly of Maryland, passed at the December session, eighteeu hundred and forty-four, chapter two hundred and eighty-seven. Sept. 20, 1850, 51. G2 . . . . . . . . . 467 Slave Trade in the Dislrictof Columbia abolished. An act to suppress the slave trade in the District of Columbia. Sept. 20, 1850, ch. 63 . . 467 A iatiam for Pa and Mil ve. An act to supply n deficiency in the app opriation f s ppwpsnd milesge ofqmembenclai Congress for the present session. Sept. 20:1850, ch. gl 468